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  • 1. 阅读理解

        2019 Oscars Academy Award Nominees (提名) for Best Picture

        Black Panther

        Type: Adventure

        Running Time: 134 min.

        Release Date: February 16, 2018

        Current rank: ★★★★

        Director: Ryan Coogler

        Actors: Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan

        With his father having died in Captain America: Civil War, T'Challa is the new ruler of the advanced kingdom of Wakanda. As the king, whenever a challenger for the crown announces his intentions, he must give up his powers and take them on in a physical challenge.

        The Favorite

        Type: Drama

        Running Time: 120 min.

        Release Date: November 30, 2018

        Current rank: ★★★

        Director: Yorgos Lanthimos

        Actors: Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz

        In the early 18th century, with England and France at war, a fragile Queen Anne occupies the throne as her close friend Lady Sarah Churchill governs the country in her stead, while tending to Anne's ill health and changeable temper.

        Green Book

        Type: Drama

        Running Time: 130 min.

        Release Date: November 21, 2018

        Current rank: ★★★★★

        Director: Peter Farrelly

        Actors: Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali

        Tony Lip, an uneducated Italian-American who's known for using his fists to get his way, is hired to drive world-class, famous pianist Don Shirley on a concert tour from Manhattan to the Deep South. They must rely on the “Negro Motorist Green Book” to guide them to the few settlements that were then safe for blacks.

        A Star is Born

        Type: Musical

        Running Time: 135 min.

        Release Date: October 5, 2018

        Current rank: ★★★★

        Direct: Bradley Cooper

        Actors: Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga

        When country music star Jackson Maine stops at a bar for a drink after a concert, he's both entertained and attracted by young nightclub singer Ally. He discovers that she writes songs as well as being a talented singer, but hasn't had a break because of her looks.

    (1) Which film is the least popular among audience?
    A . Black Panther. B . The Favorite. C . Green Book. D . A Star is Born.
    (2) The film about the rights of black people belongs to        .
    A . adventure B . musical C . drama D . comedy
    (3) Who works as a director and actor?
    A . Ryan Coogler. B . Yorgos Lanthimos. C . Peter Farrelly. D . Bradley Cooper.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Five-year-old Prisilla Perez, a student at Meador Elementary School in Willis, was unhappy with her recent haircut, which resulted from a severe disease. When students in her class started calling Prisilla a boy, she felt ashamed, often crying and losing focus in school.

        Her teacher, Shannon Grimm, sympathized with her unhappiness. Grimm and Prisilla's mom were concerned, but their ideas didn't work. “We had classroom discussions about how girls have short hair and boys have long hair, and I showed them photos of movie stars with different looks,” Grimm said. “However, it wasn't sinking in.”

    Grimm thought about Prisilla throughout winter break, and one morning, she had an idea: Cut off her hair — a scary thought for Grimm, who wore her hair long and took pride in it. “I've never had short hair, and I stressed about it for two weeks before making a decision,” she said. On Jan. 4, Grimm invited a hairstylist friend to her home. “I told him to keep going, even if I cried,” she said.

        The class loved their teacher's new do, especially Prisilla, who excitedly ran off the school bus that afternoon yelling, “Mom, Ms. Grimm cut her hair!” The teacher also bought matching bows for herself and the girl, so they could style their hair together.

        In February, the teacher recommended Prisilla for the school district's Student of the Month Award, but during the Monday ceremony, she received a surprise “hero medal” from the girl. “Now we have matching awards,” says Grimm.

    Prisilla's mother, Maria, said that Grimm's thoughtfulness brought her to tears. “I was shocked. I was crying. I couldn't believe it — she did something I wouldn't have the bravery to do. I will never forget that.”

    (1) Why was Prisilla unhappy at school?
    A . She wasn't satisfied with her teacher. B . She couldn't concentrate in class. C . She was laughed at by her classmates. D . She couldn't get on well with others.
    (2) What made Grimm have her own hair cut?
    A . Praise from her students. B . Devotion to her students. C . Request of Prisilla's mother. D . Suggestion from the hairstylist.
    (3) What can we know about Grimm?
    A . She had her hair cut together with Prisilla. B . She expressed her sincere thanks to her pupils. C . She hesitated a lot before having her hair cut. D . She won a gold medal for facing difficulties bravely.
    (4) What is the text mainly about?
    A . How Grimm helped her student out. B . What problem Prisilla had at school. C . Why Prisilla won the Month Award. D . When Grimm got her new hairstyle.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Finding a mountain goat resting high on a cliff(悬崖) might thrill many of the millions of tourists who visit Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park every year, but park officials say it might be time for the bearded animals to go.

        The problem, according to the park, is that Grand Teton's 100 or so mountain goats threaten about 80 bighorn sheep. The bighorn sheep numbered as many as 125 just a few years ago. The strong goats spread disease and compete with bighorn sheep for food. Unlike small-sized bighorn sheep, Grand Teton's mountain goats aren't native to the park. They were introduced to the park in the 1960s.

        Grand Teton spokeswoman Denise Germann said, “We've got a management responsibility to protect the native species. After hearing from the public on the proposal (建议) in January, park officials expect to decide as soon as mid-February on what to do about the mountain goats.”

        The goats are reproducing rapidly. Now might be the best time to reduce the animals before they're too many to bring under control, according to the Park Service.

        One wildlife biologist who studies bighorn sheep praised the proposal. Mountain goats' original habitat is nowhere close to where they've been introduced in the U.S. to provide hunting opportunities, said Rob Roy Ramey II, with Nederland, Colorado-based Wildlife Science International, Inc.

        Wildlife managers should get rid of mountain goats not only in Grand Teton but elsewhere to help struggling bighorn sheep, Ramey said. “Unfortunately, state wildlife agencies sell nonnative wildlife viewing opportunities to the public,” Ramey said. “This is not a zoo in the wilderness. It should really be for native wildlife.”

    (1) What can be learnt about the bighorn sheep in the park?
    A . Their size is huge. B . Their number is decreasing. C . They arrived in the 1960s. D . They threaten local species.
    (2) How did the public help park officials protect the bighorn sheep?
    A . By providing suggestions. B . By driving away mountain goats. C . By volunteering in the park. D . By taking over Grand Teton National Park.
    (3) What is Germann's attitude towards the bighorn sheep?
    A . Curious. B . Proud. C . Surprised. D . Concerned.
    (4) What was the purpose of bringing in mountain goats in the beginning?
    A . To offer hunting chances. B . To sell nonnative wildlife. C . To satisfy wildlife managers. D . To increase diversities of sheep.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        March 3 marks World Hearing Day. This year's theme is “Check your hearing!” Many experts and health organizations, including those who pay attention to the hearing-impaired (听力障碍), are working to help people realize the importance of protecting their hearing and avoid hearing loss.

        When we talk about music, what kind of feelings does it bring? Excitement… and relaxation. But what if the music lasts for hours?

        We interviewed a group of musicians based in Beijing during the weekend. They all said that hours of exposure to loud music can cause discomfort. One added that band members like to play at maximum volume (音量) and forget the harm that loud music can cause. The same thing not only occurs to musicians. It's also not rare for daily users since listening to loud music on loud sound equipment has become a part of modem life. According to the WHO, the practice has put more than a billion people around the world, aged 12-35, at risk of losing their hearing.

        We also interviewed some headphone users in the street, and most of them said that they are not heavy users but admitted they use headphones for hours on the subway and in the office or home. It's easy for these people to gradually increase the volume without awareness, especially in a noisy environment. Often, headphone users fail to realize they're listening to audio at unsafe levels until serious hearing problems suddenly occur.

        There are many reasons for hearing loss, including loud acoustic (听觉的) sources, drug abuse, and diseases. Experts suggest frequent medical checks and prevention measures.

        Whether congenital (先天的) or acquired, loss of hearing is usually irreversible. “Once the hearing loss occurs, it's already too late to be changed back to what it was before,” said Yang Shiming, expert of the Chinese PLA General Hospital. “Early prevention, early identification and early treatment. If everyone could do these things, hearing loss and its harm could be kept to a minimum,” Yang said. Of course, this applies to every one of us.

    (1) What might be a reason for hearing loss?
    A . Listening to music. B . Taking medicines. C . Ignoring sound pollution. D . Using headphones.
    (2) What does Yang Shiming advise people to do about hearing loss?
    A . Get rid of drug abuse. B . Make prevention ahead of time. C . Stop playing music in bands. D . Choose music with the help of musicians.
    (3) Which can best explain “irreversible” underlined in the last paragraph?
    A . Incurable. B . Unavailable. C . Unbelievable. D . Invisible.
    (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A . Preventing Hearing Loss B . Reasons for Losing Hearing C . The Origin of World Hearing Day D . Raising Awareness of Protecting Hearing


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选择中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        Is there a best way to pack clothes? The following ideas are of great help to those who are always on the way.

        Where to start?

         Once you see how much you lay in front of you, be brave and reduce about a third. Because the truth is like your wardrobe, you never seem to use as much as you take.

        How to deal with clothing?

        Start with your shoes. Put underwear or socks inside them to hold the shape of your shoes. Thus, you can make use of every square inch of space. Once your shoes are firmly in place, fill small gaps with very soft items.

        Lay out the first clothes with one end inside the suitcase and the other end dropping over the edge. Put the next clothes on top of this, but place them the other way around.  In this way, you'll get another flat layer soon. Finally, one by one, fold the clothes back in.

        Where to put non-clothing?

         These awkward shaped items are difficult to pack. You'd better put them towards the middle give maximum protection. Remember.to double bag your toiletries kit (洗漱袋) to avoid spotting your clothes.

        Top tips:

        If you take a belt, slip them along the inside of your case.  That will take more space. Next, use the hard shape of the case to offer protection. Leave your toiletries kit in your suitcase, when you return home. It's ready for the next time you travel.

     A. Don't roll belts up.

    B. Be sure to put away socks.

    C. This idea will create a flat first layer.

    D. And then continue laying other clothes.

    E. That will make the job a whole lot easier.

    F. Lay everything you want to take with you on the bed.

    G. Non-clothing items are things like books, toothbrushes and cameras.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        My least favorite part was participating in sport meets, for I loved running by myself. When faced with running against fellow athletes, I was 1. I had butterflies in my stomach and the sudden urge to go to the nearest 2. This year, 3, I was encouraged to join in a long distance running competition by my coach.

        The 800-meter event was approaching, meaning that I would 4 soon. I breathed deeply and tried to 5 my worries. I walked over to some of the 6 who would run with me and started to 7 with them. We were all loosening up and getting ready to run as 8as possible.

        I stepped up to the line for the event. The starter raised his cap gun and 9. About twenty-five runners 10. With these runners around me, I 11 my coach's words, “You may be small, but you have 12 power.” So, I kept up with athletes twice my 13. I picked up the runner in seventh place and based my steps on him, making it a little bit faster. One by one, I 14 to make it to the top four, bursting around the lap.

    It was the last lap before the final straightaway. I 15 I had the possibility to win. So I widened my steps, speeding up my 16. I caught up with the runner in first place and we ran side-by-side down the last 100 meters — I 17 him by a hair at the finishing line.

        My coach gave me a 18 hug as I headed back to see him. He was 19 because I had shortened my original 20 by twelve seconds at least.

    A . shocked B . nervous C . comfortable D . brave
    A . stadium B . hospital C . bathroom D . station
    A . however B . instead C . otherwise D . moreover
    A . delay B . fail C . escape D . compete
    A . ignore B . increase C . form D . imagine
    A . reporters B . judges C . runners D . coaches
    A . watch out B . turn back C . get away D . warm up
    A . smoothly B . rapidly C . calmly D . patiently
    A . returned B . withdrew C . screamed D . fired
    A . took off B . set down C . looked on D . went about
    A . challenged B . recalled C . forgot D . adapted
    A . exact B . great C . practical D . suitable
    A . pressure B . salary C . size D . age
    A . offered B . pretended C . regretted D . managed
    A . claimed B . heard C . supposed D . remembered
    A . speech B . mind C . fight D . pace
    A . beat B . pushed C . dragged D . followed
    A . soft B . cautious C . firm D . slight
    A . excited B . disappointed C . relaxed D . depressed
    A . distance B . time C . lap D . step


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Hotel guests in China might no (long) have to worry about waiting in line to check in. At the Alibaba's futuristic hotels, guests can scan their IDs, take a photo and input personal details using a machine to check (they) in. The smart equipment will then provide a room key card after the information (check). The process will take less than a minute, according to company. Targeting only Chinese customers for now, the new service will be (gradual) expanded globally. The rapid growth of mobile usage and mobile payment adoption can show  convenient people's life, is becoming in China.

        Alibaba isn't the only company  introduces high-tech hotels. Smart LYZ, a Shenzhen-based company which focused  developing AI technology and smart hotels, opened the first ever fully automated (自动化) hotel in Chengdu, Sichuan, back in January. (travel) can book a room through Smart LYZ's WeChat website, check in through a facial recognition machine, unlock the door with a (give) passcode or through its mobile app and finally, check out by pressing a button on the app. The AI Smart Room will undoubtedly be extremely attractive for guests, (create) the way for a new level of modernization and consumers' satisfaction.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        Our school encouraged is to experience some future careers last vacation. Some students choose to work as either cashiers in a store and waiters at a restaurant. I was one of the 500 student to join in the activity. I decided be an assistant in a photo studio because of I love taking photos. With the help of a advanced photographer in the studio, I opened my imagination in my daily work. I also developed practically skills which are necessary for them to face future challenges. The most important thing I've learned are to improve myself after I get my dream job.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,想邀请网友Peter下周六参观你校举办的“科技小发明”(technology gadgets)展览。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:





