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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Considering that Sundarbans National Park is situated in thetropics, Septemberto March is the ideal time to come here. April, May and June are too hot while July andAugust often bring heavy season winds that limit travel and don't make for avery pleasant sightseeing experience. You can really enjoy doing lots ofcharming things in the Sundarbans during September to March.

        Take a river tour

        Most tourists who explore the Sundarbans arrive in KhulnaCity first. Fromthere, youcan join a boat tour that travels south along the Ganges River through miles ofpreserved forest all the way to Kotka, where there is a beautiful beach alongthe Bay of Bengal.

        Visit a bird habitat

        This bird habitat is a nesting place for dozens of tropicalbirds found in the Sundarbans. The best way to observe these birds isclimbing up the Sajnekhali Watchtower. If you're lucky, you'll also catch the famed BengalTiger making its rounds through the swampy jungle.

        Visit the Mangrove(红树林)Interpretation Centre

        If you wish to spend some time indoors out of the sweatyheat, goto the Mangrove Interpretation Centre. This place is very educational withmany posters, mapsand exhibits showing the wildlife and varieties of mangrove plants found withinthe park. You'llalso get to see crocodiles in a small pool.

        Take a tour of local villages

        Experience village life that has largely remained unchangedfor centuries. Inthis vast tropical region, there are villages made up of variousethnic groups who rely on fishing, farming and working in the localthrough growing tourist industry for their livelihoods. The Sundarbans is a UNESCO worldheritage site where you can visit villages and talk to locals,who will gladly sharetheir culture with you.

    (1) Which month is suitable for a visit to Sundarbans National Park?
    A . December. B . August. C . June. D . May.
    (2) What can visitors do in the Mangrove Interpretation Centre?
    A . See some plants and animals. B . Put up posters about wildlife. C . Feed crocodiles in a small river. D . Observe birds by climbing up the trees.
    (3) What is the author's main purpose in writing the text?
    A . To advertise some natural animal habitats. B . To advocate the protection of forests in Khulna City. C . To introduce several charming villages in the vast tropical region. D . To show visitors something attractive to do in the Sundarbans.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        I live in the center of the city and there is a largeparking lot full of parking spots nearby. Rain is a rare occurrence in LA,so cars easilycollect pollutants and dust. Together with my friends,I decided it shouldbe a kind gesture to surprise the owners with a car wash.So we bought carwashing supplies and brought out all the bath towels we could find.With all the suppliesin hand, wewere able to convince another roommate to help out as well and we beganwatering down the cars.

        Every once in a while, someone would come by and asked usseemingly stupid men, "Who told you to wash the cars?" or, even better, "who paid you to wash their cars?" Weexplained we just wanted to do something kind. But our response was often me with aneven more confused look.

        As the afternoon went on, some other friends that came byunderstood our goal of the spontaneous event and started helping out with someof the duties. Firstone friend then two, and by the time we had cleaned the entire lot,we had an entire carwashing crew with independent individually assigned tasks and duties.

        I wasn't cleaning cars to be able to afford a new phone.I was cleaning carssimply because I wanted to offer the car owners kindness.There was noequipment to weigh our value created. We couldn't measure our success indollars earned over the time spent washing cars when we could have been earningtwice as much at work.

        I now realize, first hand, that there is a special energy createdwhen you choose to think bigger than yourself and act in service of others andmaybe, likeme, you'llfind it's actually the greatest gift you' you'll ever get.

    (1) What attitude did passers-by show towards the author's behavior?
    A . Curious and puzzled. B . Doubtful and fearful. C . Moved and respectful. D . Supportive and appreciative.
    (2) Why did the author decide to wash the cars?
    A . To earn money to buy a phone. B . To do a good deed for the car owners. C . To set a good example to his friends. D . To remind the drivers of their dirty cars.
    (3) How did the author complete cleaning the cars?
    A . With the permission of the drivers. B . By cooperating with his friends. C . By attracting strangers to join them. D . Under the leadership of one of his friends.
    (4) What can we learn from the text?
    A . There is a lack of rain in the city the author lives in. B . The car owners felt grateful to the author and his friends. C . Some of the author's friends stopped cleaning the cars halfway. D . The author and his friends clean the cars willingly day and night.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    A huge lake of salty water appears to be buried deep in Mars, scientists reported this week. The presence of water raises the chances of finding life on the red planet. The discovery is based on observations by a European spacecraft. It has excited experts. Water is necessary for life, and scientists have long hoped to prove that it is present on Mars.

    Cassie Stuurman is a geophysicist at the University of Texas. In 2016, she found evidence of a huge ice deposit(沉积)on Mars. “If these researchers are right, this is the first time we've found evidence of a large water body on Mars. ”Stuurman said. Researchers are not yet sure how deep the area of water is. So, they cannot say whether it is an underground pool, or just an area of soft and wet soil.

    In order to find the water, Italian researchers examined radar signals. The signals were collected over three years by the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft. The results suggest that a 20-kilometer-wide water body lies below ice that is 1.5 kilometers thick. They believe the area is close to the planet's southern pole.

        Mars is very cold, but salt in the water may have kept it from freezing. It is the same as when you put salt on a road to prevent ice from forming. The water would be extremely cold, right at the point where it's about to freeze. And it would be salty. Such conditions are not ideal for life to form. But, she said there are bacteria on the earth that have been able to survive in similar conditions.

    Mars has been a popular planet for exploration, with some groups placing instruments on its surface and others examining it from space. In May, NASA launched another spacecraft, the InSight Mars lander which will dig deep into the data under the surface after it reaches a flat area of the planet in November.

    (1) Where do the Italian researchers believe the water body on Mars is?
    A . In a pool. B . Above ice. C . In soft and wet soil. D . Near the southern pole of Mars.
    (2) What can we learn about the water on Mars from the text?
    A . It is probably filled with creatures. B . It flows on the surface of Mars. C . It is mainly in the form of solid. D . It is probably at the freezing point.
    (3) What will the InSight Mars lander do when it reaches Mars?
    A . Dig a hole to protect the lander itself. B . Explore the surface of Mars. C . Gather information under the surface of Mars. D . Examine Mars from space.
    (4) What is the main idea of the text?
    A . Life used to exist on Mars. B . Researchers find new species on Mars. C . Mars will be the humans' second home. D . Water is buried beneath Mars' surface.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        In 2007, the editors of the Oxford Junior English Dictionary, convinced that their reference work “needed to reflect the consensus experience of modern-day childhood.”banned a group of old terms used less today describing the natural world. They inserted newer and supposedly more useful words describing the digital fields that young people in habit today.

        Thus they say goodbye to “acorn”, but say hello to “attachment”. “Beech” and “bluebell” come out of the dictionary. While “blog” and “broadband” come into it. And they say farewell to “catkin” and “cowslip” because here come “celebrity” and “chat room”.

        It's possible, of course, that those Oxford editors had a good reason for their vocabular cleansing. Perhaps they had read the Cambridge University study revealing that most young children can identify Pokémon(神奇宝贝)species far more easily than they can name real-life sparrows.

        But is this simply another fight in the language war, an ongoing battle between people? Some people argue that a dictionary should model how language works best, while some people insist that it should capture how language works now.

    In Britain, some citizens felt justified in fighting back against the decision of the Oxford editors. The protest of the thinning of the word herd almost immediately attracted more than200, 000 signatures.

        Susie Dent, author of Modern Tribes:The Secret Languages of Britain, is doing everything in her power to guarantee “the old markers of time”. “Fortnight”(fourteen nights, or two weeks)is among her cherished favorites.

        Thanks to them, I can now show off my knowledge that a “snollygoster” is a “shrewd person, especially a politician”.

    (1) Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “inhabit” in paragraph 1?
    A . Quit. B . Detect. C . Occupy. D . Purchase.
    (2) Why does the author list so many words in paragraph 2?
    A . To show people need to know the basic vocabulary. B . To show some of the words are replaced by other words. C . To explain the words are of great value in childhood. D . To show children have the awareness of reciting words.
    (3) What do we know about the editors of the Oxford Junior English Dictionary?
    A . They often ask for the public's advice. B . They often instruct young people to use words correctly. C . They abandoned some infrequently used words in it. D . They have convinced people of the importance of all words.
    (4) What is the best title for the text?
    A . Pay Attention to English Words B . Are Old English Words Worth Fighting for? C . Always Refer to the Oxford Junior English Dictionary D . Have You been Used to Employing the Network Words?


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        How is a smartphone different from a cell phone, and what makes it so smart? To understand this, we should start with a history lesson. Cell phones were used for making calls while PDAs could store information and a to-do list, and could be linked to your computer. Then PDAs added cell phones' features, while cell phones added PDA-like(and even computer-like)features. The result was that the smartphone came into being.

        Here are some features of smartphones.

        Operating system. In general, a smartphone will be based on an operating system that allows it to run applications. For example, Apple's iPhone runs the iOS, and BlackBerry smartphones run the BlackBerry OS.

        Mobile Internet. For this we should say thanks to the growth of 4G data networks, as well as the addition of Wi-Fi.

        A smartphone may allow you to download apps, edit photos, and get driving directions with GPS. The applications may also allow you to create and edit Microsoft Office documents—or at least view the files.

        QWERTY Keyboard. A smartphone includes a QWERTY keyboard. This means that the keys are laid out in the same manner they would be on your computer keyboard, where you don't have to tap the number 1 to enter an A, B or C.

        These are just some of the features that make a smartphone smart. What makes a smartphone today may change by next week, next month or next year. Well, a smartphone of the future may be in your brain.

    A. Apps.

    B. Documents.

    C. In the beginning, there were cell phones and PDAs.

    D. A smartphone is a mobile phone with an operating system.

    E. The technology about a smartphone is always changing, though.

    F. You can use your smartphone to link to the Internet at a higher speed.

    G. Years ago, many people thought it must be a smartphone if it had a touch screen.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        People in the world sometimes are affected by natural disasters. When Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, Reader's Digest wrote about impressive rescues. The spirit of serving can be incredibly 1. Here is a story from Annalysa Longworth, a survivor of Hurricane Maria, in her own 2 .

        “The total 36 hours of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico was 3 the scariest event we've ever gone through. Our house sits on the north-west coast of Rinc6n. In the 4 , over 100 mph winds changed direction causing a great amount of water flooding our 5 . The only place left dry and safe was our kitchen floor, where we were 6 to ride out the rest of the storm. It has been 50 days since the 7 , and we are still without power and water. During our regular afternoon showers, we are glad to 8 rainwater but are quickly reminded of the people living without roofs, and how 9 it must be for them. Our emotions are consistently in a state of 10.

        Recently, our good friends told us about a video interview they were doing with Watts of Love, a solar light company. The company generously gave us a headlamp for our personal 11 and a box with 50 headlamps to distribute throughout our town. Rincón was completely blacked out, so making a simple walk through a parking lot to our car is 12 . We used to rush to get things done before 13 , but now I continue daily chores in the dark. What 14 our lives most was being able to share this gift with others. We 15 the lamps house by house to the people in the mountains who needed them most, as even batteries and candles are 16there. Even though 17 have come slowly, people have been out of work and can't afford to 18 their electric bill. I'11 always be 19 to Watts of Love for allowing us to pay it forward and be witnesses to the smiles that 20 can bring. ”

    A . terrifying B . moving C . universal D . necessary
    A . words B . methods C . opinions D . editions
    A . undoubtedly B . uncertainly C . unsteadily D . unluckily
    A . system B . history C . recovery D . darkness
    A . school B . garden C . house D . studio
    A . requested B . taught C . forced D . expected
    A . performance B . progress C . rescue D . storm
    A . collect B . observe C . apply D . research
    A . puzzling B . awful C . amazing D . punctual
    A . relief B . calmness C . pleasure D . sympathy
    A . interest B . purpose C . attempt D . problem
    A . convenient B . ridiculous C . dangerous D . awkward
    A . schedule B . sunset C . deadline D . daybreak
    A . witnessed B . ruined C . proved D . changed
    A . gave away B . brought out C . got through D . took off
    A . adequate B . expensive C . rare D . equal
    A . supplies B . survivors C . reports D . complaints
    A . imagine B . receive C . undertake D . choose
    A . devoted B . grateful C . accustomed D . familiar
    A . nature B . harvest C . future D . 1ight


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Every year, A large number of people go back home for Christmas. Joe's plane landed on time at Heathrow Airport. He had (exact)one hour to get out of the airport and go across the centre of the airport and the centre of London to catch his train to Manchester. He hurried through the airport, and then raced the taxi sign.

        Unfortunately, at that moment, (he)luggage broke and dirty socks, shirts and underwear were all over the airport floor. Joe was so (embarrass)that he quickly put everything back into his luggage. (push)his way through the crowds of people, he finally made it to the taxi rank. He jumped into the nearest taxi, shouting, “Euston Station, quickly, please!” The taxi set off at such high speed that Joe was thrown backward, made him hit his head against the glass. The taxi sped on and finally arrived in the city centre, and also the middle of a traffic jam! It would be quicker to walk there. Joe offered (pay)the driver, got out of the taxi, and ran along the pavement and past all the shop (window). At last, he could see the station opposite.

        He reached the station just as his train was leaving. He (get)on the train with seconds to spare. He sighed with relief—he would be home in time for Christmas.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        When I am little, my parents would read me some fairy tales before I slept. I fell in love for books and I couldn't sleep if my parents missed that part. Thank to my parents, books have been part of my life. Some people education their children to read more books. They expect their children to make many money when they will grow up. But my parents just want me to enjoy reading. The more I read, greater joy I get from the books. Reading books also brings me some skills to solving problems in life. I know the ways to adjust myself but then face life positively, especial when I'm in low spirits. So I'll continue to read books.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Henry来信询问你校即将举行的英语辩论赛情况。请给他回信,内容包括:





