
修改时间:2019-02-21 浏览次数:757 类型:二轮复习 编辑

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  • 1. 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)
    (1) 你沿丝绸之路旅游过吗?

     ever  along the Silk Road?

    (2) 参观广州博物馆对我们很有教育意义。

      very educational for us   Guangzhou Museum.

    (3) 明天的大雨可能会阻碍我们外出。

    The heavy rain may  us from  out tomorrow.

    (4) 广州的公园每年都种很多树。

    Every year, a lot of trees   in the parks in Guangzhou。

    (5) 我昨晚看的那场电影真好笑!

       movie I saw last night!

    (6) 我想知道明天我们在哪里见面。

    I wonder    meet tomorrow.

    (7) 如果你足够细心,就不会犯简单的错误。

    You won't  any simple mistakes  you  careful enough.

  • 2. 当我们有不同意见时,应该相互理解。(完成译句)

    When we have different ideas, we should understand .

  • 3. 不要害怕犯错误,你能从中学到很多。 (完成译句)

    Don't be afraid to . You will learn a lot from them.

  • 4. 除非我们仔细点,否则我们不能把工作做好。

    we are careful, we can't do our work .

  • 5. 我国已和一百多个国家建立了外交关系。

    Our country has established diplomatic relations with 100 countries.

  • 6. 只剩一份儿了,我们得分享着看了。

    only one copy left, we'll have to .

  • 7. 罗马不是一天建成的。

    Rome in a day.

  • 8. 给他盖件外套,确保他身上暖和。

    Cover him with a coat and he is warm.

  • 9. 我们应该学好英语,以便能向世界讲述中国故事。(完成译句)

    We should learn English well we can tell China stories to the world.

  • 10. 在科学家们的努力下,中国已经能够制造像 C919 这样的大飞机。

    With scientists' great efforts, China has to make big planes like C919.

  • 11. 为了实现中国梦,我们必须努力学习和工作。

    to achieve our Chinese Dream, we must study and work hard.

  • 12. 2018 年世界杯就要到来了。你对足球感兴趣吗?

    Are you World Cup 2018 which is coming soon?

  • 13. 改过不嫌晚。

    It's never late mend.

  • 14. 在许多国家,朋友们第一次见面时都应该握手。

    In many countries, friends are shake hands when they meet for the first time.

  • 15. 曼迪和苏珊都不喜欢这本书。

    Mandy Susan likes this book.

  • 16. 下一站我得下车了。

    I have to the bus at the next stop.

  • 17. 我们这次旅行在倒计时,快要结束了。

    We are the days to the end of this tour.

  • 18. 最后他成功地解決了这个问题。

    He successfully solved the problem .

  • 19. 史蒂芬·霍金不仅是一名伟大的科学家,而且是一位著名的作家。(完成译句)

    Stephen Hawking was not only a great scientist a famous writer.

  • 20. 在那个年代,书籍是靠手工制作的。

    In those days, books were produced .

  • 21. 成千上万的人们每天早上去天安门广场看升国旗。

    Thousands of people go to Tian' anmen Square and watch the go up every morning.

  • 22. 亲爱的爸爸妈妈,不要为我担心,你们将因为我而骄傲的。我永远爱你们。

    Dear mom and dad, don't worry about me. You will of me. I love you forever.

  • 23. 雄安新区将会帮助解决北京的很多大问题,例如交通堵塞。

    Xiong'an New Area will help to work out many big problems of Beijing, traffic jams.

  • 24. 孩子!我想知道是否你这学期已经取得了进步。

    My kid! I want to know if you have this term.

  • 25. 如果你想了解更多有关太空的知识,请浏览《时间简史》这本书。

    If you want to know more about space, please the book 《A Brief History of Time》.

  • 26. 她过去常和朋友们闲逛。

    She hang out with her friends.

  • 27. 26路公共汽车正行驶在中华路上,这时司机看到一位老人正躺在路边。

    Bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road the driver saw an old man on the side of the road.

  • 28. 中国是世界上人口最多的国家。

    The of China is the in the world.

  • 29. 我是那么害怕,一动也不敢动。

    I was scared I couldn't move.

  • 30. 所有这些文章都有一些共同之处。

    All these articles have one thing .

  • 31. 非常期待在下次聚会见到您。

    I'm really at the next gathering.

  • 32. 老师没有惩罚那些调皮的男孩儿,而是耐心地对待他们。

    The teacher treated the naughty boys patiently .

  • 33. 让我们行动起来,建设天蓝、地绿、水清的美丽新中国。

    Let's take actions to create a beautiful new China where , the land is green, and the water is clear.

  • 34. 公共场所不允许大声喧哗。

    We are not allowed to .

  • 35. Rick在公园对面的中国银行上班。

    Rick works at the Bank of China .

  • 36. 明星该如何得体吸引粉丝注意,网上对此曾有热议。

    There was a heated online discussion on.

  • 37. 这首乐曲虽是偶然之作,但价值恒远。

    This piece of music has by accident.

  • 38. 对于你的看法我恐怕无法苟同。

    I'm afraid I.

  • 39. 江苏无锡因水著名,也曾因水而困。

    Wuxi its water but it once had trouble because of water.

  • 40. 机会就在面前,但值得冒此风险吗?

    The chance is right in front of us, but
