
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    There are some strange driving laws in different countries.




If you're in Vietnam without a Vietnamese driver's license, you risk a prison sentence of up to three years.


In Moscow, if your car is dirty enough to draw dust art, you will be fined about 2,000 rubles (about US 55 dollars). Worse yet, it's illegal to wash your car by hand in public places – forcing you to take it to one of the few car wash facilities.


Drivers – male or female – can't drive shirtless whether it's a car, bus, or a tuk-tuk cab.


France requires its drivers to carry a portable breathalyzer(便携式酒精测量仪) at all times when driving a car. The one-time breathalyzer cost around US 5 dollars, and if you don't have one, you will be fined US 15 dollars.


Raising your hands in the car can get you fined of US 35 dollars. The law states a driver can be fined if the person “is in an irregular position inside the car or raises his hand from the steering wheel unnecessarily.”


Politeness isn't just the culture in Japan; it is part of driving laws. Splashing(飞溅) a person by driving through a puddle(水坑) with your car will cost you over US 60 dollars. The country is also strict with its DUI (酒驾) laws – riding with or lending your car to a driver who gets caught drinking and driving can lead to a fine costing thousands of dollars.

(1)、Where should you go to wash your car when you are in Moscow?
A、The car wash facilities. B、Any public place. C、Your home. D、The forest.
(2)、What can you get fined for in Cyprus?
A、Forgetting to carry a portable breathalyzer. B、Not having a Cyprus driver's license. C、Putting your hands above your head. D、Driving without a shirt.
(3)、If you are fined thousands of dollars in Japan, you may have been ________________.
A、in an irregular position in your car B、sitting in a car with a drunk driver C、splashing a person with mud D、impolite to other drivers

    The American newspaper has been around for about three hundred years. In 1721, the printer James Franklin, Benjamin's older brother, started the New England Courant, and that was what we might recognize today as a real newspaper. He filled his paper with stories of adventure, articles on art, on famous people, and on all sorts of political subjects.

    Three centuries after the appearance of Franklin's Courant, few believe that newspapers in their present printed form will remain alive for long. Newspaper companies are losing advertisers, readers, market value, and, in some cases, their sense of purpose at a speed that would not have been imaginable just several years ago. The chief editor of the Times said recently, "At places where they gather, editors ask one another, 'How are you?', as if they have just come out of the hospital or a lost law case.” An article about the newspaper appeared on the website of the Guardian, under the headline “NOT DEAD YET.”

    Perhaps not, but the rise of the Internet , which has made the daily newspaper look slow and out of step with the world, has brought about a real sense of death. Some American newspapers have lost 42% of their market value in the past three years. The New York Times Company has seen its stock drop by 54% since the end of 2004, with much of the loss coming in the past year. A manager at Deutsche Bank suggested that stock-holders sell off their Times stock. The Washington Post Company has prevented the trouble only by changing part of its business to education; its testing and test-preparation service now brings in at least half the company's income.


    Taking on the task of producing a short movie might seem like an impossible feat, but if you can assemble a good team and if you break down each stage of production into small blocks of tasks, you'll come to realize that producing a small-scale movie isn't too bad. Just follow these steps and you'll be on your way to Kevin Smith-like fame in no time.

    Assemble a production crew. If you run out of friends or people you can get to work for screen credit, offer people “points”, which is a percentage of the movie profits.

    Get a director of photography. You need someone who knows a lot about films cameras to make the movie come out right. Local film schools are the best place to find them.

    Assemble the props and costumes. Costume shops and local theater groups can definitely help you here. But you can also borrow from friends and family or check out thrift stores for bargains.

    Choose filming locations. Make sure you have permission from the owners of the property you choose to film on.

    Get the film processed. Find the right processor with the help of your director of photography. You may need to send the film to Los Angeles for this.

    Edit the film. You need to find someone who can transfer your film to video and arrange the completed scenes in the right order. You can likely find one in the same place as your director of photography,

    Obviously, this is just a basic overview—the thing about producing a short independent movie is that the whole process is unpredictable. You can only set yourself up for the basics, but as long as you know things will go wrong every day, at least you'll be prepared to deal with the difficulties.


    There are a couple different things that make ramen noodles an unhealthy choice. There's not much to these provision packets besides salt and carbohydrates. While those certainly get thrown around quite a bit as “bad-for-you” comments, you may not know how they actually harm your body. Firstly, there's the fact that most instant ramen servings contain over 1100 milligrams of sodium-that's approaching half of the maximum you should eat per day. When you take in that much sodium in a single sitting, your body overcompensates by holding more water. This can cause temporary water weight gain, leaving you feeling bloated(肿胀)and lacking in energy.

    But while you may feel bloated, chances are you won't feel full. Since the ramen contains lots of refined carbohydrates with virtually no protein or fiber, it's essentially the very definition of empty calories. And you've probably heard the song-and-dance about refined carbs; eating too much can lead your blood sugar to increase and then decrease, leaving you hungry and ready to eat again-which leads to weight gain.

    And, perhaps most upsetting of all, this quick-and-easy meal may stay with you much longer than you realize. Massachusetts General Hospital's Dr. Braden Kuo used a pill-sized camera to record the digestive tracts of volunteers who ate processed ramen noodles as well as fresh ones. With a video, Dr. Kuo was able to show that, after two hours when the fresh noodles were long gone, the ramen noodles were still there in the intestines.

    Doctors do know that years of eating the instant packets are linked to poor health. Another study, this one by the Harvard School of Public Health, assessed the long-term consequences of ramen consumption in South Korea, where it's a major course. They found that subjects, women in particular, who ate instant noodles at least twice a week had a 68 percent higher risk of diabetes and heart disease-than subjects who ate a more consistently natural diet.

    In short, eating ramen once in a while won't damage your health-as is true with most processed foods. But it's not something you should make a habit of-for your stomach and heart's sake.


    Let us begin by saying what causes our dreams. Our dreams do not come from another world. They are not messages from some outside source. They are not a look into the future, either.

    All our dreams have something to do with our feelings, fears, longings, wishes, needs and memories. If a person is hungry, or tired, or cold, his dreams may include a feeling of this kind. If the covers on your body, such as a quilt or a blanket, have slipped off your bed, you may dream that you are sleeping on ice or in snow. The material for the dream you will have tonight is likely to come from the experience you have today.

    So the subject of your dream usually comes from something that has effect on you while you are sleeping(feeling of cold, a noise, a discomfort, etc. )and it may also use your past experiences and the wishes and the interests you have now. This is why children are likely to dream of fairies, older children of school examinations, hungry people of food, homesick soldiers of their families and prisoners of freedom.

    To show you how this is happening while you are asleep and how your needs and wishes can all be joined together in a dream, here is the story of the experiment. A man was asleep and the back of his hand was rubbed with a piece of absorbed cotton. He would dream he was in hospital and his charming girlfriend was visiting him, sitting on the bed and feeling his hand gently!

    There are some scientists who have made a special study of why we dream, what we dream and what those dreams mean. Their explanation of dreams, though a bit reasonable, is not accepted by everyone but it offers an interesting approach to the problem. They believe that dreams are mostly expressions of wishes that did not come true. In other words dreaming is a way of having your wishes carried out.


    Humans are social animals. They live in groups all over the world. As these groups of people live apart from other groups, over the years and centuries they develop their own habits and ideas, which are different from other cultures. One important particular side of every culture is how its people deal with time.

    Time is not very important in nonindustrial societies. The Nuer people of East Africa, for example, do not even have a word TIME that is in agreement with the abstract thing we call time. The daily lives of the people of such nonindustrial societies are likely to be patterned around their physical needs and natural events rather than around a time schedule(时间表)based on the clock. They cook and eat when they are hungry and sleep when the sun goes down. They plant crops during the growing seasons and harvest them when the crops are ripe. They measure time not by a clock or calendar(日历),but by saying that an event takes place before or after some other event Frequently such a society measures days in terms of "sleeps" or longer periods in terms of "moons." Some cultures, such as the Eskimos of Greenland measure seasons according to the migration of certain animals.

    Some cultures which do not have a written language or keep written records have developed interesting ways of "telling time". For example, when several Australian aborigines want to plan an event for a future time, one of them places a stone on a cliff or in a tree. Each day the angle of the sun changes slightly. In a few days, the rays of the sun strike the stone in a certain way. When this happens, the people see that the agreed-upon time has arrived and the event can take place.

    In contrast(成对比), exactly correct measurement of time is very important in modern, industrialized societies. This is because industrialized societies require the helpful efforts of many people in order to work. For a factory to work efficiently (well, quickly and without waste), for example, all of the workers must work at the same time. Therefore, they must know what time to start work in the morning and what time they may go home in the afternoon. Passengers must know the exact time that an airplane will arrive or depart. Students and teachers need to know when a class starts and ends. Stores must open on time in order to serve their customers. Complicated(复杂的)societies need clocks and calendars. Thus, we can see that if each person worked according to his or her own schedule, a complicated society could hardly work at all.


China Experience Tours

    China Experience Trip

    Beijing →Shanghai →Xi'an (8days)

    Price: Adult $1,517 p/p Under 17 $1,230

    Imagine you are a king or queen when entering the great Forbidden City

    Have a hike on the world famous Great Wall

    Discover the Terracotta Warriors (兵马俑)

    Admire Shanghai where east meets west and walk around some local markets

    Glories of China

    Beijing →Xi'an →Guilin →Yangshuo →Shanghai (11days)

    Price: Adult $2,219 p/p. Under 17 $1,650

    Discover more of China's extraordinary history from Beijing and Xi'an

    Visit the easy part of the Great Wall at Mutianyu

    Cycle near Yangshuo and admire the beautiful rural scenery

    Discover Shanghai lifestyles ancient and modern

    China Impression Experience

    Beijing →Xi'an →Yangtze River →Shanghai (11 days)

    Price: Adult $2, 329 p/p. Under 17 $1,810

    Explore both the ancient cultures and modern features, and relax on the yangtze river Cruise (乘船游览) to see the various ideas of China. Your guides will show you around not only the most classic spots, like the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Terracotta Army, and the Three Gorges but also take you for a local experience by visiting lovely giant pandas and local markets.

    Cultural and Natural Wonders of China

    Beijing →Xi'an → Zhangjiajie →Shanghai (11days)

    Price: Adult $2,159 p/p. Under 17 $1,360

    Wind your way from Beijing to Shanghai in style and discover. Climb up the Great Wall, walk around the Forbidden City while listening to the stories of kings, and see the Great "Avatar Mountain" in Zhangjiajie.

