
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Though very cold temperatures continued to trouble the US in January this year, an act of kindness warmed everyone. In Chicago a young man provided a homeless old man with the proper footwear—from his own feet. Jessica Bell, a passenger, saw everything and posted the story on Facebook.

    According to her Facebook post, Bell was taking the train home on Friday when she noticed a homeless old man sitting across from her. Bell wrote that the man was wearing tattered shoes, and many pairs of socks to keep his feet warm, but there was blood seeping (渗) through.

    On the same train was another man. According to Bell's description, he was young, carrying a bag and a suitcase. He was wearing big black snow boots (靴子), which looked new and expensive. They were built for a Chicago winter. Then he did a good thing.

    Bell described that the young man took off his own boots and passed them to the old man. He opened his suitcase and gave him a pair of socks as well. Then the young man put on a different pair of shoes—not as nice as the ones he had given away. He told the old man to try them on and helped him clean his feet and change into the new boots as quickly as he could, and then left the train.

    At the end of her post, Bell wrote. "I love my city. I love that in a time and place where a quiet act of kindness appears without warning." The story has received thousands of comments (评论), with many people describing how moving they found the act of kindness. One wrote, "We can all learn from that young man." Others are thanking Bell for sharing the story—there are still good people in the world.

(1)、The story happened _______.
A、on a train B、on a weekend C、in summer D、in a shoe store
(2)、Which of the following is TRUE about the old man?
A、He carried a suitcase. B、He was sick and weak. C、He wore many pairs of socks. D、He wore a pair of big black shoes.
(3)、What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A、What the young man did to the old man. B、Why the young man helped the old man. C、How Bell praised the young man. D、What the young man looked like.
(4)、Which is the best title for the passage?
A、A poor old man B、Warmest boots C、Best passengers D、A journey home

    “In this life,what did you miss?”

    The wife asked the husband when she was 25.Despondently (沮丧地),the husband replied,“I missed a new job chance.”

    When she was 35,the husband angrily told her that he had just missed the bus.

    At the age of 45,the husband sadly said,“I missed the chance seeing my close relative before his last breath.”

    At 55,the husband said disappointedly,“I missed a good chance to retire (退休).”

    At 65,title husband hurriedly replied,“I missed visiting my dentist.”

    At 75,the wife did not ask the husband any more,she was very sick.Remembering the question the wife used to ask him,this time the husband asked the wife the same question.The wife,with a smile and peaceful look,replied,“In this life,I did not miss having you!”

    The husband was full of tears.He always thought that they could be together forever.He was always busy with work and other things.He had never thought of his wife.The husband gave a big hug to the wife and said,“Over 50years,how I had allowed myself to miss your deep love for me.”

    Life does not last forever,so always live in the now.Don't neglect (忽视)the loved ones who care for you.Express your gratitude (感激)to your loved ones in words.Show your love with actions.Treat every day as the last day of life.In this way,when you are gone,your loved ones would have nothing to feel sorry about.


    H. G. Wells lived from 1866 to 1946. He wrote many famous stories. He was best at writing stories about the future. One story is called The Time Machine. Here is the story.

    More than 100 years ago, there was an English scientist and inventor living in London. One day, four friends went to his house for dinner. The inventor was not there. Feeling hungry, they started dinner without him. Then they heard a sound. A few moments later, the inventor came in, looking dirty.

    He told his friends that he built a time machine. He could travel into the future.

    The inventor went thousands of years in the future. He met people called the Eloi. They were smaller than him. They had no machines. Growing fruit and vegetables was all that they did. They had no hobbies. Only one girl, Weena, spoke to him.

    Four days later, he met other people called Morlocks. They lived underground. They caught Eloi people and ate them! The inventor wanted to fight against the Morlocks. The Eloi didn't want to help him, not even the strong men. He tried to fight against the Morlocks. At last, Weena went underground with him. Unfortunately, Weena died.

    After that, he got in his time machine. He came back to his time. Seeing the future made him sad. The people in the future were worse. They were not clever.

    His friends didn't think it was a real story. But they never saw him again. Maybe he went to save the future.

