
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

牛津版(深圳•广州)初中英语八年级下册Module 4 Unit 7 单元基础知识专练



    Yuri Gagarin was a famous Soviet astronaut. He was born in a town in the west of Moscow on 9 March, 1934. He showed great interest in flight and universe when he was a school boy. His Maths teacher was a pilot during the Second World War. Yruri Gagarin learnt a lot from him.

    Later, Yuri Gagarin went to a technical school and learnt to fly a small plane. In 1955, after graduating from the technical school, he entered a flight training school.

    In 1960, Gagarin was selected as one of the 20 astronauts for the space programme of his country. Along with the others, he had a lot of tests of his physical and mental abilities. He was the best.

    On 12 April, 1961, he made history. He orbited(绕……轨道而行) the Earth for 108 minutes. After returning safely, Gagarin became a hero in his country, and people in other countries were also very interested in his flight.

    Gagarin never went into space again, but he trained other astronauts, including the first woman in space.

    On 27 March, 1968, the first spaceman died in a plane crash because of bad weather.

(1)、Yuri Gagarin was interested in _______ when he was a school boy.
A、Science and Maths B、war and peace C、space programme D、flight and universe
(2)、What does the underlined word "selected" in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?
A、挑选 B、选举 C、许可 D、拒绝
(3)、When did Gagarin make history?
A、In 1955. B、In 1960. C、In 1961. D、In 1968.
(4)、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A、Gagarin was born in a town in the west of Moscow. B、Gagarin orbited the Earth for one hour and forty-eight minutes. C、Gagarin entered a flight training school. D、Gagarin went to space again after he made history.
(5)、According to the passage, we can know _______.
A、Gagarin died at the age of 24 B、Gagarin trained the first woman astronaut C、Gagarin only had the tests of mental abilities in 1960 D、Gagarin's plane crashed because of its bad conditions

Lasting a Lifetime

      Sidney Wilson's watch was old and it did not work well. It was either too fast or too slow. It spent more time in the repair shop than on his wrist (手腕). So he decided to buy himself a new watch.

      He went into a jewelry shop and said to the saleswoman behind the counter.

      “I want to buy a new watch, please. Show me the best watch you have.”

      The saleswoman smiled happily. This was the kind of customer she liked.

     “Certainly, sir,” she said, and showed Sidney a gold watch.

      “This watch is made of gold and has twenty-four jewels,” she explained.

      “How much is it?” Sidney asked.

      “$5,000,” the saleswoman said.

      “Oh,” Sidney said. “I'm sorry. You did not understand me. I want to see the best watch you have for under $100.”

      The sales woman now lost interest in Sidney. She pushed some cheap watches at him. “Choose one from these,” she said rudely.       “They are all under $100.”

      Sidney picked up one of the watches, “Will it last me a lifetime?” he asked.

     “Of course,” the saleswoman said.

     “Then I'll buy it,” Sidney told her. He paid for the watch and left the shop.

      Two days later the watch stopped. Sidney could not make it work again. He took it back to the shop.

      “This watch is broken,” he said to the saleswoman. “You told me it would last me a lifetime.”

     “When you bought it, sir,” the saleswoman said, “you didn't look very well.”

Choose the best answer to each question about the story.

