
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    According to new research from the University of Cambridge in England, sheep are able to recognize human faces from photographs.

    The farm animals, who are social and have large brains, were previously known to be able to recognize one another, as well as familiar humans. However, their ability to recognize human faces from photos alone is novel.

    The recent study, the results of which were published in the journal Royal Society showed that the woolly creatures could be trained to recognize still images of human faces, including those of former President Barack Obama and actress Emma Watson.

    Initially, the sheep were trained to approach certain images by being given food rewards. Later, they were able to recognize the image for which they had been rewarded. The sheep could even recognize images of faces shown at an angle, though their ability to do so declined by about 15 percent – the same rate at which a human's ability to perform the same task declines.

    “Anyone who has spent time working with sheep will know that they are intelligent, individual animals who are able to recognize their handlers,” said Professor Jenny Morton, who led the Cambridge study. “We've shown with our study that sheep have advanced face-recognition abilities, comparable with those of humans and monkeys.”

    Recognizing faces is one of the most important social skills for human being, and some disorders of the brain, including Huntington's disease, affect this ability.

    “Sheep are long-lived and have brains that are similar in size and complexity to those of some monkeys. That means they can be useful models to help us understand disorders of the brain, such as Huntington's disease, which develops over a long time and affects cognitive abilities. Our study gives us another way to monitor how these abilities change.” Morton said.

(1)、According to the new research, what's unusual about sheep?
A、They have large brains. B、They can recognize their owners. C、They can recognize human faces from photograph. D、They can tell animals from humans.
(2)、How did the researchers train the sheep?
A、By showing photos of famous people. B、By showing photos of humans and monkeys by turns. C、By guiding them to follow their handlers. D、By giving food rewards.
(3)、What can be inferred from the passage?
A、Sheep have a higher face-recognition ability than monkeys. B、The sheep's face-recognition ability may prevent some disorders of the brain. C、The new discovery is beneficial to the study of cognitive ability changes. D、The sheep's face-recognition ability says the same when shown photos at any angle.
(4)、What's the best title of the passage?
A、A New discovery about sheep. B、How Sheep Recognize Each Other. C、A Wonderful Scientist. D、The Life of Sheep.

    Fall in Love With Your Writing With These Books!

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    Write yourself past fears, doubts and setbacks, using your desire writing excellence to deeply involve yourself in the craft. In Just Write, you'll learn how to master the nuances(细微差别) of fiction, discover what readers really want, and persevere through the challenges of getting started, conquering writers block and dealing with rejection.

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    Joanna Cole, born on August 11, 1944 in Newark, New Jersey, has been credited to be one of the most popular children's authors of all time. She has written over 250 books and is famous for writing one of the most popular children's book series. She knew as early as 5th grade that she was interested in writing and science. Cole has owed a large part of her passion to one of her elementary school teachers.

    Joanna Cole continued her education by attending the University of Massachusetts and Indiana. She would eventually earn a bachelor's degree in psychology from the City College of New York in 1967; after graduation Cole decided to take some education courses to become a librarian at a Brooklyn elementary school in 1967. Eventually, she would take jobs working for Newsweek, Seesaw book club.

    Cole's passion for writing and science was still alive and well during this time. In 197l she decided to write her first book, Cockroaches. She did some research and discovered there had never been a book written for children about cockroaches. So she thought she would be the first.

    Cole struck gold when she wrote the first Magic School Bus in 1985. The book would go on to be published the following year and quickly became book series and cartoon series due to its success.

    Cole continued to write both non-fiction and fiction books for children. She writes in a way that will hopefully inspire children to think like a scientist. She does this by writing ideas instead of just facts. She also tries to ask questions in her books that require children to think and discover the answers as they read. This creates an engaging experience for children, so it is no wonder why younger readers are hooked on her books.


    A project in Gambia is empowering women and reducing dangerous waste at the same time.

    The Waste Innovation Center, funded by the European Union's Global Climate Change Alliance, shows women in the Brikama area how to recycle waste into useful materials and products, which they can then sell in local markets.

    Wood-like waste is recycled into charcoal (木炭), for example, which can be used to supersede firewood and reduce the number of trees that are cut down for firewood. Food waste is recycled into compost(混合肥料)to function as environmentally friendly fertilizers and plastic is turned into many useful things.

    Supported by Waste Aid UK and the Gambia Women's Initiative (GWI), among others, the project provides women with skills they can use to become self-sufficient (自给自足的). Women learning at the center come from five communities, and some of them travel as far as 12 miles to learn these important skills that will provide them with an income, according to The Guardian.

    Isatou Ceesay, who now leads the GWI, highlighted the need to focus on economic equality in her country, telling The Guardian, "In terms of education, women are the ones who are always behind. Boys are chosen to go to school. When we conduct our training, we find women can do a lot, but don't know who they are, or how to carry out things. "

    According to the World Health Organization's Country Cooperation Strategy 2018—2023 report, the main environmental issue facing Gambia is poor waste management in urban areas. Ndey Sireng Bakurin, executive director of the National Environment Agency, has voiced concern over health and environmental risks, such as water pollution, the increase of insects as well as flooding that occur as a result of poor waste management.


    Words and the way we use them offer a rare window on social and cultural trends. Kory Stamper and Peter Sokolowski know that better than most.

    The Merriam-Webster(韦氏词典) lexicographers(词典编纂者) are part of a team that edits the dictionary. In a recent interview, Sokolowski and Stamper talked about their job and what the way we use words says about us collectively.

    So to know more about them, observers of the language, maybe we should start with some background.

    What is a lexicographer?

    Sokolowski: A lexicographer is a person who writes or edits a dictionary. The job of a dictionary editor is to prepare and present research about language. One of our former editors-in- chief said, "Tell the truth about words," and that sums it up for me.

    What do you guys do all day?

    Stamper: The two main duties of a lexicographer are reading and defining. We read everything: books, journals, blogs, phone books, take-out menus, and so on. What we're looking for are words that catch our eye. We record the context of these words and information about the sources. Those records are added to a database, and they are the raw material we use in writing definitions.

    When we are writing or revising a dictionary, most of our time is spent defining. We define a word according to how it is used in the recorded context, deciding whether the usage has been covered by our dictionary. Once this is done, you look at the new words and new senses and draft a definition.

    Drafting definitions requires some training, some experience and a lot of concentration. It's very, very quiet on the editorial floor.

    How closely do the most looked-up words on your online dictionary seem to be related to the news or trends?

    Stamper: When our dictionary went online back in 1996, we could see for the first time which were the most looked-up words in English: Affect, effect and ubiquitous were the top words. It was fascinating to us­dictionary editors spend so much time writing definitions but never could have known if anyone ever read them. We could follow what people were thinking about according to what words they were looking up. Thanks to our online dictionary, we had data.


    What to do if you find a sick, injured or abandoned wild animal.

    General tips

    Don't remove an animal from its natural habitat (the animal may not need assistance, and you could do more harm than good).

    Check the animal periodically for 24-48 hours.

    Keep your distance.

    Young animals/babies

    If you find an abandoned young animal, separated from adults or left on its own — keep cats and dogs away and limit noise.

    An adult may not return if it is noisy or if people are close by.

    Get help for a wild animal

    In Ontario, wildlife rehabilitators (复健员) are authorized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to provide temporary care to sick, injured and abandoned wildlife so it can be returned to the wild. Rehabilitators commit significant time and resources, and many seek donations to assist with their work.

    Every effort is made by wildlife rehabilitators to ensure wildlife in their care do not become tame (驯服).

    Find a wildlife rehabilitator

    To get help for a sick, injured or abandoned animal, you can contact: an authorized wildlife rehabilitator your local Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry district office

    Health risks

    If you come across sick or diseased wildlife and you suspect there is a public health risk (such as West Nile virus), contact your regional or local health unit immediately: Ontario Public Health Units

    Public safety

    If the animal is alive and there is a public safety issue, contact your local police department.


    Buddy or Friendship Benches (长椅)are needed because playgrounds can be lonely places sometimes. When a school places the bench, they teach a little lesson to the kids on how it is to be used. Then when a child sits on the bench, it sends out a message to others that basically says, " Hey, I'm alone right now and would welcome the company (陪伴) of others." Kids in the playground see this and from their training, they see there is a fellow student in need. They are encouraged to come over and sit on the bench and make a new friend.

    Benches like this have been around for a while now in many schools. But in Ireland, they are trying to do something different with them. This school in Cork in the south of Ireland is the 247th to get benches from a social organization called "Buddy Bench Ireland" that doesn't just provide schools with benches, but also runs special projects with trained child psychiatrists (精神病专家).They use the bench as an opportunity to start conversations about mental health. They talk about the importance of knowing and understanding your feelings and those of others.

    Judith Ashton, a co-founder of Buddy Bench Ireland said, "The children need to understand what the bench is about, what it represents —friendship, understanding, listening to each other and the most important thing is that it's important to express feelings."

    But do children really use the bench? It's a matter of great public concern. Sinead Mcgilloway from Maynooth University carried out a study and said, " We found that 40% of the children told us that they had actually used the benches at the time of the study. And over 90% said that they would talk to a child if that child was sitting on the bench. So, there's nothing to worry about.

    Children's mental health and safety at school is increasingly a concern in many countries. In Ireland, they're hoping these benches will not only tackle problems like school violence and school bullying (校园暴力和校园欺凌), but also give students the confidence to open up about their feelings.

