
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Compared to the history of China, the history of the United States is quite short. In 1776, 13 colonies(殖民地)located on the eastern coast of North America declared independence and fought a revolution against the British. In 1783 the colonists won the revolution and gained their independence.

    After the revolution, the United States bought a large section of country from Napoleon of France. This purchase doubled(加倍)the size of the United States.  If he hadn't needed that money, the United States might have stayed a small country. Texas and most of what is now the southwestern part of the United States belonged to Mexico. The people of Texas fought a revolution against Mexico.  Later, the United States and Mexico went to war. If Mexico had defeated the United States in that war, California and New Mexico would have been part of Mexico today.

    The British and the Americans both claimed the northwestern part of the country. They settled their differences with a compromise. South of the 49th parallel was the United States. North of the 49th parallel was Canada. In 1861 one half of the United States did go to war with the other half.  President Lincoln wanted to free slaves. He was supported by the North but opposed by the South. The South wanted to separate from the rest of the country and become independent.

    Following the Civil War, the United States bought Alaska from Russia. Today it is the largest state in the country and a very important one, too.

A. This was the Civil War.

B. It was controlled by England then.

C. It began little more than 200 years ago.

D. After 4 years of war, the South was defeated.

E. Napoleon needed money for his European wars.

F. They became independent and joined the United States.

G. At that time many people didn't think Alaska was important.


    After you go to college, you'll find you have to buy a lot of textbooks.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}If you want to make ends meet and successfully make it through college, you have to find ways to save on college textbooks. Here are some of the tips that would help you cut back and manage your book expense.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}The first thing you want to do when you need a specific book is to go to the bookstore. But the most effective way to save money on college books is to stay away from the bookstore. While it is more convenient to purchase textbooks in the bookstore, it could cost you a lot of money.

    Buy your books online. You can save a lot of money when you purchase your books online. You can buy college textbooks from Amazon, Half, CENGAGE Learning, Barnes&Noble and other websites. If you want to save money on college books,it is best to check BigWords.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Rent your college textbooks. If you feel you are not going to use the book after the end of the semester, it is best to rent it instead.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}You can check campus book rentals, bookbyete, bookrenter, chegg and ecampus. This can save you a lot of money on textbooks.

    Check your university library. ff you do not need the book all the time, it is best to do your research in the university library instead.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}In this way, you can ensure the book is available when you need it. You can also use the interlibrary loan system.

A. Do not go to the bookstore.

B. You can rent books from other students.

C. College textbooks can be very expensive.

D. Buy books from second-hand bookstores.

E. Many websites and booksellers rent books.

F. You'd better order the book you need ahead of time.

G. This website will help you find promotions, discounts and other deals.


    It's not easy to talk with teens about their relationship with screens.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Open with a discussion of young children's tech use

    Rather than asking teens to put down iPads, introduce a discussion on babies' tech use. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}When I had my eighth graders read an article about banning iPads for children under two, the class were interested.

    Admit your tech problems

    One of my students wrote that she would like to prevent the whole family from using tech facilities. Clearly, someone in her home was having some tech use problems. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}We can't tell kids to put down their devices if we continue to use them.

Keep a balanced opinion

    We adults wouldn't be able to live in today's society without screens, so we shouldn't expect teenagers to do so either. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}It's improved our lives in many ways. Before we start talking about its challenges, we need to realize its opportunities, too.

    Deal with the topic like you would nutrition (营养)

    If children weren't making good food choices, we would never take their lunches away and make them stay hungry. We would teach them how to eat healthy and help them learn to set new habits: {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Instead of taking their devices away, we should help them keep a balance with technology.

A. The same should go for technology.

B. Technology isn't a bad habit to be got out of.

C. This will invite teens to talk about the subject.

D. Teens need face-to-face communication with adults.

E. One of teens' fears is that we'll take their devices away.

F. So we need to be open about our own tech habits as well.

G. Here are a few ways that will make the discussion easier and more productive.


    Reading books is one of the best hobbies. It not only helps you pass your time but also helps you increase your knowledge in a meaningful manner. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Here we will give you a few tips that can help you.

    Fall into the habit of borrowing books to read.

    This is a very old school practice but still it can be highly effective. When you borrow a book, there is obviously a deadline set. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Read everywhere.

    Keep a book in your bag and read it anywhere you go. This will help you to pass your time in a very productive manner. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Anyway, you can read your book 24 hours a day.


    This can easily be described as a new school technique. You can read out to your brother or sister and this will enable you to finish your book as well as increase the knowledge and understanding of your brother or sister.

    Choose your books very carefully.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Thus choose your books very carefully in order to enjoy your time and also finish your book effectively. If you choose a good book that can keep you interested for a longer period of time, there is no way that you are going to leave it incomplete.

A. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the reading habit.

B. Realize the importance of reading books.

C. Read out to someone else.

D. Find an excuse to read every day just by visiting book clubs.

E. This can encourage you to read it often to finish the book on time.

F. It doesn't matter whether you are traveling or are about to sleep.

G. Yes, life is too short to read a book that doesn't impress you.


    People all have good days and bad days. And some of the bad days happen due to events beyond your control.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}One way to increase the possibility that you have a good day is to join in “gratification(喜悦)” activities , which you enjoy and you're good at.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}However, if you don't have the type of job, you can take part in other activities and find the same result.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}There are many little pleasures you can add to your life, such as tea, a warm bath, a walk in the park and so on. As long as you enjoy them, they can really brighten your every day. Laughter is also part of having a good day. That's why it's important to do what you can to create joy for you.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}After all, if you are humorous, you can more easily center on fun things.

    If you don't have much time, one way can be used during a stressful day.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}You should achieve this by making your plan flexible and checking that everything in your plan is necessary. Being busy is okay, but wasting time and energy on too many unnecessary things can just lead to stress.

A. Often, bad days come from overweight stress.
B. Some people experience joy and happiness at work.
C. Good moods enable us to notice more chances.
D. Life's pleasures are also able to add a quick lift to your mood.
E. However, people do have power in creating better days.
F. So it's important —especially if you're a busy person—to stay balanced.
G. Besides, developing a sense of humor also helps you have a good day.


Live Every Day Like It's A Holiday

    We feel great on holiday because we let go of everyday stresses and strains. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} So whether or not you're going away this summer, there's plenty you can do to make sure you benefit from that holiday feeling.

    Sleep like a holidaymaker

    Sleep like a baby when you're on your holidays but stay awake when you're in your usual routine? {#blank#}2{#/blank#}  To reset your sleep pattern, avoid bringing problems to bed. That includes your phone, TV or laptop. Make sure the room is dark and cool. Aim for at least seven hours' ZZZs—just as you would on holiday.

    Get moving

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Given that exercise is cheap, healthy and reduces stress, it makes absolute sense to build it into your day. A walk will release happy hormones, and eases anxiety and mild depression. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} 

    Part of the joy of going away is lingering over delicious food with families. Take up the holiday habit of sitting down as a family for at least one meal a day. Families who eat together experience less anxiety, less depression and less obesity, research has found.

    Be a tourist in your own city

    Part of toe thrill of a holiday is the novelty of discovering a new place and doing new things. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} At weekends, check out a new music venue, visit a different museum or have a drink in that interesting-looking pub you're always walking past. It will get you out of routine and make you feel alive. A bit like a holiday, really.

A. Make your meals a celebration.

B. Carve out some dedicated quiet time.

C. If so, you might need to examine your sleep habits.

D. Just make sure you schedule it into your day or week.

E. But it's also easy to be a holidaymaker in the place you live.

F. Research has even shown that vacations help health and wellbeing.

G. When you're travelling, you walk around new cities without a second thought.


    I Curling(冰壶)is a winter sport played on ice. Therefore, it's most popular in northern countries like Canada. Curling is played in the USA by about 15.000 people.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Scottish winters were long and there were forms of entertainment. So people began making a sport out of sliding heavy stones on the frozen lakes. The game spread, and in the 1700s curling clubs formed Then Scottish soldiers brought it to North America.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Men, women, and children often compete on the same team, if they can slide a forty-pound stone down the ice! Both teams slide their stones toward the same goal. After all 16 stones have been cast, the team whose stone has slid closest to the goal gets one point.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}The ice is so smooth and the stone is so heavy that even the smallest misjudgment in a throw can make the stone slide much too far or stop too suddenly. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Water helps the stone slide, but it can also change the stone's path.

    In curling, a broom is part of each player's equipment. A good curler must know how much force to use. The player must know the exact conditions of the ice on the court. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}That may explain why the international Olympic Committee decided to make curling an Olympic sport in 1998.

A. Players compete on the court.

B. Then the play begins in the other direction.

C. Curling is played by teams of four people.

D. In other words, a good curler must be a fine athlete.

E. The rules are easy to learn, but playing the game is hard.

F. The melting of die ice makes things tough for the curlers.

G. Curling probably began in Scotland in the 1500s or earlier.

