
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    In the mid-2000s, Waze Mobile co-founder Ehud Shabtai received a cutting-edge (尖端的) gift from girlfriend: a GPS. The expensive gift was supposed to be helpful. But straight out of the box, it was already out of date.

    Shabtai, a coding enthusiast, had an immediate reaction to reinvent. Shabtai's solution? To build an app. With 80 million monthly active users globally and nearly 400,000 superusers who function much like Wikipedia volunteer editors (editing maps rather than words), Waze Mobile caught the eye of Google as a revolutionary approach to navigation (导航).

    Acquired by Google in 2013, Waze's value mainly lies in its high rate of user involvement. Unlike traditional navigation apps that simply show directions, Waze asks its users to report accidents and other road conditions in real time, so other users can avoid the traffic by using an alternative route.

    The goal behind Waze's approach is an ambitious one: not just avoid traffic, but end it altogether. Waze is finding new ways to put its loyal and active user base to use to make that vision a reality, including a plan to make carpooling (拼车) cool.

    To be sure, traffic jams are troubling people all over the world. Waze has been quietly ahead of the game for some time. In 2013, when Waze was just a small digital-mapping business with limited resources it had something Google Maps and other competitors didn't: richer GPS guidance thanks to its stream of live traffic reports from users.

    These users were the basis of Shabtai's plan to solve for his GPS device's “silent” hardware: he grounded the app in software that could be perpetually updated by users, anywhere and anytime.

    Waze Carpool is going straight to the heart of traffic jams, trying to get more drivers off the road and into carpools. The app has already connected tens of thousands of rideseekers with drivers willing to ferry them along a shared route, and that trend could be the answer to a traffic-free future.

(1)、What did Shabtai do when he found his girlfriend's gift out of date?
A、He improved it. B、He took it apart. C、He put it away. D、He used it anyway.
(2)、What sets Waze Mobile apart from traditional navigation apps?
A、It has the most users. B、It can indicate directions. C、It reports road conditions in real time. D、Most users help edit its words.
(3)、What does the underlined word “perpetually” in paragraph 6 probably mean?
A、Difficultly. B、Carefully. C、Greatly. D、Constantly.
(4)、What is mainly talked about in the text?
A、The rise of carpooling. B、An advanced navigation app. C、The development of Google. D、Traffic problems in the world.

    Judge Frank Caprio is a famous person in the city of Providence, Rhode Island. And, he is starting to get noticed around the world, too. He is an 80-year-old judge in the capital city of Rhode Island, the smallest state in the U. S.. One of his jobs is to take charge of traffic court. That involves talking to people who have gotten traffic tickets for going though red lights or parking illegally. They go to traffic court to question the tickets. Caprio hears what they have to say. Then, he decides whether or not the ticket is legal.

Caprio recently heard the case of a young man who was driving his mother's car. He went through a light after it turned red. After he spoke with the high school student, Caprio decided to let him off with a warning—if he promised to go to college and graduate.

    Another video from the Providence traffic court came out earlier this week. It showed a woman speaking with Judge Caprio about a parking ticket. She went to traffic court after getting a ticket for parking in an area that only permitted parking after 10 a. m. . The ticket was written at 9:59 a. m. . The woman said the clock in her car showed 10 a. m., so she thought it would be OK. After some conversation, the judge decided to dismiss the ticket.

    But Caprio did tell her, “You violated the city laws.” He held up a large book of rules. He smiled and the woman laughed. He said: “Our parking enforcement officers are second to none in the country!” After talking with the court officer, he said “I think 9:59 is close enough. Matter is dismissed.”

    The video was viewed over 1 million times in just two days. One person wrote of the video: “This is so cute. What a great judge. LOVE THIS.” Others wondered if the video was real, because it seemed so funny. But, there actually are judges out there like Frank Caprio. He is as real as they come.


    Having a job is great, I have learned. It means I can afford things such as a place to live and daily meals. And with an above-average job, I can afford a car and occasional overseas vacations.

    However, I also understand how difficult it is to have a below-average job, having had many of them before. It's frankly pretty awful. Owning a car was out of the question – I could barely afford to ride the subway.

    So, I decided to go to university and get a degree.

    Later, I emailed my details to every company and government institution with an online careers page. I even printed my resume and handed it out in what seemed like hundreds of office buildings.

    One summer during university, my cousin and I helped out at my uncle's business, fixing roofs, although the only thing I got out of that was back problems.

    That same year, I got a job at a plumbing(管道工程) company, which I was terrible at. It was no surprise when I was asked to leave that job after only four days.

    A lot of people today believe the problem of unemployment in my generation is our fault. Some accuse us of being lazy or feeling too entitled(有资格的). At the same time, some people accuse members of my generation of having a sense of “specialness” that has led us to believe we can all be astronauts, movie stars or singers if we put our minds to it. Also, a few of them think that we would all be happily employed if we would only learn trades or become software engineers, because those people make the most money.

    I realize that not everyone can go into space, star in Hollywood movies or fill stadiums with fans, however. I also think not everyone can make a good electrician or design advanced computer software – I know I can't. Everyone is good at something, but no one is good at everything. It took me hundreds of rejection emails to realize that I had to focus on finding a job where I could actually be successful.

    And now, I finally have that job. All it took was several years of desperation, failure and an honest assessment(评估) of my personal value in the job market.

    It's not the best start, but it's not bad for a start too.


    Traveling can be a fun way to gain life experiences, especially during Spring Break-a week-long school vacation in the United States. But what if you're a student and don't have enough money for a trip?Don't worry. Here are some useful suggestions.

    Save:This probably is the most important preparation for traveling. Cut expenses to fatten your wallet so you'll have more choices about where to go and how to get there.

    Plan ahead:Don't wait until the last minute to plan your trip. Tickets may cost more when bought on short notice. Giving yourself several months to get ready can mean security and savings.

    Do your homework:No matter where you go, research the places you will visit. Decide what to see. Travel books will provide information on the cheapest hotels and restaurants.

    Plan sensibly:Write down how much you expect to spend for food and hotels. Stick to your plan or you may not have enough money to cover everything.

    Travel in groups:Find someone who is interested in visiting the same places. By traveling with others you can share costs and experiences.

    Work as you go:Need more money to support your trip?Look for work in the places you visit.

    Go off the beaten path:Tourist sites may be expensive. You may want to rethink your trip and go to a less﹣known area. Smaller towns can have many interesting activities and sights.

    Pack necessary things:The most important things to take are not always clothes.

Remember medicine in case you get sick, and snacks in case you cannot find a cheap restaurant.

    Use the Internet:The net can help to save money. Some useful websites include www.travelcity.corn, www.bargainslowestfare.corn and www.economictravelcity.com.

    By planning sensibly, even students can enjoy the travel. Your travel experiences will be remembered for a lifetime.


    You've heard of the fat suit and the pregnancy suit; now meet AGNES—the old person suit.

    AGNES stands for “Age Gain Now Empathy(换位体验)System” and was designed by researchers at MIT's AgeLab to let you know what it feels like—physically—to be 75 years old. “The business of old age demands new tools,” said Joseph Coughlin, director of the AgeLab. “While focus groups and observations and surveys can help you understand what the older consumer needs and wants, young marketers never get that Ah ha! moment of having difficulty opening a jar, or getting in and out of a car. That's what AGNES provides. ”

    Coughlin and his team carefully adjusted the suit to make the wearer just as uncomfortable as an old person who has spent a lifetime eating poorly and not doing much exercise. Special shoes provide a feeling of imbalance, while braces on the knees and elbows limit joint mobility. Gloves give the feeling of decreased strength and mobility in the hands and wrists, and earplugs make it difficult to hear high—pitched sounds and soft tones. A helmet with straps(带)attached to it presses the spine(脊柱), and more straps attached to the shoes decrease hamstring flexibility, and shortens the wearer's step.

    AGNES has been used most recently by a group of students working on a design of an updated walker. By wearing the suit they could see for themselves what design and materials would make the most sense for a physically limited older person. Coughlin said the suit has also been used by clothing companies, car companies and retail goods companies to help them understand the limitations of an older consumer.

    “AGNES is not the destiny of everybody,” he said. “She is a badly behaved lady who didn't eat and exercise very well. A secondary benefit we've found with AGNES is that it has become a powerful tool to get younger people to invest in their long-term health. ”


    You don't need to spend a long layover(短暂停留) in a passenger lounge. Some airports offer free or low­cost local tours to connecting passengers. "If you have a five­ or six­hour layover, you can easily see several things, "said Brendan Dorsey of The Points Guy, a site devoted to traveling on points and miles. Some tours have fees, and it's important to check on visa requirements.

    Incheon Airport, South Korea

    South Korea's main airport makes it simple to visit the capital city of Seoul. Passengers can tour temples, caves and palaces, or even sign up for downtown shopping. "You only need a couple hours, "Dorsey says." It's a stress­free way to see the city.

    Istanbul Airport

    Istanbul recently opened a new $12 billion airport, but continues a long tradition of free tours for passengers on its flagship airline, Turkish Airlines. Passengers with at least a six­hour layover can hit top historic districts and have a chance to sample Turkish food. And those with a layover of more than 20 hours may even be offered for a free hotel stay.

    Narita Airport, Japan

    With just a few hours in Japan, you still have time to dress up like a samurai or ninja on one of several English­speaking trips offered by the airport. Along with a cosplay visit to a historic theme park, visitors can tour temples, take a nature hike or sample a home­style Japanese meal. Tours are free but don't include the cost of public transportation or entrance fees.

    Taoyuan International Airport, Taiwan

    If your layover lasts from seven to 24 hours, you're offered free tours of the island. Passengers can store their bags at the airport, freeing them up to take their choice of two half­day city tours provided by the Taiwan Tourism Bureau. Tours can be booked on arrival but often fill up, making reservations advisable.


    Families around the country are finding new options for their children's midday meal thanks to a growing number of delivery options catering to students. Kiddos Catering in Chicago adopts a method of providing restaurant meals to schools that contract with it. Owner Michelle Moses and her staff work with area restaurants to create a variety of kid-friendly choices and deliver the meals to the schools five days a week. Parents select the lunches from an online order form that lists the day's featured restaurant and its menu choices.

    "Each day is a different restaurant with six to 10 menu options," she said. "It offers so much choice to kids." The service appeals to parents because they think their children are less likely to toss out restaurant food than a packed lunch, Ms. Moses said. The schools appreciate that Moses handles the ordering, payment, pickup, and food distribution in the cafeteria. "Schools really want to be in the business of educating kids," she said. "They don't want to be in the food and beverage(餐饮) business."

    That doesn't mean that schools always like it when teens (or parents) take it upon themselves to order food through phone apps. Many schools have banned that practice, citing safety concerns about delivery drivers showing up at school unannounced and the burden of tracking down students to alarm them that their meals have arrived.

    "These types of deliveries pose an unnecessary security risk for students and staff," said Bernard Watson, director of community relations for Gwinnett County Public Schools in Suwanee, Ga. "In addition, our award-winning school nutrition program provides students with a wide variety of tasty, nutritious meals on-site, so there is no need to order food from outside."

    Jacob Levin, a recent graduate of Bexley High School in Bexley, Ohio, relied on a sub shop to deliver a sandwich to him during lunchtime meetings or other appointments that conflicted with his lunch period. "It was a convenient option. In most cases, I would not have been able to eat at school if it weren't for the delivery option," he said. "Having a restaurant-quality sub also was much more enjoyable than cafeteria food."

