
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    A couple in South Carolina has been eagerly seeking an organ donor. They haven't found one1.But they did find something else: friends.

Larry Swilling and his wife Jimmie Sue have been happily2for 56 years. So happily, in fact, that Larry has now come to realize he can't3without his wife. "She's my heart," he said. The problem with Jimmie Sue is that she4a kidney(肾). Jimmie Sue was born with only one, and now that doesn't5.She needs a transplant but neither her husband, nor anyone tested in her family, is a6match.

    Jimmie Sue is trying to get on a donor list, but the7is about two or three years long and that's for a kidney from a dead donor. Transplant patients who get their kidneys from living donors tend to live8.That is why Larry decided to try to ask for it, from total strangers.

"I don't9what people think," Larry said. He tells his wife, "I'm going to10you a kidney." And on the street, wearing a signboard "Need kidney for my wife", he's not shy in asking11:"Could I use your kidney?" For the last couple weeks, Larry, at 77, has been walking all over his hometown and the surrounding towns-basically12a kidney. He didn't really think it would work13he said, "I had to do something." He didn't fee14when the phone rang. "I'm willing to donate a kidney for your15," one caller said. "I'd like nothing more than to help you out," said another.

Believe it or not, over the last few days the16hasn't stopped ringing. Hundreds of people who either saw his sign or heard about it have17.One volunteer said, "I've got two, but I18need one." Larry hasn't found a match for his wife, but at least he has already had enough volunteers and19enough awareness to save someone. "If I get a kidney, it's fine. If I don't, I hope someone else does," the wife said. And that's why Larry is still out there, appealing to the20of strangers for the love of his wife.

A、already B、yet C、still D、also
A、married B、done C、worried D、lived
A、work B、laugh C、argue D、live
A、adds B、lacks C、misses D、spends
A、work B、stop C、finish D、affect
A、comfortable B、healthy C、improper D、suitable
A、making B、buying C、waiting D、needing
A、shorter B、worse C、longer D、easier
A、care B、absorb C、doubt D、believe
A、give B、sell C、get D、borrow
A、doctors B、passers-by C、acquaintances D、donors
A、staring at B、arguing over C、depending on D、begging for
A、But B、So C、Because D、Since
A、careless B、melancholy C、helpless D、selfless
A、daughter B、wife C、son D、mother
A、bell B、clock C、door D、phone
A、volunteered B、encouraged C、entertained D、gained
A、gently B、greedily C、only D、hardly
A、lifted B、raised C、demonstrated D、displayed
A、sorrow B、kindness C、sadness D、happiness
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。

    You may be surprised to see “making sure children never suffer” as a mistake. The following 1 may help you understand how rescuing children from all suffering 2 weakness.

    A little boy felt sorry for a butterfly 3 to emerge from its chrysalis(蛹). He decided to 4 the butterfly. So he peeled the chrysalis open for the butterfly. The little boy was so 5 to watch the butterfly spread its wings and fly off into the sky. Then he was horrified 6 he watched the butterfly fall to the ground and die because it did not have the muscle and 7 to keep flying. In fact, the butterfly's struggle to 8 the chrysalis helps the butterfly become stronger.

    Like the little boy, 9 too often want to protect their children from struggle in the 10 of love. They don't realize that their children need to struggle, to experience 11, to deal with disappointment, and to solve their own problems. Only in this way 12 children strengthen their emotional strength, become 13 and develop the skills necessary for the even bigger struggles they will meet throughout their lives. Children experiencing sufferings can 14 the ups and downs of life.

    However, it isn't helpful either in this case when parents 15 lectures(训斥), blame and shame to what the child is experiencing. Mothers 16 to say, “Stop crying and acting like a spoiled boy. You can't always get what you want.” These 17 words should be avoided. Instead, parents can offer loving support. You can say, “Don't lose 18. Be brave! You will succeed if you try again.” Then comes the tough part—no 19 and no lectures. Simply allow him to discover that he can 20 his disappointment and figure out what he can do to get what he wants in the future.


    Mr. Bard is the manager at his family's shoe company. He really 1 competence in his workers. He always tells the 2 and hard-working employees that he is 3 of them. But Mr. Bard does not only show his appreciation through words. The most competent workers are also paid 4 .

    Mr. Bard thinks when an 5 works harder and produces higher quality shoes, the company earns more money. 6 , the employee should also earn more. But many of the less competent workers 7.

    “We are equal,” they protest (抗议). “We do the same job, so we should get the 8 pay!”

    He is a kind man, but he is also 9 . If he keeps hiring the less competent workers, the whole company will 10 . and perhaps all employees will lose their jobs. It will also be bad for his family and for the company's 11 .

    To 12 the situation, Mr. Bard creates evening workshops (工作坊) to help 13 the employees who are not working at company 14 . They watch the most competent workers, who receive a special bonus for 15 their co-workers, and make lots of notes. They inspect the production line, ask lots of questions, and 16 until they are skilled and 17 .

    Production at the company 18 . and the customers are happier with the high 19 shoes! As sales increase, Mr. Bard is able to pay his workers better. And 20 the company's smart pay system, the most competent workers can be highly rewarded.


    A few weeks ago I was at the comer store, and there stood an old lady in front of me in line. She seemed very 1 when the cashier asked her to pay $ 38.00. She had about $ 5.00 in her wallet, and she began to 2. The cashier became very 3, telling her that she cannot buy these 4 because she didn't have enough money. So, I told the cashier not to 5 it, and that I would 6 the difference. The cashier gave me a funny look,7 I really felt for this woman.

    Anyway, I paid for my groceries and 8 the store. When I got outside, I saw the lady standing there. I asked her what was 9. She said that she could not remember where she lived, and she began to cry again. I said some names of the 10 around the area but she had no clue (线索). Just then, a car 11and a woman jumped out of the car. It was this lady's daughter. I 12 that her mother couldn't find her way home. The daughter told me that she had Alzheimer's disease (阿尔茨海默病) and that she had been 13 off a lot lately. Then the daughter14 that her mother had 3 - bags of groceries and wondered 15 she got the money to pay for them. I was not 16 if I should tell her that I paid for them, but I did.

The daughter wanted to pay me back, but I 17. The daughter said “Thank you” and I said “Good bye”.

    I felt so 18and happy right through the day, because making others feel 19 makes me feel good. I know that if this 20 happened again, I would do the same thing.


    Months ago, I heard from a friend about a young lady who had just moved to our area. She was a 1from another country with only her small scholarship to make a 2and had just rented a small apartment. My friend told me she had few 3. I got the young lady's telephone number and called her, 4that I was a friend of a friend and I heard she might need some household 5She said, "Yes, thank you!" and6that she had slept on the floor of the apartment with only her coat to cover her and that it was a bit7.

    As every mother knows, when our children are away we 8 worry about them, and, everyone's child is my child too! So, I9a couple of my friends about her. One cleaned out her kitchen and10pots and pans, some glassware, a blanket. Another even11brand-new dishes and glasses in the supermarket.

    When we arrived at the girl's12, we saw there was no furniture. Someone had given her a sleeping bag, otherwise it was a(n) 13apartment. After unloading our 14 we took her back to campus. She 15me over and over again and could not16that these people gave her all these things. I explained people liked to help and that others had17us before. She asked if there was anything she could do to 18 us. I told her, "Yes, there is one thing you can do for us: when you are in a 19 to help others, please remember to20and help." With a smile on her face she promised me that she would.


    Sometimes the best gifts are the smallest ones that add up into something big over time.

    Lily saw her grandfather, who has Parkinson's disease, was struggling to1his cup without spilling (溢出) and started2a picture for a cup that has three legs. Her father also3to spill drinks on his keyboard,4Lily realized that this invention was for everybody and for all kinds of uses. She drew a sketch and finally created a5for her grandfather at her grandfather's house with6materials: a plastic cup and plastic.

    Soon her aunt took her to a pottery (陶瓷) studio, where she was able to7a cup for her father, who found the cup very8. He suggested that she start9her cups. At that time, being only nine years old, Lily didn't know10what her father had meant11taking the cups into production. But she was12and willing to give the idea a try.

    Later, Lily's father took her to visit the13of pottery, Jingdezhen, China, to start creating more cups, and they started a movement to help14the project. And as Imagiroo was set up and started attracting more15, Lily needed to find a company in America to help her produce her cups,16 was one of her company's biggest17. But six years after Imagiroo was18, her company is successful. Certainly Lily's father is a big part of their business.

    It can start with something19, like Lily's first drawing of her cup, and become something bigger along the way with hard work and determination. It may be one small thing to you, but to someone else it can make a big20 .

