
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Think twice the next time you decide to copy your boss in an email. That simple little “CC” box (抄送框) could send a message that ruins your relationship with the other receivers.

    A study in Harvard Business Review asked working adults to imagine that their coworker always, sometimes, or rarely CC'ed their boss in emails. The study results show that employees felt less trusted when their coworker “always'' copied the boss than when they ''sometimes” or “almost never” did. The results of the survey aren't surprising, says career expert Bruce Tulgan. Sometimes the boss really does need to stay in the loop (在圈内) with an email chain. But most times, employees are purposely sending the message that they don't think the receiver follow through with what they're asking unless the boss gets involved, says Tulgan. “That is an expression of lack of trust,'' he says.

    Breaking down that trust level in your office can have serious consequences. Like in any relationship, coworkers need trust to keep things running smoothly. “When people have trust, there is a much higher level of wanting to deliver for each other,” says Tulgan. “When people have enthusiasm, they try harder.” That means more willingness to take risks and make decisions, he says. Even if you don't trust your coworker to follow through for you, copying the boss in an email is not the best strategy, says career expert Todd Dewett, PhD. “CC'ing is the adult version of being a tattletale (告密者),” he says. “It tells your colleague you didn't agree without telling it to their face, and you want your boss to know without talking about it.”

    As a rule of thumb, only about 20 percent of what you do in the office is truly urgent, and those are the only times you should consider getting your boss involved in, says Tulgan. “The most important people, the most important project, key relationship,” she says. “That's when you might consider the occasional use of CC.”

(1)、Why could CC'ing ruin your relationship with your coworkers?
A、It makes the boss join the loop. B、Your coworkers would try harder. C、It makes the boss satisfied with you. D、Your coworkers would feel less trusted.
(2)、What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A、When we can copy the boss in an email. B、How lack of trust can lead to bad results. C、Why trust keeps people working smoothly. D、What can be done to avoid CC'ing the boss.
(3)、What does the underlined phrase “As a rule of thumb” in the last paragraph mean?
A、Needless to say. B、Generally speaking. C、In conclusion. D、In turn.
(4)、What is Bruce Tulgan's advice on the use of CC?
A、Consider the use of CC accordingly. B、CC after negotiating with coworkers. C、It is wise for you to always copy the boss. D、You'd better never copy your boss in an email.

    In the middle of the 20th century people were worried about whales.The number of whales killed worldwide came up to 66,000 per year.However,people weren't worried about the whale as an endangered animal.Instead,they were worried about the whale industry,which would disappear if there were no whales.In 1946,the International Whaling Commission was established.It limited the whale hunting for every country and controlled the whale industry.But the commission recognized that the limitation wasn't enough.They set a worldwide law against hunting whales with only two exceptions: the hunt for scientific research and "aboriginal whaling".Aboriginal whaling allows some countries to hunt a limited number of whales because it is a part of their culture.Some countries like Japan and Norway don't care about the law;they make excuses to hunt whales and sell the products.They only care about the money.

    Many fishermen complain that dolphins,also a kind of whale,steal their fish.Therefore,they kill thousands of them.In fact,this is not the truth.In reality there are so many fishermen who steal the fish from each other.Some whale hunters say that they catch the animals for scientists.They have to research what whales are eating.For that, they kill them and look into their stomach.The truth is that they only want to sell the meat.Today scientists want to observe live whales for their research.

    Many whale families are not protected and thousands of them are killed.Nobody knows if all whale families would survive,even if humans end all whale hunting today.The pollution of the oceans increases fast and the poison gets into the bodies of the animals.Many of them get sick and die.The human being has killed 90%-95% of many whale families.Others are already extinct.

    Today some international organizations try to protect whales.They make reports to explain how important and endangered whales are.Now people are becoming more interested in whales and a complete new industry has developed,whale watching,which you may want to learn about.


    To most people, noise pollution is a jet flying over their head. For one Spanish woman, it is a neighbor playing the piano. The woman has taken her neighbor to court. Now she wants to send her neighbor to prison for over seven years on the charges of psychological damage and noise pollution.

    In a country known for its noisiness, the case has raised eyebrows. Neighbors often complain  about street noise in Spain, but people seeking prison time for someone practicing the piano is unheard of. At the trial, Sonia Bosom says she has been suffering noise pollution up to now due to the practice sessions of Laia Martin, who lives below her. Martin, 27, didn't admit that she played at home that often, saying she took regular classes in other towns and mostly practiced at home on the weekends.

    On the first day of the trial, the newspaper reported that Bosom told the court she now hated pianos so much that she couldn't even stand seeing them in a film. Bosom says years of hearing Constant playing has caused her “psychological injury”. Medical reports show she has suffered from a variety of problems, including insomnia (失眠), anxiety, and panic attacks.

    She says tests by local authorities have found that the sound levels made by the piano are up to 10 decibels (分贝)higher than the limit. City authorities have asked the family several times to either stop the piano playing or soundproof (隔音) the room. The family told the court that they carried out soundproofing work twice but the complaints continued.

    The court hasn't made a final decision. A spokeswoman says the trial will end before May.


The Grand Canyon(大峡谷)Helicopter Tour

    You'll discover the natural beauty of the Grand Canyon as your helicopter flies to the west edge,passing over Lake Las Vegas,Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam.During the flight,you can listen to a recorded introduction to the Grand Canyon and its surroundings via headphones.At noon,you'll land for an unforgettable champagne picnic,3,200 feet below the edge.While you share a bottle of champagne,your pilot and guide will be happy to answer any questions you may have.Your flight ends with a low-level pass over the famous Las Vegas Strip.On landing,a comfortable car is waiting to bring you back to your hotel.

    Each helicopter carries a maximum of 6 people including your pilot.For a roomier experience,upgrade your flight to an EC-130 helicopter which provides larger leg room and can accommodate more weight per seat.See Additional Info for details on weight restrictions.

Pricing Information

    Services included:45-minute(approx)flight each way,hotel pickup and drop-off by   limousine,lunch.

    Our price is constantly updated.Click to check pricing & availability on your preferred  travel date.

    Additional Information

    The maximum weight per passenger to ride in an A-Star helicopter is 2751bs.If passengers weigh in between 2751bs and 3001bs,you will be required to upgrade to the    EC-130.

    Pickup is available from selected Las Vegas hotels.You must contact the local travel    agency to fix your pickup time.

    All flight times are approximate and might be influenced by weather conditions.

    Traveler Review

    This is an absolute must do.The view of the Grand Canyon at his height was absolutely amazing! Our pilot was funny,knowledgeable and a great guide.All the staff from booking to check-in and helicopter departure were fantastic.I would recommend this tour to everyone.


    China has announced it's abolishing its one-child policy. What difference has it made, statistically speaking?

    400 million births prevented. The one-child policy, officially in place since 1979, has prevented 400 million births. Parents have faced fines and other punishments for having more children.

    The majority of the decrease in China's fertility(生育)rate happened in the 1970s.It dropped from 5.8 children per woman in 1970 to 2.7 in 1978. Despite the one-child policy the rate had only fallen to 1.7 by 2013. 21:28 baby death rate. Since the one-child policy was introduced, baby girls have become more likely to die than boys.

    In the 1970s, according to the United Nations, 60 males per 1,000 live births died under the age of one. For girls the figure was 53. In the 1980s, after the one-child policy became official, the rate for both was 36. By the 1990s, 26 males per 1,000 live births died before the age of one-and 33 girls. The 2000s saw 21 boys per 1,000 live births dying and 28 girls.

    1.16 boys born for every girl

    Sexually selective abortions have been considered as a major cause of China's unusual sexual imbalance.

    Gietel-Basten, associate professor in social policy at Oxford University, says the births of many girls are not registered if parents have broken the rule by having two children, adding officials often turn a blind eye. It's estimated there are now 33 million more men than women in China.

    4:2:1 families

    With the ageing of China's population and the continuation of the one-child policy, a “4: 2 :1”home is the description given to households in which there are four grandparents cared for by two working age parents, who themselves have one child.

    By 2050, it's predicted that a quarter of China's population will be 65 or older. The predicted decline in the number of people of working age is thought to have persuaded the government to drop the one-child policy.


    As kids, my friends and I spent a lot of time out in the woods. "The woods" was our part-time address, destination, purpose, and excuse. If I went to a friend's house and found him not at home, his mother might say, "Oh, he's out in the woods," with a tone (语气) of airy acceptance. It's similar to the tone people sometimes use now a days to tell me that someone I'm looking for is on the golf course or at the gym, or even "away from his desk". For us ten-year-olds, "being out in the woods" was just an excuse to do whatever we feel like for a while.

    We sometimes told ourselves that what we were doing in the woods was exploring (探索). Exploring was a more popular idea back then than it is today. History seemed to be mostly about explorers. Our explorations, though seemed to have less system than the historic kind something usually came up along the way. Say we stayed in the woods, throwing rocks, shooting frogs, picking blackberries, digging in what we were briefly persuaded was an Indian burial mound.

    Often we got "lost" and had to climb a tree to find out where we were. If you read a story in which someone does that successfully, be skeptical; the topmost branches are usually too skinny to hold weight, and we could never climb high enough to see anything except other trees. There were four or five trees that we visited regularly-tall beeches easy to climb and comfortable to sit in.

    It was in a tree, too, that our days of fooling around in the woods came to an end. By then some of us has reached seventh grade and had begun the rough ride of adolescence (青春期). In March, the month when we usually took to the woods again after winter, two friends and I set out to go exploring. We climbed a tree, and all of a sudden it occurred to all three of us at the same time that we really were rather big to be up in a tree. Soon there would be the spring dances on Friday evenings in the high school cafeteria.


    I took a journey to New York, US several months ago. It was the first time I had been abroad. It was also the first time I had taken a trip by myself. I had great enthusiasm and high hopes, and I wasn't let down.

    It's hard to describe how I felt when I arrived at the airport in New York. Looking at people of different races and nationalities passing by and hearing different languages all around me, I couldn't say anything for a long time. I had never understood the cultural diversity of the US so clearly and closely before.

    The following days were even more impressive. We integrated(融入)into the forest of concrete and cement(混凝土和水泥). We waved to the Statue of Liberty; we looked down at the busy island of Manhattan; we looked at well-known universities—Harvard of ancient Egypt.

    Then we visited some well-known university—Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia—each with its own appealing and time-honored history. But what all these universities have in common is their peaceful academic atmospheres witch you could feel everywhere. I was impressed by the libraries, decorated just like cathedrals(教堂), and the laboratories just next to the classroom. My dream is to return to those places as an international student.

    Finally came our destinations—the Model United Nations conference at the University of Chicago. Students from various countries arrived to act as United Nations delegations and share their opinions about global issues.

    As a non-native speaker, I felt that competing against native speakers was a very tough task. But it was also a rare change to improve my English and I couldn't throw it away. With perseverance and devotion. I got used to talking to other delegations naturally. Although I didn't win any awards, the chairman praised me at the closing ceremony for my excellent performance. That made me feel really proud.

    This trip brought me unforgettable and valuable experiences that will benefit me forever.

