
试题 试卷


题型:配对阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

广东省韶关市2017-2018学年度九年级上学期英语期末教学目标检测试卷(含听力音频 )




 John is poor in English. Today he failed the English test again.He felt sad.He wants to improve his English no matter how difficult it is.

 Mike is a sports lover.Every day he can't be happy without sports. But today it is raining hard outside.He has to find a place to do sports inside.

 Anna passed her driving test and got the driver's license.She was so happy that she wanted to eat out to celebrate it with her friends.

 Alice was very worried when she got up this morning. She found her son's eyes were red and he cried all the time.She had to take him to see the doctor.

 Rose is a university    student.She is majoring (主修)in music and dance.She'd to calm down when she gets angry.Today she quarrels with her friend.She wants to keep calm.

A.This is a great hotel to have a party.We can serge you the most delicious food in our city.We can also have some rooms for you to sing and play cards.

B.Welcome to Xinghuo English Training Center.We have special plan for you to improve your English.If you want to make progress in English,that's the place you look for.

C.Welcome to People's Children's Hospital.We have many famous doctors here.They can help you get well soon.At the same time,we are sorry to tell you that the eyes department is closed today because the workers are decorating it.

D.At this time in the channel our topic is "loud music" in the past ten years.You can enjoy rock music,such as songs from Beyond and some other famous singers.

E.If you want to keep fit,you must come to our club to have a look.We have many equipments(设备)for you to do exercise no matter it's a sunny day or rainy day.

F.Soft music is played all the morning on this radio.No matter what you are doing now, you can enjoy our powerful music.Please fix it on.

G.Guangdong Eye Hospital is the only eye hospital in this city.If something wrong with your eyes,come here,and we can give you the best service.


    I have a cold. I feel very tired. My throat is sore, I have a cough and my head hurts. Last night, {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. The fever made my body feel hot. I really don't like being sick, because I can't go to school. And my friends can't visit me, either. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    There is no cure(治疗)for the common cold. Below are three ways to help stop a cold spreading and to feel better again.

    First, wash your hands. Washing your hands is the most important way to stop the spread of colds. Cold germs(细菌)are spread by touch. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. So if we wash hands carefully using soap and hot water. We won't get the cold easily.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#} There is a saying that "coughs and sneezes spread illness". Always use a handkerchief(手帕) or napkin to cover your mouth when coughing and your nose when sneezing. That way, the germs won't get onto your hands and spread to things you touch such as doors, cups or plates.

    Finally, clean your house and take care of yourself. We can use a robot cleaner to clean our house on time. Be sure to use only your own toothbrush and cup……

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}, but if you get worse, you should see a doctor at once. Eat healthy simple foods such as soup or rice. Get enough rest and sleep. Stay in bed, read a book, do your schoolwork or practice your English!

    Remember that a common cold only lasts a few days. You'll feel better soon.

A. Next, cover your nose and mouth

B. The germs(细菌) get on to your hands and from there into your eyes, nose and mouth

C. We should stay away from all kinds of colds

D. I also had a fever so I didn't sleep very well

E. Because if one of you gets a cold, often all of you get it

F. Some cold medicines can help stop fever and aches

G. I hope all of you'll get better soon


⑴{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Jack plans to create a cooking club at school. He wants to know how much it will cos

⑵{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Sam cares about the environment very much. But he doesn't know how to start an Environmental club in school.

⑶{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Creating a swimming club is Mike's dream. However, he isn't sure whether his school can help to build a pool.

⑷{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Sue is thinking of starting an English club. But she worries about theme and the place they can meet.

⑸{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Lucy expects to start a club about poetry because she knows that lots of kids love poetry. But she is wondering how to get people to join.

A. Setting up an English club is one of the things we are going to do this term. So do it right now. Let's see how many people will join and then decide where and when to meet

B. You must know that pools are expensive to build, and they usually take several years to complete. So I think it's a good idea to get the swimmers to a nearby pool.

C. Reading poems can be very fun. You can first ask your classmates to join, and then they will invite their own friends to join it.

D. Your plan sounds like a good one. As for the cost, you can ask your mother for some advice.  She must know a lot about cooking.

E. First you should think about your interest. If you like playing games, a gaming club will be a good idea. If you are a swimming fan, it is great to start a swimming club.

F. I think it is a good idea to set up a club like that! You can first give speeches about protecting the environment at school.

G. A club can influence people a lot even if it has only a few members, so I wouldn't worry too much about it being small.

