
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难



    Recently, a picture of a soaking wet father holding an umbrella for his son in New York street has spread widely on the Internet. The 1moved countless netizens, commenting “Father's love is as 2as a mountain.”

    The name of “Father Umbrella”is Liu Qiao,3told the reporter the photos were4on September 10th. Because of the sudden rain, he only took a(n)5umbrella in the office to 6his son at the kindergarten gate. “My home is near, so there is no need to7rain.”Liu Qiao said giving the only umbrella to his son in the rain was a very_8instinct(本能)and getting praised so widely was 9his expectation.

    Some netizens questioned, “Why didn't he 10his son?”Liu Qiao thinks he has been creating the best 11for this son instead of doing all the things for him and let him12for himself.“I want him to do things13so I did not hold him and the schoolbag was also14him. But after all he was too young to 15cold, so I held an umbrella to 16him from the rain.”

    Netizen's interpretation of this picture is:“As a father, he can17his son, but his son must walk himself. Dad's 18hand is the cause, the right hand the 19 backing on the wind and rain…The 'umbrella father' shows 'Dad can't give you the best,20gives you all!”And this also lets countless friends say,“It melts the heart down.”

A、scenery B、signal C、scene D、sign
A、amazing B、great C、proud D、hard
A、who B、that C、whom D、which
A、taken B、chosen C、brought D、bought
A、useless B、extra C、common D、spare
A、bring up B、take up C、pick up D、turn up
A、stop B、avoid C、frighten D、worry
A、willing B、strange C、natural D、curious
A、within B、under C、on D、beyond
A、hold B、tell C、help D、consider
A、needs B、dreams C、belongings D、conditions
A、change B、work C、earn D、battle
A、by himself B、of himself C、to himself D、from himself
A、in B、on C、by D、at
A、refuse B、defeat C、ignore D、resist
A、stop B、break C、protect D、ban
A、shelter B、understand C、raise D、concern
A、warm B、big C、left D、calm
A、patience B、hope C、diligence D、honesty
A、then B、but C、and D、thus

    Pooja Dhingra is an Indian chef and businesswoman, the owner of macaroon bakery chain Le 15 Patisserie (西饼店) in Mumbai. She should have been a lawyer. But while studying 1 at university in Mumbai, she decided to 2 her major and do something more creative.

    Dhingra's father and her elder brother are both restaurant owners. Remembering helping her mother in the 3 during her childhood, she decided to work with food instead of legal cases. She 4 her parents to let her attend a hospitality (招待) and management course in Switzerland. Three years later, she went to Paris to learn the 5 of French baking. There her friends took her to one of the best macaroon shops. After just one 6, Dhingra determined that when she returned to Mumbai she would 7 her own shop, the first of its kind in India.

    After graduation, she started making macaroons in her parents' kitchen, 8 it was a complete failure. The hot and wet weather in Mumbai made it 9 to make delicious cakes. It took her around six months of research and 60 failed 10 to finally get a favorite recipe. Yet being both young and female 11 she faced extra challenges. “The biggest problem was to get people to take you 12,” she says. “For example, if I had to buy machinery, I would have to ask my father to make these calls for me.”

    Dhingra eventually opened her first shop in 2010. To 13 sales in a city where very few people knew what a macaroon was, Dhingra gave away some 14 macaroons to customers, which made her cakes popular immediately. She continued 15 new recipes. “Once you know basic techniques, inventing recipes is very 16,” she said. “All you need is an open 17. I get a lot of my ideas and 18 from basic things around me.”

    Dhingra is the author of a best-selling cookery book, The Big Book of Treats. She also started running classes on how to make macaroons and other cakes. In 2016, Dhingra 19 her business, opening a new location called Le 15 Café. Today, as a professional baker, Dhingra 20 up one of India's finest patisseries .


    I remember the first day when I saw Sally playing basketball. I watched in wonder as she struggled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground. She seemed so1but she managed to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net. The boys always tried to stop her2nobody could.

    I began to notice Sally at other times, basketball in hand, playing3She practiced dribbling and4over and over.

    One day I asked Sally why she5so much. Without a moment of hesitation she said, "I want to go to college. The only way I can go is to get a6 I'm going to play college basketball and I want to be the best one. I believe that if I am7enough, I will get one. My father has told me that if the dream is big enough, the facts don't8"

    I9her through those junior high years and into high school. Every week, she led her team to10 One day in her senior year, I saw her sitting on the grass, her head11in her arms. Slowly and quietly, I12and sat down beside her. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Oh, nothing, "came a soft reply , “I am just too short." The13told her that at 165cm she would probably never play for a top team-still less she would be14a scholarship-so she should stop dreaming about college.

    I felt she was extremely15I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet. She told me that her father said those coaches were16. They didn't understand the17of a dream.

    The next year, Sally was seen by a college basketball coach after a big game. She was18offered a scholarship and19to the college team. She was going to get the college education that she had20and worked toward for all those years.

    It's true: if the dream is big enough, the facts don' t count.


    A video show has become a hot topic on the Internet around China these days. The 35-second video shows that a man driver took a woman out of her red car, threw her to the ground and 1 her several times.

    Later, the man driver told the police that was because the woman driver changed lanes (变道) 2 and scared his child in the car. That made this man driver very 3. And his anger changed into this fight. The man was blamed (责备) a lot from Internet users, who regarded him as " Crazy or Mad".

    However, public attitude (态度) soon took a u-turn when the video from the dashboard camera (行车记录仪) on the man driver's car was put on the Internet on Tuesday. The 4 video shows the woman driver suddenly crossed lanes in front of Zhang's car twice and the two said angry words to each other 5 both cars came to a stop under an overhead bridge. And there the fight happened. The latest online poll (民调) shows that 78% Internet users believe that the woman driver should be blamed for 6 she had done. However, the woman driver 7 to realize her own mistake and refused to say sorry at first. The discussion further grew when some people started a cyber hunt (人肉搜索) against the woman. Some of her personal 8 was put on the Internet, including her ID number, address, phone number and so on.

    9 the morning of May 11, the woman driver finally wrote a letter to say sorry to the public, and put it on the Internet, saying that she felt sorry for what she had done and what her family had 10 about this accident. Both of the two have paid for what they had done! So when we drive on the road, try to be calm enough to avoid such happenings again.

