
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    In the late 1990s, Google was just a start-up company operating out of a garage in PaloAlto, California. Co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin started the company while studying at Stanford University. Google's founders and its employees, then understood some of the challenges that entrepreneurs(创业者) around the world may face. An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business. They must be willing to risk financial loss in order to make money.

    Mary Grove is the director of a program called Google for Entrepreneurs. She said Google wants to help new start-up businesses grow and be successful.

Google for Entrepreneurs has opened campuses around the world. Entrepreneurs in each city can use Google's

    buildings without paying.Entrepreneurs can work with each other and learn from people who are more experienced in business.

    Yeram Kwon is the head of a company in South Korea.Her business is called L.M.Lab. It makes a product that helps people learn to perform the lifesaving technique called CPR. She said she has learned how to solve some of her business problems by attending Google events in Seoul.

    Outside of its own buildings in these cities, Google provides financial support and resources for partner organizations around the world. Building partnerships is a way for Google to spread the idea of entrepreneurialism around the world. Google can use its network to help find people who want to invest in start-up businesses. Those people need to be ready to take risks. That is something Kwon said that makes some Koreans uncomfortable. "Most

    Korean people think that it is much safer to work for big companies like Samsung and LG," she said. But, Kwon said the Korean government and technology companies are now supporting people willing to take business risks.

(1)、Why does Google advocate the program according to the text ?
A、Because it just wants to help the entrepreneur. B、Because it can make more money without risk. C、Because it can promote its reputation by doing this. D、Because it can build partnerships with more companies.
(2)、Why did the author mention Yeram Kwon?
A、She helped Google's program a lot. B、She guided others to star businesses. C、She benefited from Google's program. D、She was active in investing in Google businesses.
(3)、What can be learned from the text?
A、Google provides dire ctfinancialsupporttoentreprcneurs. B、The idea ofentrepreneurialismishighlythoughtofbyeeryone. C、Entrepreneurs can use Google's network to find investors by themselves. D、Yeram Kwon thinks most Korean people lack spirit of business adventure.
(4)、What can be the best title for the text?
A、Start-up Businesses Learn From Google B、More Companies Like Google Will Appear C、Google Will Build Its Branches in the World D、Google Inspires Entrepreneurs Around the World

    We ate on the go more than ever before. Here are three health apps that can help you better manage your health when you pursue your dreams.

⑴Doctors On Demand

    Doctors On Demand enables you to visit a doctor without ever leaving your home, helping you use a computer, tablet or smart phone to have a doctor video chat with you. The service will help you locate and connect you to licensed doctors, psychologists, pediatricians (儿科医生) and more. Fees can be paid with HAS&FSA. It costs $40 for 15 minutes with a doctor or $50 for 20 minutes with a psychologist.


    I'm a big fan of Text4baby for a few reasons. The free service for pregnant women and new moms works by sending text messages to your smart phone three times a week with information about how to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. And the messages are timed to the pregnant woman's due date or the baby's date of birth, sending tips that are relevant to where a mother is in her pregnancy or where a baby is in stages of development. Tips range from breastfeeding to car seat safety to reminders about exercise, nutrition and more. The service combines interactive text messages, an app, video and web content in English and Spanish. Sign up by texting BABY to 511-411 or by downloading the app.


    RISE, an app available on iPhone(coming to Android in 2016), pairs you up with (与……绑定) a registered dietitian to improve your diet and reach health goals. You share photos of your meals and your exercise for the day with your coach, who then looks for areas where you can improve and gives advice, helps you set goals and is there to pat you on the back virtually(虚拟地) when you hit a milestone. What's also great is that you can text as much as you want with your dietitian and there is no need to go into an office. Fees for this service range from $9 per month to $50 a month. There is a free 7-day trial so you can try it out for a week to see if it's fit for you.


    For many of us, talking about money is embarrassing, especially revealing our income and spending habits in public. So it's no wonder that seeking investment advice from computer program is so popular.

    Consultancy firm Accenture found that 68% of global consumers would be happy to use robot-advice to plan for retirement, feeling it would be faster, cheaper, and fairer than human advice. “Many of our customers say they feel awkward in face-to-face meetings, preferring an online experience where they don't feel nervous,” says Lynn Smith, a director of robot-advice firm Wealth Wizards. So how does robot-advice work and is it really any better than traditional financial advice?

    Robot-adviser firms use algorithms (算法) to analyse your financial situation and goals and then work out an investment plan to suit you. Basically, you answer lots of questions online about your income, expenses, family situation, attitude to risk and so on, and then the algorithm allocates (分配) your savings to a series of investments, from index funds that aim to imitate a particular stock market index or sector, to fixed-income bonds.

    Robot-advice is certainly growing in popularity. But are we really happy to give up the human adviser completely? “No” is the short answer. Accenture finds that a significant proportion of us still want human interaction, particularly when our finances are complex. “When a customer needs advice surpassing a number of different regulatory regimes, human advice will be required, says John Perks, managing director of life and pensions at UK insurer LV, which launched its Retirement Wizard robot-advice service two years ago.

    The truth is that only about a quarter of funds managed by clever humans overcome the market as a whole, so when you take into account the much higher management fees you pay for that kind of service, the performance difference is likely to be marginal (微不足道的) for most of us.

    The robots may be coming, but in this case at least, they seem to be on the side of the small investor trying to save for a comfortable retirement.


    Here are three best destinations for you to discover in 2018 if you ho heart-stopping adventure, a close-up look at history or the perfect meal.

    Los Cabos, Mexico

    Located at the tip of the Baja Peninsula, the two small colonial(殖民地的) towns of Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo have become the hottest vacation destinations in Mexico in recent years. With wide, original beaches, lively nightclubs, natural resorts, and a farm-to-table food scene, the oasis(乐园)of Los Cabos is drawing tourists in record numbers. As a result, the hotel scene is booming, with a lot of new developments and repairs completed this year.


    Until now, Zambia has had little recognition as one of Africa's great safari(狩猎远征) destinations. Yet experts know it as the birthplace of the walking safari. In South Luangwa National Park, visitors can expect to see more animals than baobab trees, while Liuwa Plain National Park is the setting for the world's second-largest wildebeest(角马) migration, when tens of thousands of the creatures head across the plain from neighboring Angola.

Brussels, Belgium

    Visitors may want to return to the Belgian capital in 2018 to visit two cutting-edge museums. The Millennium Iconoclast Museum of Art opened to show contemporary art from around the world. There's also the Citroen Cultural Centre, which will launch its first exhibition in May. The JAM Hotel with exposed brickwork and concrete beams housed in a former art school, is the perfect place for culture-lovers to stay. don't leave town without experiencing beer culture at youthful breweries(啤酒厂) like Brasserie de la Senne or Brussels Beer Project.


The least-visited countries in the world

    It's every traveler's dream — a corner of the planet still undisturbed by tourists. And obviously, such places do exist. The United Nations World Tourism Organization lately reported the four least-visited countries globally.

    Liechtenstein (69,000)

    The sixth smallest country in the world is also one of the most undiscovered.

    Lying between Austria and Switzerland, Liechtenstein is an outdoor enthusiast's playground. It's the only country in the world to be totally in the Alps and a summer destination for hiking and cycling and snow-covered skiing perfection in winter, for those who can afford it.

    French Guiana (199,000)

    French Guiana is the least-visited country in South America, with some of the world's most diverse plant and animal life.

    While there is much to attract tourists to the area, not least its miles of jungle, the construction is in need of some attention.

    Montserrat (9,000)

    Once a popular holiday spot, this Lesser Antilles island has never quite recovered from a series of natural disasters. Hurricane Hugo in 1989 hit 90 per cent of the island and in 1995 the Soufriere Hills volcano erupted.

    These days, its volcano is now actually one of Montserra's main attractions, together with its beautiful beaches. Visitors can also go diving in its clear waters.

    Comoros (24,000)

    This collection of islands in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar serves as the perfect destination for those who want to get away from everyday city life.

Comoros offers beautiful volcanic scenery, fruitful forests, and remote sleepy towns. There are even some of the best undiscovered reefs(礁) just waiting to be explored by divers.


    Every time a new year is coming, people set out to better themselves. They promise they will lose weight, find a new job, or maybe even take that vacation they've always talked about. But why do we make these promises to ourselves, and where did this tradition come from? Why does this tradition live on when so many people fail to keep the resolutions(决定) they made? Well, we can start by blaming the ancient Babylonians.

    Around 4, 000 years ago in Babylon, the earliest recorded celebration honoring the coming of a new year was held. Calendars weren't as they are today, so the Babylonians did it in late March during the first new moon after the Spring Equinox(春分). The festivities were meant for the rebirth of the sun god, but the Babylonians made promises in order to please their gods. They felt this would help them start the new year off well.

    Resolutions continued on with the Romans. When the early Roman calendar no longer synced(同步) up with the sun, Julius Caesar decided to make a change. He consulted with the best astronomers and mathematicians of the time and introduced the Julian calendar, which more closely represents the modern calendar we use today. Caesar declared January 1 the first day of the year to honor the god of new beginnings, Janus. The Romans celebrated the New Year by offering sacrifices to Janus.

To this day, the traditions of the ancient Babylonians and Romans continue around the world. So much that Google launched a Resolution Map in 2013 where people could add resolutions and see others adding theirs in real time. However, no matter how many people participated in Google's project, the numbers are bleak when it comes to the number of people who maintain their resolutions—-only eight percent of people are successful in sticking them out.


A 293-million-mile journey of the NASA Perseverance rover (探测器) to Mars: ended successfully on February 18, 2021, with a picture-perfect landing inside the Jezero Crater. The car-sized, six-wheeled rover, nicknamed Percy is the US space agency's biggest and most advanced explorer to date. Its primary mission is to search for signs of ancient microbial (微生物的) life on Mars.

Landing on Mars is extremely tricky. The Red Planet's gravitational pull causes approaching spacecraft to go faster to high speeds, while its thin atmosphere-just 1 percent that of Earth's-does little to help slow it down as it approaches the surface.

The scientists had to reduce Percy's 12,000 mph speed to a safe landing speed of less than five mph-in just six and a half minutes. The target entry angle also had to be a precise 12 degrees-any steeper, and the spacecraft would burn up; any flatter, and it would get lost in space. It is no wonder that the final approach is often referred to as the "seven minutes of terror. "

Upon attaining a manageable speed, Percy briefly flew over the Martian surface to seek out the perfect landing spot. Its complex map-reading system rapidly scanned the area and matched it with maps in its database to find the best location.

The NASA scientists will spend the next two months testing Percy's scientific instruments. Once ready, the rover will begin to carry out its mission.

"Perseverance is the smartest robot ever made, but confirming that microbial life once existed carries an unusually large burden of proof," said Lori Glaze, director of NASA's Planetary Science Division. "While we'll learn a lot with the great instruments we have aboard the rover, it may very well require the far more well-equipped laboratories and delicate instruments back here on Earth to tell us whether our samples (样本) carry evidence that Mars once harbored life. "

