
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

人教版(新课程标准)高中英语必修2 Unit 5 Music同步练习1


    The Grand Ole Opry, in Nashville, Tennessee, has always been American's most important concert hall for country music. Every Saturday night the place is filled with country music1

    One 2 in January 1967, it was a very 3night at the Opry and for the first time a4 man was an attraction (吸引力).5 music has always been thought of as “white music”. For many, it was a strange 6 to see Charley Pride step 7 the Opry stage. Some people felt 8 about whether a black man could sing country songs.9 Charley's smooth voice quickly 10 over the Opry 11 Charley was so good that before long, he was country music's biggest12.

    Like many country singers, Charley was13on a farm. He spent his youth milking cows and picking cotton. But he knew he wasn't going to make 14his career (事业). Later, he became a baseball player.

    Charley made it to a major league team. But he didn't stay on for more than one season.

    In the winter, after the baseball season, Charley 15 at a local nightclub. One evening, Red Sovine, a great country music star,16 Charley sing and told Charley to forget about 17 and go for a singing career.

    Charley took the 18and became a true hit-maker. His 19 were always near the top on the list. Some were number one all over the country.

    Today Charley Pride is 20one of the biggest stars in country music. But he says his real wish is to own a baseball team.

A、people B、sound C、fans D、songs
A、Saturday B、day C、time D、concert
A、cold B、special C、dark D、successful
A、young B、famous C、strong D、black
A、Classic B、Country C、Popular D、Light
A、look B、sight C、event D、evening
A、to B、up C、for D、onto
A、unsure B、curious C、bad D、excited
A、Then B、As C、But D、So
A、brought B、won C、flowed D、carried
A、hall B、crowd C、concert D、singers
A、winner B、player C、star D、fan
A、known B、raised C、trained D、found
A、singing B、music C、sports D、farming
A、sang B、played C、fought D、worked
A、made B、heard C、helped D、let
A、music B、jobs C、baseball D、agriculture
A、career B、change C、order D、advice
A、fans B、pictures C、records D、concerts
A、still B、again C、even D、yet

    What do you do when you were born with only two fingers on each hand and your legs were amputated (截肢) at the knees when you were three? Lee Hee-ah1 that in her life. And her legs 2 at her knees. When Lee was born, doctors told her mother Woo Kap-sun that her child wasn't3. But Woo was determined her daughter would4 a successful life.

    When Lee was old enough to go to school, her mother decided that she wanted her daughter to take5 lessons. She felt it would help her6 hands because playing piano could make them stronger. In addition, she felt that7 she could master the piano, she could master8. But for six months, piano schools 9 them down. Then the teacher who did accept the task got10 and wanted to quit.

    It became a 11of wills between the mother and the daughter that led to a 12 in which Woo actually threw her daughter on the floor in 13 Lee got back to the piano bench and for the first time played the children's song she had been trying to learn. That was the14point and one year later Lee15 the prize in a piano concert for kindergarteners. It was at age 7 that :Lee won Korea's 19th National Handicap Conquest Contest and was16 with her award by the President of Korea. Today Lee, 22, has won numerous awards, and is a 17 traveled concert pianist with more than 200 appearances.  Lee thanked her18 for challenging her to master the piano and said that although her training was 19 as time went by, the piano had became her 20 of inspiration and her best friend. Nothing is impossible in life. It's only our thought and belief that matter.


    The family had had a cat for years. Then, one day, the children finally 1 to persuade their parents to get them a dog as well. So a little Labrador(拉布拉多犬)2 .

    The dog was so3that everyone wanted to hold him and he charmed everyone by just loving them. The cat made it very clear she did not welcome another 4 in the house, but the dog just 5 the cat anyway. The little dog 6her anywhere, trying to make friends with the angry cat. No amount of 7behavior from the cat could persuade the dog not to love the cat.

    The family thought the cat would 8like the dog.

    Then one day the family heard horrible 9 from their back yard. They ran to the 10 to see what was happening. They lived in the suburbs and so they saw a real lynx(猞猁)was just planning on11 their cat for lunch. The poor cat had nowhere to run or hide. It would only be a matter of seconds and their cat would be 12.

    And then suddenly a black lightning ran to the rescue. The little dog 13the big lynx with all its strength. It did not14 or stop to think. It saw its 15 in trouble and did what had to be done. The family opened the window and started yelling and the father ran to the yard. The lynx soon disappeared into the16

    And ever since that day the cat's behavior toward the dog17totally. Now it was the cat that followed the hero dog everywhere. They 18in the same basket. The cat even let the dog eat from her bowl.

So we can19: if ever anyone is 20 towards you, don't turn your back on them. They may not rescue your life —but their kindness can certainly rescue your day!

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,故答案选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I never forget the single act of kindness that changed my life over 25 years ago. During a vacation trip, I needed to find my 1 to the Greyhound bus station, some 30 miles away. Being a 2student, I had little money to get there.

    I3to call various taxis and shuttle(往返汽车) services but they were all to4or too far away to pick me up. Then, I got one person on the5who managed to make out that I needed a ride to the Greyhound station but only had limited financial 6 and he agreed to transport me! He came to pick me up about 45 minutes 7. The driver was older and I remember8why the shuttle didn't have a meter (计时器) but his ID was there and I could see this was his9. The driver was so kind. He knew I was10so he distracted me with stories and good11. He said I looked like his granddaughter.

    At one point, I asked him why he12so little to the others. Then, he patiently explained that he was13retired and hadn't removed his number from the phone book but when I called, clearly upset, he felt 14to help. This man drove an hour out of his way to help a person he didn't know for a fee that only15his gas, if that! Because of his 16, I knew things were going to be okay. This man's kindness warms my heart every time I think of him. 17 , I didn't get his name and his face has18gradually from my memory but he is on my mind often and I wish I could thank him19 "Thank you Mr. Angel Shuttle-Man! I hope your granddaughter knows what a(n)20grandfather she has!"


    On a dark grey morning, my mom said in a quiet voice. "Your dad and I have decided that we're moving to Singapore.”

    These words did not1much in my five-year-old brain until the day we had to2 and say goodbye to our close friends.

    Normally,mom always booked our3together. The4of sitting next to a stranger was never something I had to worry about, until now. Booking it late, we weren't given5when buying the seats.

    I was6as I walked on the plane and down the aisle. What I saw was something 7to an alien to me. It was an Indian lady dressed in a traditional Sari and having a massive bindi(额前的人工痣) between her eyebrows. But her8wasn't the only thing that9me away. I made a10 as if I had smelt something sour.

    My mom11walked me to the back of the plane, and12she wasn't any different from me and I should be respectful because it was her13and religion.

    As we got prepared to14, the lady buckled(扣住 )her seatbelt and took out a book from her bag. At that point I am15that the book was in English! After a short sleep, I16to dinner time. I got spaghetti and so did the lady sitting next to me. She was eating the same thing as me!

    Throughout the flight, I17in my young little mind that she was just a human being like me though she looked and18differently, which provided me with a19of being a human being who20all types of lifestyles.


    I was walking down a dimly (昏暗) lit street late one evening when I heard 1 coming from behind bushes. 2 I slowed down to listen and panicked when I realized that what I was hearing were the sounds of a struggle. Only yards from where I stood, a woman was being attacked.

    Should I get 3?

    I was frightened for my own safety, and I hated 4 for having suddenly decided to take a(n) 5 route home that night. "What if I'm hurt too? Shouldn't I just run to the nearest phone and call the police?" Although it felt like a century, my thought process had only 6 seconds.

    But already the cries were growing 7.

    I knew I had to act fast. "How could I walk away from this?" I asked myself.

    "No", I finally resolved (决心), I could not turn my 8 on the fate of this unknown woman, 9 it means 10 my own life.

    I am not a brave man, nor am I 11. I don't know where I found the moral courage and physical strength, but 12 I had finally decided to help the girl, I became suddenly changed.

    I ran behind the bushes and 13 the attacker off the woman. Struggling, we fell to the ground, 14 we fought for a few minutes until the man jumped up and escaped.

    15 heavily, I got to my feet and 16 the girl, who was sobbing behind a tree. In the darkness, I could certainly 17 her trembling shock.  Not wanting to frighten her any further, I at first spoke to her from a 18.

    "It's OK," I said soothingly. "The man ran away. You're safe now."

    There was a long pause and then I heard the words, uttered (说) in 19.

    "Dad, is that you?"

    And then, from behind the tree, 20 my youngest daughter, Katherine.

    God has a way of allowing us to be in the right place at the right time.

