
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    It was a very cold Thursday. When I observed the1falling onto my car, I really began to wonder if I was going to2it on time. Of course I must, because I have no3

    About two weeks ago, what my4Ellen had talked about was her Christmas concert to be held in her school and some rumors about it. “Mom, Rachel was5to sing alone, but she's not! Linda will replace her to do it.” “Mom, you won't believe it,6Lexie's whole family is coming to the concert, even from another7” Making a long way out of state to see third graders sing Christmas carols seemed to be a pretty big deal(待遇) for her.

    When I sat in traffic, I thought about all the school8I had attended alone. Ellen never mentioned it, but I wonder9she felt about me being the only one who ever came to her events. My own family lived out of town, and her father and his family10quite succeeded in fitting those things into their schedules, I11if it bothered her.

    At eight o'clock the12was scheduled to begin. With only a few minutes to13 I found myself running: first, through the snow-drifted parking lot, then through the school passage. I entered the14hall and found a vacant seat near the front. From her place onstage, Ellen saw me15for the chair, and she smiled. I was16enough to hear the loud conversation of the children onstage.

    “Look, Ellen, there is my uncle and my cousin. They came all the way from West Virginia. I can't believe my whole family is here!” Ellen17at Lexie and said, “My whole family is here, too! Look, there she is!” Ellen gave me a big smile. I smiled back at her, never once18the melting snow dripping off my head. It19occurred to me that while we tried to teach our children all about20 they actually taught us what life was all about.

A、dust B、rain C、leaves D、snow
A、do B、make C、see D、appreciate
A、choice B、idea C、chance D、time
A、niece B、nephew C、son D、daughter
A、supposed B、reminded C、forced D、persuaded
A、so B、but C、or D、and
A、town B、country C、state D、city
A、meetings B、exercises C、exams D、events
A、which B、what C、how D、when
A、always B、never C、occasionally D、regularly
A、wondered B、ignored C、imagined D、hesitated
A、party B、class C、concert D、competition
A、start B、use C、remain D、spare
A、huge B、empty C、crowded D、special
A、walk B、run C、wander D、head
A、close B、eager C、prepared D、happy
A、glared B、smiled C、glanced D、laughed
A、considering B、stopping C、noticing D、getting
A、suddenly B、eventually C、gradually D、secretly
A、love B、music C、school D、life
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B 、C 、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    As a student in my final year of high school, I am very concerned about college. I spend most days thinking about the 1, hoping that I am on the right path.

    I am interested in a career in 2, so I decided to volunteer for service at the local hospital. I thought it would be the best of both worlds:3 people while getting valuable on-the-job experience! So I went to the business office. 4, the hospital director was quite willing to let me help out, and he said I could 5 that summer as soon as I finished my finals. I accepted his 6 immediately, thinking to myself that here lay all the 7 I could ever want!

    Soon enough, I 8 for my first day at the 9. The director gave me a brief tour of different departments 10 we stopped right in front of maternity ward(产科病房). “This is 11you are going to work,” he said. I was overwhelmed(不知所措的) by the sounds. Women shouted and newborns 12. I got nervous and wondered if I had been in a hurry when I was 13 to go for such a (an)14 job.

    My 15 must have shown clearly on my face because the director said, “Don't worry. You are going to help in the nursery.” 16 that, we walked down a hallway filled with balloons, beautiful flowers and into the 17 room I've ever seen. The soft colors provided a quiet backdrop to the sleeping babies. The nurse in charge of the nursery 18 me, thanked me for 19, and asked me to start putting some baby things away in the drawers. The director gave me a (an) 20 look, which I returned with a quiet nod. I got right to work.


    When I was a boy we had several gardens around our old house. The largest one of all was used just for 1 potatoes. I can still remember those potato 2 days. The whole 3 helped.

    4 my Dad had tilled(耕地)the soil,my Mom,brothers,and I went to work. It was my job to 5 the little seed potatoes in the rows while my Mom dropped 6 of fertilizer (肥料)beside them. My brothers then covered them all 7 the freshly turned earth.

    For months afterward I would 8 over at the garden while I played outside and wonder what was going on underneath the ground. When the harvest time came I was 9 at the huge size of the potatoes my Dad pulled out of the soil.

    Those little seedlings had grown into sweet food. They would be 10 meal after meal of baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, and my 11 favorite: potatoes cooked in spaghetti sauce.

They would 12 the entire family well fed throughout the whole year. It 13 was a miracle to be held.

    Thinking back to those special times makes me wonder how many other 14 I have planted in tills life that have grown 15 in the hearts and minds of others.

    How many times has God used some little thing that I said 16 did to grow something beautiful? How many 17 has Heaven used these little seedlings to 18 another's soul with sweet food?

    I hope then you always 19 the garden around you with care. I hope that you plant only goodness, peace, and20 in the lives of everyone you help. I hope that everyday you help miracles to grow.


    It started four years ago. My wife would see a 1 man near where she worked. It was the week before Christmas and she said she wanted to purchase a new coat for him because his coat was 2. We don't have a lot of 3. We are really a step away from being homeless in rags most months but we try to 4 when we can.

    We talked and found a way to get some money together to 5 him a coat. I 6 that since we were giving a coat to him, we should look at what else he might 7. We decided to fill a 8 with some useful 9 things—a toothbrush, soap, clothes, a hat, gloves and some food. A small gift and Christmas card was put in it as well.

    We haven't had money to exchange 10 for birthdays or Christmas for many years, too. It feels wonderful to have someone 11 you at Christmas but I've always been a little 12 when friends ask "What did you get for Christmas?" It always makes my wife feel bad that she can't 13 to give me anything and I feel the same. So I would 14 and say she bought me this thing or that. But that year we could say we 15 something to others instead and that's 16 what happened.

    People asked and we said what we did. They also wanted to help the following 17 and we made ten more backpacks the following Christmas, and this year we really 18 the gifts.

    I still can't afford to buy my wife some gifts to 19 on Christmas day, but the 20 we feel makes up for it ten times!


Not everyone around is easy to get on well with in your life. I've always tried to keep my 1 from people who are rude, aggressive and mean. But sometimes we can't 2 having contact with people who might not have our best interests at heart.

Last summer, I became involved with a(n) 3 co­worker who was at a bad spot in his life. I had a lot of 4 for him and decided to help him 5 this tough time, so I tried my best to tolerate his rudeness when he lost his temper. However, just like a swimmer drowning in a pool, he grabbed on and ended up drowning me when I 6 and tried to rescue him. His rudeness gradually was out of 7. One night, when I got up to get a glass of water, he started yelling at me to get back into my bedroom. I did as I was told but I was not happy about it. He 8 my change in mood and asked what was wrong. But when I told him his behavior toward me was 9 and that I was very hurt by the way he had treated me, he was surprised. He could not understand his actions had a bad 10 on me. He told me he didn't have anything 11 me and that there was no need for me to 12 it. I used examples from his life of things that had hurt him and then tried to make the 13 that the same things also made me unfriendly. I said, "I always treat you with patience, understanding and kindness, but you haven't treated me with 14 respect." He was silent after listening to my words. What I had said might 15 him.

People only change if they want to change. I didn't know whether he would change his opinion or not in the future.

