
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



In a new move, doctors are using feature films in order to encourage their patients to talk more freely about their problems. Supporters of "film therapy (疗法)" say that discussing characters and plot lines from a proper film can help people to understand their feelings better.

One of those using the method is Bernie Wooder, a doctor from Elstree, who charges £45 for a one-hour "film therapy" session. He said, "I was treating a woman who had been badly let down in a relationship, and who was experiencing such strong feelings that it was difficult for her to speak about them. I told her that her situation reminded me of On the Waterfront, when Marlon Brando's character realizes his brother is dishonest and he feels a great sense of betrayal (背叛). My patient identified so easily with him that she started to cry. Watching and discussing the film unlocked all the feelings she had buried. Each time she watched and cried, she felt better."

Mr Wooder admits that film therapy does not work for everyone, but says he has used it successfully with about a third of his clients. "Through the films' characters, plots and even music, it allows people to face their problems." He said that Falling Down, in which Michael Douglas plays the part of an unemployed man who is so frustrated (沮丧的) that he uses violence, was an example of the dangerous implications (后果) of not letting anger go. "I used this film with a patient who was very upset because he was holding on to a lot of the anger he felt towards people who had frustrated him," said Mr Wooder. "We talked about Michael Douglas's character and the disastrous path he takes, and my patient then realized that he needed to let go of his feelings more regularly so as not to erupt (爆发) like a time bomb."

(1)、What can we learn about Bernie Wooder?
A、He used to be an actor. B、He likes to review different films. C、He is good at sharing his feelings. D、He is in support of "film therapy".
(2)、Why did the patient cry when she watched On the Waterfront?
A、She missed her brother. B、She was moved by the film. C、She realized she had been cheated. D、She thought of her sufferings.
(3)、After discussing Falling Down with Mr Wooder, the patient decided to _____.
A、let go of his anger B、stop his acts of violence C、forget those who hurt him D、learn from Michael Douglas
(4)、What does the text mainly tell us?
A、Film stars have problems too. B、Films can help unlock feelings. C、Watching films can help you relax. D、The public should pay more attention to films.

    When the evening is coming, my dear son and I are preparing for the tape time. “Shoes on,” I remind 9-year-old Sam. “Snakes are always waiting for the chance to kiss you. But with our feet stepped into my car, we are safe.” We take blankets and cups of milk and head out to the shelter that serves as our garage. This has become our bedtime habit.

    I press “play.” A motherly voice fills the car. My mother and my aunt send us books on tape obtained from secondhand shops or rescued from the back of drawer. Maybe no one in England lays cassettes anymore, but I still love them.

    Sam rests on his seat. He's sitting in the front seat. I am listening to the cassette. But I am also thinking. In a month's time, my boy will be 10. Next year, he will be 11. And so it will go on, until he leaves me and his father and his sister to live out his own stories— as it is only right and proper he should.

    Will he think back to the times when he sat in the dark in a car in Africa, listening to tales of Wales in World War Ⅱ, the finest lady detective of Botswana, or a country he has visited, and tells me he finds them “very interesting”? Will he think , when he is grown-up, the poor mum always makes the ancient tape player which is out of date work?

    I like to believe that he will recall those wonderful moments. By then, perhaps, my child will realize a deep love of sharing and understanding by listening to the old tape player. I hope Sam will think that these evenings we spend in the car are a story themselves. It is his own first chapter. In time my boy will ease off the hand brake and roll out into the world. Until then, I'll keep pressing “play”.


    Have you ever run into a careless cell phone user on the street? Perhaps they were busy talking, texting or checking updates on WeChat without looking at what was going on around them. As the number of this new “species” of human has kept rising, they have been given a new name —phubbers(低头族).

    Recently, a cartoon created by students from China Central Academy of Fine Arts put this group of people under the spotlight. In the short film, phubbers with various social identities bury themselves in their phones. A doctor plays with his cell phone while letting his patient die, a pretty woman takes selfie in front of a car accident site, and a father loses his child without knowing about it while using his mobile phone. A chain of similar events eventually leads to the destruction of the world.

    Although the ending sounds overstated, the damage phubbing can bring is real.

    Your health is the first to bear the effect and result of it. “Constantly bending your head to check your cell phone could damage your neck,” Guangming Dailyquoted doctors as saying, “the neck is like a rope that breaks after long-term stretching.” Also, staring at cell phones for long periods of time will damage your eyesight gradually, according to the report.

    But that's not all. Being a phubber could also damage your social skills and drive you away from your friends and family. At reunions with family or friends, many people tend to stick to their cell phones while others are chatting happily with each other and this creates a strange atmosphere, Beijing Evening News reported.

    It can also cost you your life. There have been lots of reports on phubbers who fell to their death, suffered accidents, and were robbed of their cell phones in broad daylight.


    Nightlife Downtown Crested Butte is home to some fun adventure nightlife! With many different options for enjoying a night, you're sure to have a great time! Enjoy the free bus system between the mountain and town to get around.

Kids' Night Out

    On vacation, kids and parents deserve a special night out. But sometimes; what's special for the kids isn't quite what you have in mind. We created Kids' Night Out so you can all have the night you're looking for. Our fun-loving kids' instructors host your kids for a Visit to the Adventure Park, followed by dinner and games while you head out of the town. Ages 8~12 are welcome, 75 per child. Kids' Night Out takes place nightly in the coldest

Majestic Fun

    It is small and personal and it offers a wide range of movies, from new releases to classics, action etc. All natural snacks and alcoholic drinks are available. For movie show times and more information, call 970-349-8955 or visit our website.

Princess Wine Bar

    Escape the ordinary and experience the Princess Wine Bar in downtown Crested Butte. Enjoy the coffeehouse featuring Belgian snacks, baked eggs, apple-wood smoked bacon, and coffee drinks. Live entertainment makes the Princess Wine Bar the perfect choice. Open daily from 8:00 pm to midnight, but advance reservations are required. For more information you can call 970-349-0210.

    Talk of the Town

    If you are looking for a good time, the Talk offers football, pinball, video games, good music, and pool tables any night of the week. Located in the center Of Crested Butte on Elk Avenue, open daily at 3: 00 pm, the Talk's Happy Hour is from 3:00 to 8:00 pm. For further information, you can call 970-349-6809.


    We've all experienced that feeling that comes when your phone makes a sound to tell you that its battery level is low. It often comes at the worst times – when you're out on a trip and don't have a charger, or when you're expecting an important phone call.

    Indeed, this feeling is so common that South Korean electronics manufacturer LG has given it a name: low battery anxiety.

    According to a survey of 2,000 US adults conducted by the company last year, 90 percent of respondents said that they panic if their battery level reaches 20 percent or lower.

    And last month, UK telecommunications service provider 02 found that around 15.5 million Britons live in “constant fear” of their mobile phones running out of power, according to a survey by the company.

    “The problem is not about being unable to make calls, but is rooted in the fact that smartphones are now where we store digital memories,” noted the Daily Mail.

    However, battery worries don't just affect smartphone lovers. Many owners of electric vehicles also suffer from so-called “range anxiety”. This refers to the concern that the vehicle may not make it to its destination before the power runs out.

    Meanwhile, it isn't just low power that people worry about. A study carried out by South Korea's Sungkyunkwan University and China's City University of Hong Kong found that many of us also worry about not having constant access to our phone.

    This condition is known as nomophobia, short for “no mobile phone phobia(恐惧症)”. Symptoms include feeling uncomfortable when access to one's phone isn't possible, being unable to turn off your phone, and constantly topping up the battery to make sure it never dies.

    So, why do so many people treat their smartphone with such importance? The underlying reason may be that they keep us connected to the people around us, and if we're unable to use our phone, we feel like we're cut off from our social life.

    With products with bigger batteries being released all the time though - such as Xiaomi's Mi Max smartphone range or Tesla's Model S cars – battery anxiety may hopefully soon be a thing of the past.


    Pink has never been one of the favorite colors of the fashion industry,as it's often seen as silly and not cool enough.But this spring,it's having its moment in the spotlight,all thanks to the fact that the color is no longer all about being girly and sweet.Instead,pink is taking on a new meaning of independence and power.

    This shift happened last month during the Women's March.Tens of thousands of women filled the streets of major cities in the US and in countries all around the world to protest(抗议)against the disrespect to women.What was unusual about the protests is that a lot of people taking part were wearing pink hats,making the streets appear like a "sea of pink".Even though the hats were without any slogan(标语),their pink color is thought to have sent out a message that is louder than any words."We women have power and we're not going to sit down and shut up," Aileen Gildea,one of the protesters in the US,told The Boston Globe.

    Now young people are changing their attitudes to pink.They are no longer trying to escape pink,but give new meanings to it instead.

    "Women who came before us ...to be taken seriously they had to get away from the symbols used to make women seem less capable.Younger women don't have that reaction.They're more interested in breaking and rebuild those symbols,"Audrey Gelman,a businesswoman in the US,told The Wall Street Journal.

    So sometimes it's not the thing itself that needs to be changed,but the way we look at it.And in the case of pink, what used to be seen as silly may be turned into something really serious.

