
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    When I was five years old. I took a boat out on the river and went fishing by myself. I really wanted to catch a fish! But they were not biting.

    I stayed in my boat for three days, waiting. A few times, I thought I felt a fish at the end of the line. The first time I pulled in my catch, it was not a fish; it was an old bag. The second time, it was a shoe. Finally, at the end of the third day, I felt a strong pull at the end of the line. The pull was so strong they my boat raced around and around. I needed all my power just to hold onto the fishing rod. I pulled, and I pulled and I caught the biggest fish that ever swam on the Earth! It was heavier than everyone in this room put together! Then something terrible happened!

    After I pulled the huge fish into my boat, I saw that the boat was going under water! Water was coming into the boat from all sides! I was not a very good swimmer, so I was scared.

    Although it was the hardest choice I ever made. I had to let the fish go. I pushed it back over the side of the boat, and we waved good-bye to each other as it swam away.

(1)、How long did the writer spend in his boat?
A、Two days. B、Two hours C、Three days D、Three hours
(2)、What did the writer get when he pulled in his catch the second time?
A、A shoe B、An old bag C、A fish D、A small boat
(3)、Why did the writer let the fish go?
A、The fish bit people B、The fish was too small to keep C、The boat started to go under water. D、There was a hole in the side of the boat.
(4)、The underlined word “raced” in Paragraph 2 probably means “____________”.
A、walked B、beat somebody C、moved very fast D、swam

From: Wendy and Jack Brown

Date: September 22, 2014

To: 8th and 9th graders at R.L.S. Junior School

Subject: Bonjour!

Bonjour! (That means hello in French.)

We hope you all had a great summer. Ours was a lot of fun. We have seen so many new things and met so many wonderful people. The French gave us a warm welcome and helped us get used to living here soon. We have so many things to share with all of you. We are going to send you more emails, but here are the best parts of our holiday in France so far.

We had a fantastic time seeing the Tour de France this summer. It is the most famous bicycle race in the world. The riders travel more than two thousand miles in about a month! We got a quick look at the riders as they sped past! After the race, our family rented bikes, and rode along part of the route that the cyclists used.

A few of you asked whether the French really eat snails(蜗牛). The answer is yes. We went out to dinner the other day, and our parents ordered some. We each tried one and it didn't taste too bad. The snails, called escargots, are served with lots of butter. They feel a little rubbery when you bite into them, but they don't really have much taste. Mum's favourite food here is the French pastries. Dad loves the red wine. Our favourite is the fresh bread from the shop down the street.

We went to visit the Eiffel Tower a few weeks ago. We went all the way to the top. It was a sunny day, so we could see for miles and miles into the distance. Dad doesn't like heights, so he stayed at the bottom of the tower and took pictures from the ground.

We miss all of you a lot. Write back to us and let us know what is new at home.

Au revoir! (Can you guess what that means in French?)

Wendy and Jack Brown


Meeting a polar bear

I put my day's supply of food into my bag and then began to take down the tent. Suddenly I heard a deep, long growl (嚎叫) from my dog Charlie. I looked at him and then in the direction he was watching closely. A polar bear!

It was a mother 1 by two cubs coming slowly towards me. They were 200 meters away. With a pounding (狂跳) heart, I picked up my flare (照明) gun and 2 walked sideways a few steps to Charlie. Without taking my eyes off the bear, I untied Charlie and, again walked sideways.

The bear, now only 150 meters aways, wasn't stopping. Her cubs had dropped back but she kept going, while I tried to remember all the 3 that had been given. Keep eye contact, move sideways or forward, never backward, stay calm, don't show 4 . Don't wound a bear and you'll make it 5 to control it. Never run. Repeating to myself, "Stay calm, stay calm," I fired a warning shot (射击) to the bear's left. The loud noise had no 6 . She came around. I fired a flare, landing it a little to her right. Her head moved in its direction but she didn't stop. I fired another, this time dropping it right in front of her. She stopped, looked at the flare. She was only 30 meters away now.

By this time, I was so nervous that my heart could have been heard at base camp. The bear began to step around the flare, and I dropped another a meter in front of her. again she 7 , and then she fixed her tiny black eyes on Charlie, who was trying to reach her. She looked back at her cubs, waited, and then moved to my left in a half circle. I fired two more flares, trying to draw a line between her and me. She stopped again and seemed to want to 8 the line of flares but was unsure of the result and of Charlie, so she decided to stay 9 . Finally, with a last long look, she walked north with her cubs behind her.

My hands were still shaking, but I now knew that I could 10 a bear in the wild bravely and stay calm enough to act properly.

