
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Once there is a boy in London. His name is Jimmy. He starts painting when he is three years old, and when he is five years old, he is already very good at it. He paints many beautiful and interesting pictures, and a lot of people buy his pictures. They say, “This boy is going to be famous when he's a little older, and then we're going to sell these pictures for a lot of money.”

    Jimmy's pictures are different from others' because he never paints on the whole of the paper. He only paints on half of it, and the other half is always empty.

    “That's very clever,” people say. “No other painters have ever done that!”

    One day someone asks Jimmy, “Please tell me, Jimmy, why do you only paint on the bottom (底) half of the paper, but not on the top half?”

    “Because I'm small,” Jimmy says, “and my brushes can't reach very high.”

(1)、From the passage, we know Jimmy lives in ___________.
A、China. B、England. C、America. D、Canada.
(2)、How are Jimmy's pictures?
A、Beautiful. B、Interesting. C、Bad D、Beautiful and interesting.
(3)、Which part of paper did Jimmy paint?
A、The whole of the paper B、The top half. C、The bottom half. D、The middle part.
(4)、Jimmy only paints half of the paper because ____________.
A、he was very clever. B、he was very short. C、he was very tall. D、he was very big.
Choose the best answer. (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案。)

    Andrew Engel was puzzled. He was sitting in class, but had no idea what the other students were talking about. He had done his homework, paid attention to lectures. and taken notes, but nothing was familiar." Everyone is se much cleverer than I am, " he thought. It was a strange feeling, as he was always a good student in high school.

    He felt even more puzzled a few days later. He got lost on his way to his favourite cinema. What's worse, he began having trouble finding the right words when speaking. He asked, "What's for dinner, Mum? "after he had just eaten. Poor Andrew, he was only 15!

    His parents were worried and took Andrew to see a doctor. A brain scan(扫描)made it clear: Andrew had a malignant brain tumor(恶性脑肿瘤). It was pressing on the part of the brain that makes new memory. He should be operated on as soon as possible. Andrew was scared

    Doctors removed the tumor, but Andrew's memory was still poor. He was told he would probably never go back to school. Andrew was eager to enter a university, but it seemed that his dream wouldn't come true.

    "Even though they told me this, I knew I wanted to go back to school, "Andrew said." I wanted to get my memory back. "

    Andrew began to audit(旁听)an English class at a nearby school. In class, he took notes carefully and read his notes several times a day, then typed them again and again. He studied twelve hours a day, seven days a week. He worked ten times harder than other students. In 2007, at age 29, he graduated from a local university. Six months later, Andrew found a job.

