
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Gemma Burford

    Gemma was born in' 1978 in a quiet (安静的) village in England. Her mother worked in a library and her father worked in a hospital. When she was a student at Oxford University, she travelled to Tanzania and met her husband, Lesikar for the first time. They got married in 2003 and had their daughter, Lucia, two years later. Now Lucia studies in a small primary school, and Gemma and Lesikar also teach her at home.

"Judy Boehmer

    Adam is Judy's first child. She now has four sons, seven daughters and a pet (宠物) dog, Bosco. Judy and her husband, Larry, live in Atlanta, Georgia, but they also have a motorhome (野营车). The Boehmers are a circus (马戏团) family and all the children are performers (演员) at the circus. The- children don't go to school, but study at home. The family travels more than 40.000 kilometres a year for their work The first show of the Boehmers was at a park in Lowa in 1989, and they now perform all over America.

(1)、Who worked in a hospital?
A、Gemma's husband. B、Gemma's daughter. C、Lucia's grandfather. D、Lucia's grandmother.
(2)、Gemma first met Lesikar     
A、in 2003 B、in 2005 C、in a library D、on a trip to Tanzania
(3)、How many children are there in Judy's family?
A、4. B、7. C、8. D、11.
(4)、What can we learn about Judy's Children?
A、They are all circus performers. B、They go to the same school. C、They often play in a park. D、They all like travelling.
(5)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A、Bosco is Judy's pet dog. B、Adam is working in a school. C、Lucia likes to watch circus shows. D、Lesikar wants to buy a motorhome.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the nine o'clock Mystery Hour. Today we'll show you two British stories. We hope you'll enjoy them.
About 900 years ago two green children arrived in a small village in south England. Their eyes and skin were green and they spoke a strange language. They were very tired and weak, so the people of the village looked after them. The boy died a year later, but the girl grew strong and lived the rest of her life there. And her skin color turned back to normal day by day. Scientists say that sometimes of people don't have enough food to eat for a long time, their skin goes very pale and can turn green.
Loch Ness is the largest lake in Scotland. It's a very deep and cold lake. For hundreds of years, people have talked about a monster(怪物) called Nessie which lives in the lake. About seventy years ago, two people saw something moving in the lake. They said that the animal was playing and rolling around in the water. Since then many people say they have seen the monster. Their descriptions are always the same. It looks like a dinosaur, with a very long neck and a small head. It has a big bump(肿块)on its back. People have tried to photograph the animal, but the pictures have not been very clear. Scientists don't know whether there is a monster or not. Some say it may be a whale or a very large fish. Some think it's a snake. Others say there's nothing at all— nothing but people's imagination. Maybe we'll never know what's in Loch Ness.

    Do you know any 9-year-olds who have started their own museums? When Theodore Roosevelt was only nine and two of his cousins opened the "Roosevelt Museum of Natural History". The museum was in Theodore's bedroom. It had a total of 12 specimens(标本). On display were a few seashells, some dead insects and some birds' nests. Young Roosevelt took great pride in his small museum.

    Born in New York in 1858, Theodore Roosevelt was not always healthy. "I was a sickly, delicate boy, "he once wrote. Roosevelt had a health condition called asthma (哮喘). He often found it hard to breathe. Instead of playing, he watched nature and then read and wrote about it.

    Roosevelt's interest in nature sometimes got him into trouble. Once, his mother found several dead mice in the icebox. She ordered him to throw them out. This was indeed "a loss to science", Roosevelt said later.

    Because Roosevelt was often sickly as a boy, his body was small and weak. When he was about 12, his father urged him to improve his body. Roosevelt began working out in a gym. He didn't become strong quickly. But he did decide to face life's challenges with a strong spirit. That determination stayed with Roosevelt's whole life. And finally his body did get strong. As an adult, he was an active, healthy person. He enjoyed adventures and loved outdoors.

    In 1900, at the age of 41, Roosevelt was elected Vice President. A year later, President Mckinley was shot and killed. Roosevelt became the 26th president of the USA. At 42, he was the youngest leader the country had ever had.


    These days picture news is very popular with young people. Here are some chosen from the Internet by Jack. Read on to find out which one you like best.

    SPRING is coming, together with butterflies(蝴蝶)!On March 31, the Natural History Museum in London, UK, had a butterfly show. Children came over and played with these beautiful creatures. They also got to know how butterflies grow up. Colorful butterflies flew freely at the show. They sometimes landed on visitors. Look! A large blue butterfly sits on the nose of the girl.

    Earlier in April 2014, Sanlian Taofen Bookstore became the first 24﹣hour bookstore in Beijing. It hopes to encourage more people to read books.

    "We welcome everyone who loves to read books at any time." The general manager of the store told China Youth Daily.

    Although many people can now buy books online, many readers still like the feeling in bookstores. They can touch the books and smell the print.

    This year, many children in the UK will have a new language to study: Chinese.

    Starting in 2014, students aged 7﹣11in the UK need to study one of seven foreign languages. They can choose from French, German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Greek(希腊语) and Chinese.

    The British government is offering to train a group of Chinese﹣language teachers. They will teach Chinese to more than 3, 000 primary school students.

    China and the UK work together in many fields. So it's important that the future generation(一代人) can speak Chinese.

