Georgy lived a hard life with his mother Amelia Sedley. He studied in a little local school and did well at all his lessons. Miss Dobbin, Georgy's teacher, followed his progress with interest, and was ready to be helpful and knew how poor the Sedley s were.
"Do let Georgy spend the day with me next Saturday," Miss Dobbin said to Amelia one day. "Miss Osborne, Georgy's aunt, is coming to visit, and I know she'd love to see her brother's son. And who knows, perhaps the boy's grandfather will do something for him one day."
The meeting took place and Miss Osborne liked Georgy a lot. After the meeting, while having dinner at the dinner table with her father that night, Miss Osborne could not hide here motion.
"What's the matter?" old Mr. Osborne shouted at last. Georgy's aunt burst into tears. "Oh sir," she said, "I've seen little Georgy. He's such a beautiful boy—and so like his father!"
The old man did not say a word, but his hands trembled(颤抖), and he sat staring at the table for a long time.
Soon Georgy told his mother about another visitor at the house on a day he spent with Miss Dobbin. "An old gentle nan came today," the boy said. "He watched when I had my riding son. He stared and stared at me.
Amelia knew that the boy had seen his grandfather, and she waited nervously to see what would happen next. After several days, a lawyer came with a letter from Mr. Osborne. "Mr. Osborne offers to take his grandson Georgy, who will then inherit (继承) the fortune (巨款) which would have gone to his father. He will also give Mrs. Amelia Osborne a regular allowance (补贴) to enable her and her family to live in comfort. If she marries again, as is said to be likely, this allowance will still continue. In return, the boy will live with Mr. Osborne, who will allow him to visit his mother once or twice in her own home."
Amelia was rarely angry, but today she stood up, to re this letter into a hundred pieces, and threw them on the floor.
"Marry again! Take money—to part from my child! Who dares to hurt me in this way? Tell Mr. Osborne it is a ridiculous (荒唐的) letter. I will not answer it. Good day, sir!"