阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。Scene 1 A family meeting at table
Dad: So, how are my kids going?
Annie: I have been practicing for the school play all day. All of them are seniors except me, because of my beautiful singing voice.
Dad: Really, that's fantastic! Good to hear that my little girl is working so hard. So, Fred. How did that job interview go?
Fred: I. . I just don't know if it's really what I'm looking for.
Dad: Really? Did they pay money? Then it's exactly what you've been looking for.
Mom: Dear Fred, as your mother I have always loved you, and it hurts me to have to tell you in this way, but there comes a time when every young man must grow up and leave the nest(巢).
Fred: You all prepared a speech?
Dad: Fred, we're just doing this because we love you, Son.
Mom: The Thomas family down the street went through the same thing with their son Jordy. He just laid on the sofa all day watching TV, and now he works in the hospital, and has a flat.
Fred: Hey, I don't really want to work in the hospital, Mom.
Dad: Well, you need to do something. You need to get a life. You need to get a job and move out, especially that last one.
Fred: But I did move out. And I had a job. Is it my fault that the company was closed?
Dad: Fred, that was over a year ago! You have to get back on the horse.
Mom: And you have so much potential(潜力).
Fred: Thanks, Mom.
Annie: Sometimes I think you had me because Fred was such a disappointment.
Fred: Wow.
Dad: Annie! That's very hurtful.
Annie: You are not denying(否认)it.
Mom: Eat your dinner.
Fred: Mom, Dad. I'm trying, okay? I go on job interviews. I had one today!
Dad: Yes, but it wasn't what you were looking for, right? It's always something. You didn't like the leader. The parking lot was too far away from the building. The man next to your desk smelled. Fred, nothing is ever good enough for you.
Fred: But Dad, when I was a kid, you said that when I grew up I was going to do something great.
Dad: Yes. But now I'm telling you that you should forget about "great", and settle for getting any job.