
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类: 难易度:普通



On a hot summer day, Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine, they lay down in a tent for the night and went to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes woke up and pushed his friend. "Watson, look! What can you see in the sky?" Watson answered, "I see millions and millions of stars." "What does that tell you?" asked Holmes. Watson thought for a while. "First, it tells me that we will have a beautiful clear day tomorrow. Second, it tells me that the time is about twelve o'clock. And..." "What else?" Holmes asked. "Well, it also reminds me that the world is so big and we are so small. What does that tell you?" Holmes said with a grin (咧着嘴笑) on his face, "You silly guy! It only tells me that someone has stolen our tent!"

(1)、Holmes woke up ____.
A、in the middle of the night B、early in the morning C、soon after he fell asleep D、after Watson pushed him
(2)、Watson thought of at least ____ things after he saw the stars.
A、two B、three C、four D、five
(3)、When Holmes saw the stars in the sky, he realized that ____.
A、it would be a beautiful clear day B、it was about twelve o'clock C、the world is so big and they are so small D、someone had stolen their tent
(4)、Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A、The story happened in the afternoon. B、Holmes thought Watson was clever. C、They had some wine before they went to sleep. D、Holmes asked Watson questions because Holmes didn't know what happened.

    Facebook says it is working on technology to allow us to control computers directly with our brains. It is developing "silent speech" software to allow people to type at a rate of 100 words per minute, it says. The project, in its early stages, will require new technology to detect brainwaves without needing invasive operation. "We are not talking about monitoring your random thoughts," assured Facebook's Regina Dugan. "You have many thoughts, and you choose to share some of them. We're talking about monitoring those words. A silent speech interface(界面) — one with all the speed and flexibility(灵活) of voice. "

Ms Dugan is the company's head of Building 8, the firm's hardware research lab. The company said it intends to build both the hardware and software to achieve its goal, and has employed a team of more than 60 scientists and academics to work on the project.

On his Facebook page, Mark Zuckerberg added, "Our brains produce enough data to stream four HD(高清) movies every second. The problem is that the best way we have to get information out into the world-speech can only send about the same amount of data as a 1980s modem. We're working on a system that will let you type straight from your brain about five times faster than you can type on your phone today. Finally, we want to turn it into a wearable technology that can be produced in quantity. "

Technology is going to have to get a lot more advanced before we can share a pure thought or feeling, but this is a first step. Other ideas detailed at the company's developers conference in San Jose included work to allow people to "hear" through skin. The system, comparable to Braille, uses pressure points on the skin to pass information. "One day, not so far away, it may be possible for me to think in Chinese, and you to feel it instantly in Spanish," Ms Dugan said.

 请先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

In a small Chinese town lived a poor young man named Liang.He loved 1 . One night, an old man with a long beard 2 Liang in a dream.He gave Liang a paintbrush.

"Use this magic paintbrush to 3 the poor," he said, "but don't use it to help people who are 4 and greedy (贪婪的), or the skill will 5 your fingers and you will never paint again."

When Liang woke up, he 6 the paintbrush on the table by his bed. He painted a butterfly and was 7 to see it fly off the page and out of the window.

Liang ran out of his little house and started painting things for people. He painted a buffalo (水牛) to help a farmer, food for 8 people and clothes for people who were cold.

A rich man, however, 9 about the paintbrush and asked Liang to paint some gold for him, 10 Liang refused.

"If you don't paint for me, I'll cut your fingers off," the rich man said."Then you will 11 paint again." So Liang painted an island of gold in the middle of a blue 12 .

13 will I get there?" asked the rich man.

Liang painted a 14 for the rich man, who got in it and went on his way toward the island.

But when the rich man was halfway there, Liang painted a hole in the side of the boat.The boat sank(沉)into the water and 15 ever saw him again.


When cold winter days come, nothing is better than a nice pot meal to warm and cheer you up.

With a long history, hot pot is still the most popular kind of food in China, according to a survey by the consumer review (消费者评论) website Dianping.com. There are about 350,000 hot pot restaurants around the country, the largest number of all kinds of restaurants.

When enjoying a hot pot meal, people sit around a table and eat delicious food from a steaming pot. There are many kinds of soup bases to choose (选择) from: spicy, mushroom and tomato. Usually a hot pot has two parts inside. One side is spicy, while the other side is not so spicy. So everyone can choose what they like. They put meat, seafood, vegetables, tofu and bean noodles in the soup to boil. Meat, especially beef, is often cut as thin as paper, so it should not be cooked too long. Otherwise, it will lose its taste. You needn't have great cooking skills to enjoy hot pot, either. When the food is ready, take it out and put it in different sauces to give it a special flavor (品味). Some also drink the soup from the pot.

 ▲ . While the pot cooks, people talk and drink. Nowadays, hot pot is more than food but a part of our Chinese life. Unlike some meals, it can make everyone feel relaxed. No wonder hot pot restaurants have become a favourite place to get together for friends and family in China.

