Read and choose. 甜甜的爸爸介绍了感动中国2023年度人物———杨华德的故事。阅读他的介绍,选出最佳答案。【热点素材:感动中国2023 年度人物】Yang Huade is a great agricultural expert(农业专家). In 2013, he went to Africa(非洲) first. He helped people in Mozambique(莫桑比克) to
plant rice successfully(成功地). After that, he went to Burundi(布隆迪) in 2015.There is not much food in Burundi. As an agricultural expert, Yang Huade quickly finds Bu-rundi has a lot of rain and sun. And the rice just needs sun and water to grow. He works very hard and plants hybrid rice(杂交水稻) in Burundi.
Yang Huade makes effortsto help people in Burundi. He shares nice skills with people there. It takes him eight years to make people get lots of rice successfully. The rice in Burundi is
very good now. Yang Huade gives Burundi food and conveys China-Africa friendship(传递中非情谊). Yang Huade is 60 years old in 2024. But he is going to Burundi for the fourth time. He is so great!