
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类: 难易度:普通


 Choose the best answer.

Daniel Olin was 11 years old when his parents moved to Canada. He liked his new school and made friends there,but then things at home started to change. His mum and dad began to argue and the arguments got worse and worse until one day,Daniel's mum left. With his father working long hours,to run away. And that's what he did. 

Very early one terribly cold morning when the snow was deep on the ground,he packed a bag with some clothes,some chocolate and a map of Canada and set off to a forest. He ran and ran until he could hardly breathe. His feet were heavy with the snow but he still walked on through deep snow, not even watching where he was going.

Then,disaster struck. A rock hidden by the deep snow caught his feet and Daniel fell to the ground. He had broken the bone. He was very cold and was starting to feel tired,but he knew that if he fell asleep in the snow, he would certainly die from the cold.

A tree shook ahead. From within the branches(树枝),a pair of yellow eyes watched Daniel. The puma had been following him. A puma is a large wild cat with claws that could tear(撕开) Daniel into pieces. But instead of moving in for the kill,arms and legs. Daniel was too frightened to move,but soon the warmth of the animal reached Daniel and he began to feel better. From time to time(口鼻) against Daniel and rocked his head gently. Clearly,the puma knew that Daniel must not fall asleep. This animal should have been a real danger to Daniel and yet the boy began to feel safe. 

They remained like that for several hours until Daniel and the puma heard voices. The rescue (援救) team had found them. 

(1)、Daniel ran away from home because ____. 
A、he had a big argument with his father B、he wanted to learn to be independent C、he didn't get enough care from his parents D、his parents were always arguing at home
(2)、What was the 'disaster'? 
A、Daniel lost his way in the forest. B、The heavy snow blocked the way. C、Daniel fell down and got hurt. D、A puma wanted to attack Daniel.
(3)、Why didn't Daniel notice the rock that caused him to fall? 
A、Because it was getting dark. B、Because the rock was hidden by snow. C、Because he was frightened by a puma. D、Because he was too sad to notice it.
(4)、Why did the puma press its muzzle against Dan and rock his head gently from time to time? 
A、To keep Daniel warm. B、To play with Daniel. C、To kill Daniel. D、To keep Daniel awake.
(5)、What is the best title for the story? 
A、Puma in danger. B、A caring puma. C、Rescue of a boy. D、A homeless boy.

    Welcome to the Painting Competition for Woodlands Students

The International Anti-Drug(禁毒) Day this year is coming soon. In order to raise teenagers' awareness(意识) to fight against drug taking, the City Art Council is going to hold a painting competition for the students in our city.

    Students who want to take part in the competition can hand in their own 2D paintings in either of the following two ways:

★Each school will be provided with a box for students to put in their paintings. Boxes will be picked up by the City Art Council on Thursday, June 23rd, 2016, before the end of the school day.

    ★Paintings can be also handed in on Friday, June 24th, from 8:00 am to 10:00 am at the Woodlands Art Hall (175 Riverside Street).

    All paintings are required to be 60cm wide by 80cm long or smaller. Larger sizes will not be accepted. Each student can only hand in one painting.

The final decision on the competition results will be made on June 26th, the AntiDrug Day. The name list of the winners will be made known on the website of the City Art Council on the same day. All winning paintings will be shown to the public at the City Youth Park from June 27th till the end of July.

    Prizes: 1st Prize(10 students)=$300 Gift Card each

    2nd Prize(20 students)=$200 Gift Card each

    3rd Prize(30 students)=$100 Gift Card each

For further information:Visit http: // www. Woodlands Art Council.org or call 25698632.


    Teenager Jake Deham was skiing with his family in the USA when he fell over and lost one of his skis. His family didn't know that he had a problem. They kept on skiing. When they got to the foot of the mountain, there was no sign of Jake.

    Jake couldn't find his ski anywhere. In the end, he decided to take off his other ski and walk down the mountain. But he couldn't work out the right way to go.

    It was now getting dark and he was a long way from any place of safety. He knew that he might die that night in the cold temperatures. But Jake kept calm. At home, Jake watched a lot of programs about living in difficult situations. He remembered the advice from these programs and knew that he should build a hole in the snow. He made a hole and pointed it up the hill so the wind couldn't blow into it. Outside his hole, the temperature fell to a dangerous-15℃ that night, but inside it Jake was safe from the cold.

    But he had to get down the mountain. The TV programs always said," If you are lost, you should find someone else's tracks(足迹) through the snow and follow them." "I wanted to live my life." remembers Jake." So I got up and I found some ski tracks and I followed those." He walked and walked and finally he saw lights. Nine hours after he lost his ski, he found a team of worker who came to save him. He was safe!

    His mum was very happy when she heard the news. Amazingly, Jake didn't even have to go to hospital. He got through the terrible experience without any injuries.

    So, the next time someone says that watching TV is a waste of time, think of Jake. Sometimes TV can save your life!


The greatest source of inspiration for me has always been my father. Though he's been gone for 17 years, his 1 still resonate (产生共鸣). He taught me how to run my own race in life. But the most inspiring thing he taught me was to 2.

One incident is 3 in my mind. It happened when I was a teenager. My sister and I weren't very fond of a so-called friend of 4. Dad was a very generous man, and as he'd done with so many people, he'd given this fellow great help. But when he asked for a favor 5, the guy didn't deliver.

Dad's outlook (人生观) on most things was "Live and let live." In this case, however, his calmness 6 Terre and me, and we let him know it.

"How can you be nice to that man?" we said to him. "You've been so kind to him, and he's not being kind back. Why would you want to give him the time of day again?"

My father shrugged (耸肩) and said to us, " I do not bend my back with 7." I didn't get it at first, but over the years I came to understand the 8. Holding a grudge (怨恨) doesn't 9 the person you're angry with, but it changes you. It makes you heavier and gives you more weight to drag around.

After my father died in 1991, a (n) 10 came from a fellow I'd had a quarrel with years before to 11 his sympathy. He wrote: " I thought I'd tell you how sorry I am 12 the loss of your father. I know he 13 the world to you. I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts."

Much moved, I wrote back. I thanked him for his 14. And then, because he'd 15 our disagreement, I recalled Dad's inspiring words. "I am my father's daughter," I wrote. "And like him, I do not bend my back with yesterday."

B) 阅读短文, 掌握其大意,然后从方框中所给的词中选最恰当的 10 个, 并用其适当形式填空, 将答案填写到答题卡的相应位置。每个词只限用一次。

then, have, play, same, really, color, subject, birthday, them, grandma's

My name's Monifo, a boy from the USA. Amy is my friend. She's Chinese. She lives with her family. We are in the {#blank#}1{#/blank#} grade but we are not in the same class. She often {#blank#}2{#/blank#} basketball with me after class and I think she is very nice.

We have many {#blank#}3{#/blank#} at school but art is our favorite. I like red but it's not my favorite. Amy and I have the same favorite {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. It's green. But we don't like white or brown. At Amy's house, we do our homework first. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Amy watches TV with me. Amy's grandma calls her Mei Jing— that's her Chinese name. And she thinks it is very cool to {#blank#}6{#/blank#} two names.

This Sunday I go with Amy to her {#blank#}7{#/blank#} house. There are many people in the house. They are her aunts, uncles and cousins. I think it's someone's (某人的) {#blank#}8{#/blank#}, but Amy says her big family often eat dinner together(一起). I learn to use(使用) chopsticks(筷子) here. Chinese use{#blank#}9{#/blank#} to eat meals but we use knives and forks(叉子). It's {#blank#}10{#/blank#} interesting!

