阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。As a little girl when I heard my sister talk about her life-changing term abroad in Paris, it became my goal to visit it one day. When my daily life in New Jersey seemed boring, I often 1 about walking around the streets of Paris. Luckily, with our financial (财务的) situation2 , European travel became a reality.
Travelling to a European country with my3 was exciting, but it would not be complete without facing problems and figuring them out.
We had just started to get4 familiar (熟悉的) with the Paris subway system. Since using it was very difficult, we were walking slowly until we5 the subway was about to leave. As soon as I6 , the doors shut with my mom on the other side. I did not have my cell phone, neither of us could speak a word of7 , and we had no idea how to connect each other. My mom and I, who were both8 , began to knock heavily on the doors. Suddenly, a man with a very puzzled look on his face walked over to the doors and simply9 them. My mom stepped on and we hugged10 we just met each other for the first time in years. A huge sense of11 washed over us.
12 , my mom and I were able to find all those tourist places we wanted to go. We began to explore the neighborhood we were staying in, such as finding our favorite breakfast café13 walking to museums. The trip to Paris was not just14 because of the beautiful clothes or the sidewalk cafés, but it also taught me it is okay to run into15 when trying to explore an unfamiliar area, and if you keep working, you will improve.