Do you find it hard to get out of bed in the morning these days? It's not surprising - the cold temperatures make us unwilling to leave the warmth of our beds. But what else makes it so hard to get up in winter?
One big reason is the lack of sunlight. Some hormones affect our sleep. For example, melatonin (褪黑素) makes us sleepy, while cortisol(皮质醇) makes us feel awake. Sunlight helps us wake up by reducing melatonin and increasing cortisol. In winter, since there are fewer hours of daylight and the sun rises later, it is harder for us to wake up.
In addition, our habits may change when the days are colder and darker. We may eat less fruit and vegetables, enjoy more sugary food, and not exercise as much. These changes can lower our energy levels and make it even harder to get up early.
Unluckily, no matter how our bodies change in winter, we have to get up. These tips may help.
☆Get a sunrise alarm clock. These clocks are designed to slowly light up your room like the sun. This can help wake your body up when the alarm clock goes off.
☆Try putting your alarm clock across the room so you have to get up to turn it off.
☆Set your heat to come on before you wake up. This will make your room warm and comfortable when you get out of bed.
☆Keep a glass of water by your bed and drink it when you wake up. It will help your body feel more awake and ready to move.