
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    It was the men's figure skating final of the Winter Olympics when I was 16.I lay on our living room floor excitedly watching the battle between the Brains: American Brain Boitano facing Brian Orser in Canada. Both of them had been world champions. Both of them deserved to win. As a Northern Californian, I was for my fellow countryman. He also grew up in Northern California. We'd skated on the same ice. Brain performed successfully. The champion! I jumped in the air when his score went up.

    But what happened next is what I'll never forget. Brain sat in front of the camera, surrounded by a group of journalists. Brain was talking about his career and his medal, talking to the whole world. A terrible sinking feeling went through me. I could never be in the Olympics,

    I thought, I loved skating because I could express myself with my jumps and dances better than words.

    What if journalists asked me questions like they asked Brain? I'd freeze up like the ice beneath my skates! And yet, there was so much I would love to say, about my family and all the support they'd given me and about following my dream of being a skating champion.

    I worked very hard the next few years — on the ice and especially off. After journalists talked to me and although my heart pounded every time I spoke to them, I got to know them. And they got to know me. Slowly I learned that the best approach was simply to be myself, to be honest and gracious and do my best, just like on the ice, to answer their questions.

    So when my big moment came four years after Brain's, I was ready. Remember: when you do the thing you fear most, you put an end to fear.

(1)、What information can we get from the first paragraph?
A、The author lives a difficult life. B、The author comes from Canada. C、The author preferred Boitano to win. D、Orser won the gold medal.
(2)、What did Brain's press conference remind the author of ?
A、Her fear of public speaking. B、Her pride in Brain's victory. C、Her dream of becoming a world champion. D、Her hard training as an Olympic competitor.
(3)、What does the underlined word “off ” possibly refer to?
A、Challenges in school. B、Contact with reporters. C、Achievements in skating. D、Competitions with others
(4)、What was the author ready to do according to the last paragraph?
A、Do her best to win. B、Enter the Olympic final. C、Make friends with reporters. D、Talk to the press afterwards.

    Chiang Mai is proud of the city's 700- year history, which has rich traditional relics and unique culture. It is located 700 km north of Bangkok and is situated among the highest mountains in the country. Chiang Mai means “the new city” in Thai. King Mengrai founded the city as the capital of the Lanna Kingdom on April 12,1296. Therefore, Chiang Mai not only became the capital and cultural center of the Lanna Kingdom, but was also to be the center of Buddhism in northern Thailand. King Mengrai , a very religious leader, founded many of the city's temples (寺庙) that remain important today.

    It is one of the few places in Thailand where it is possible to experience both historical and modern Thai Culture. The city has old temples next to modern stores. It has more than three hundred temples, among which some are the most beautiful and honorable in the entire Buddhist world, giving the city an atmosphere (氛围) of calmness.

    The old city of Chiang Mai has various dialects, architecture, traditional values, festivals, handicraft and classical dances. In addition, it has hill tribes and their wealth of unique culture. Chiang Mai city features old-world beauty and charm as well as modern enjoyment and convenience. It is also filled with natural resources including mountains, waterfalls and rivers. Nowadays there are many activities and attractions both in the city and the surrounding province, including river rafting , elephant riding and golf.

    The quality of living is excellent. Accommodation and food are of the highest standard at a very low cost. Entertainment is plentiful with numerous festivals, outdoor activities and great nightlife. A number of elephant camps, numerous outdoor activities, a variety of handicraft workshops, various cultural performances, and breathtaking scenery make Chiang Mai one of Asia's most attractive tourist destinations.


    In choosing a friend, one should be very careful. A good friend can help you study. You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair weather friends. They will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities (品质) of character, especially understanding, honesty and reliability (可靠).

    Above all else, I look for understanding in a friend. A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge. Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other person's place, and he tries to think of ways to be helpful. He is also a good listener. At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults (过错) in others. He notices their good points. In short, a friend will try to understand me and accept me.

    Another quality of a friend is reliability. I can always depend on a good friend. If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time, I can be sure that he will be there. If I need a favor, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble, he will not run away from me.

    There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special. A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun. We should enjoy our lives, and we would enjoy our friendship. That is why I especially like friends who are fun to be with. A good friend likes the same things I like. We share experience and learn from each other. A good friend has a good sense of humor (幽默), too. He likes to laugh with me. That is how we share in the joy of being friends. And I know that he is looking for the same quality in me.

    When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I've found a friend!



    Steven Stein likes to follow garbage trucks. His strange habit makes sense when you consider that he's an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter, including things that fall off garbage trucks as they drive down the road. What is even more interesting is that one of Stein's jobs is defending an industry behind the plastic shopping bags.

    Americans use more than 100 billion thin film plastic bags every year. So many end up in tree branches or along highways that a growing number of cities do not allow them at checkouts(收银台). The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in California, including Los Angeles. Eyeing these headwinds, plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein to make the case that their products are not as bad for the planet as most people assume.

    Among the bag makers' arguments: many cities with bans still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags, which are easily recycled but require more energy to produce and transport. And while plastic bags may be ugly to look at, they represent a small percentage of all garbage on the ground today.

    The industry has also taken aim at the product that has appeared as its replacement: reusable shopping bags. The stronger a reusable bag is, the longer its life and the more plastic-bag use it cancels out. However, longer-lasting reusable bags often require more energy to make. One study found that a cotton bag must be used at least 131 times to be better for the planet than plastic.

    Environmentalists don't dispute(质疑) these points. They hope paper bags will be banned someday too and want shoppers to use the same reusable bags for years.


    We know that St. Patrick's Day festivities may include a little bit of drinking. But there are plenty of kid-safe St. Patrick's Day events around metro Phoenix, too. Here are the lucky St. Patrick's Day celebrations for kids.

    3/17: Lucky St. Patrick's Day Cupcakes

    Kids can make their own treats at the Children's Museum of Phoenix this St. Patrick's Day. Children can make and decorate their cupcakes with rainbow candies and chocolate. To-go containers will also be provided.

    Details: 1-3 p.m. Friday, March 1. Children's Museum of Phoenix, 215 N.7th Street, Phoenix. $ 3 for members. $ 4 for non-members. 602-253-0501.

    3/17-19: Fountain O' Green Artisan Market

    This community festival will include sculptures, paintings, handcrafted jewelry and clothes from selected local and regional artists, live music and dance performances throughout the weekend. There will also be a food court.

    On Friday, emerald-colored water will shoot from the town's fountain at noon. Take the kids to see the annual tradition and picnic in the park.

    Details: 10 a.m.-5 p.m, Friday-Sunday, March 17-19.Avenue of the Fountains and Saguaro Boulevard, Fountain Hills. Free. 480-488-2014.

    3-17: St. Patrick's Day Party at AZ Air Time

    Kids above 12 years old can collect their free, green glow necklaces and jump for three hours, scale the rock climbing wall or dive into the giant pit of foam(泡沫橡胶). Jump socks required.

Details: 8-11p.m. Friday, March 17. AZ Air Time, 13802 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 145, Scottsdale. $15, which is a $14 savings. 480-427-2000.


    We all know cameras. But have you heard of Google's new camera? It is a small, smart device, called Clips. It comes with a case that has a clip (夹子), but it's not designed to be worn on your clothing. Most interestingly, it uses artificial intelligence to take photography out of your hands so it can capture moments on its own.

    This roughly 2-inch by 2-inch camera, with a three-hour battery life and Gorilla Glass for toughness, is intended for candid moments, like when a child does something cute that may happen too quickly for you to pull out your smart phone.

    Onboard the Clips device, it uses machine learning algorithms (计算程序) to help capture scenes. Those algorithms include face recognition. “Once it learns that there's a face you see frequently, it'll try to get nice photos of those faces,” said Juston Payne, the device's product manager. And they also want it to recognize facial expressions, which involved “training it to know what happiness looks like”. The Google team also trained it to recognize what not to shoot—like when a child's hand is over the lens, or if it is tossed in a dark purse.

    The only way to see the images is by connecting the camera with your phone, as it has no screen for viewing or editing.

    Did people think it was strange? Yes, Payne admitted. But they said they addressed that by making it obvious what it is. A green light on the front signals that the device is on. Besides, unlike a camera meant to monitor your home, it is not connected to the Internet.

    “This product is only possible because of the way that technology has advanced,” Payne said. It was only in the past year or so that they could squeeze the technology down into a device this size. Going forward, we're likely to get more assistance from the artificial intelligence packed into our apps and gadgets.


    It's no secret that your personal characteristics directly affect how you interact with the world-but you might be surprised at just how deep it goes. Experts think that your personality can even affect how you exercise and influence what sports are suitable for you.

    Highly Sensitive

    Highly sensitive people may be more uncomfortable with group exercise classes or team sports where they feel their every move is being observed. Additionally, they may feel more upset over an ineffective or poor workout, says researcher Elaine Aron.

For such people, individual or non-competitive activities like biking, running and hiking are ideal.

    Type A Personality

    Type A individuals often have an "all or nothing approach" to exercise. This personality type is known for sticking closely to their plan, not to mention being super competitive. However, this can cause them to stick too closely to a fitness routine, which means they might try to push past an injury.

    To get better exercise results, Type A people need to be aware that following an exercise plan too strictly may limit their progress. They should be more flexible and listen to their body, especially when they are in pain.

    Type B Personality

    This laid-back group may get too lazy about their exercise plan, which prevents them from seeing results. They are often less willing to devote enough time and energy to their fitness goals, especially if exercise is something that makes them anxious.

    Type B individuals succeed in creative and co-operative environments, so team sports and group gym classes may be perfect.

    Remember, there are plenty of ways you can adapt a fitness plan to suit your needs, regardless of your characteristics. Just keep in mind what you like.

