
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Hello! This Chinese boy is Li Lei. He's 12. He's in No.3 Middle School. He's in Class 2, Grade 1. His good friend is Jack. He's an English boy. He's in Li Lei's school. He's in Class1.Grade2. Mrs Read is an English teacher in their school. She's an English woman. Jack an Li Lei has a secret(秘密)—-Jack is their English teacher's son.

(1)、How old is Li Lei?
A、11 B、12 C、13 D、14
(2)、What class is Li Lei in?
A、Class1.Grade1 B、Class2.Grade1. C、Class1.Grade2 D、Class2.Grade2
(3)、What's Li Lei's friend's name?
A、Li Lei B、Read C、Jack D、Green
(4)、Who's their English teacher?
A、Li Lei B、Jack C、Mrs Green D、Mrs Read
(5)、Is Jack Mrs Read's son?
A、Yes, he is. B、No, he isn't. C、Yes, he isn't . D、No, he is.
    A young man went to the local expert(专家) on gems and said he wanted to become a gemologist(珠宝家). The expert turned him down because he feared the youth would not have the patience to learn. The young man asked for a chance. Finally, the expert told the youth, "Be here tomorrow."
    The next morning the expert put a jade(玉) stone in the youth's hand and told him to hold it. The expert then went about his work, cutting, weighing and setting gems. The boy sat quietly and waited.
    The following morning the expert again put the jade stone in the youth's hand and told him to hold it. On the third, fourth and fifth days, the expert asked the young man to do the same thing. On the sixth day, the youth held the jade stone but he could no longer stand(忍受) the silence. "Master, when am I going to learn something?" he asked. "You will learn." the expert said and went about his business.
    Several more days went by and the youth almost lost his patience. But one morning as the master put the stone in the youth's hand, the young man said without looking at his hand, "This is not the same jade stone!" "You have begun to learn." said the master.
    Practice makes perfect. The experience we learned from practice teaches us and develops our abilities. Experience is the best teacher. Even the most successful person had no absolute confidence once. It is experience that gives people confidence. The truth is: if you do the work and gain the experience, you'll have more confidence because you'll actually know what you're doing.

A long time before I was born, my grandma and grandpa moved into the house on Beechwood Avenue. They had a young family of 4 little girls. During that time, it was hard to find a job. So, on weekend grandpa and grandma cleaned the garden to grow some of their own food. They planted tomatoes, beans, cabbages, potatoes and strawberries to feed their growing family. All summer long, the family ate food from the garden.
The family grew up, and before too many years had passed, the grandchildren came to visit. Grandma and grandpa still planted their garden every spring. Everyone still enjoyed the good food from the garden and always took some home.
Then grandpa died in one summer when he was eighty-nine years old. It was a lonely winter for grandma. She sat near the window, looking out at the yard and wondering if she could plant the garden in the spring. It would be hard to care for it by herself. When spring came, she planted only a little.
One nice day in the early summer, grandma heard a noise in the front yard and looked out the window. There were thousands of bees in the air. Grandma wondered what she could do. She decided to wait and think it over. Before long, she decided the bees won't bother anyone, so she went about her business and didn't give them any other thought.
That summer, grandma's little garden grew and grew. The neighbors all puzzled why they grew so well. One day, grandma's brother Frank visited her. Frank said,"In my hometown, the farmers often hired beekeepers to set up bee houses near their fields. The bees helped them to grow." That was when Grandma realized that her bees had helped with her garden all summer.
From that Time on, grandma always believed that since grandpa couldn't be there to help her that summer, he had sent the bees to take his place and make grandma's little garden grow and grow.


    Roger is new in town, and it has been hard to make friends. The kids at school are nice, but Roger is shy. His birthday is coming up soon. He is planning a big party. It will be a lot of fun. There will be cake, and ice cream, and a treasure hunt(寻宝游戏). But what if none of the other kids want to come?

    One week before his party, Roger and his dad go to their favorite restaurant. Benny's Pizza Parlor makes the best pizza in town. Roger orders a large pizza, with four kinds of cheese and extra pepperoni (意大利香肠). He loves every bite. When he is finished, Roger and his dad go to the kitchen to talk to Benny.

"How was the pizza?" Benny asks.

    "It was great!" says Roger.

    "Thank you!" says Benny.

    Suddenly, Roger gets a great idea. "Benny," he says. "Will you cook pizza for my birthday party?"

    "Hold on, Roger," says Roger's dad. "Benny is very busy. He might not have time to make pizza for your party." "But everyone loves his pizza!" says Roger. "If we have it, I'll be the most popular boy in school."

    "I know what to do," says Benny. "I won't cook pizza for your party. Instead, I'll show you how to make it yourself!" That week, Roger goes to Benny's Pizza Parlor every day after school. Benny shows him how to make pizza and he tries his best.

    Roger tells the kids at school that his party will have pizza from Benny's. Everyone is excited. Everyone loves Benny's pizza. But when they come to his house, Benny isn't there. Instead, they see Roger, wearing an apron(围裙) and a chef's hat. The kids don't believe that Roger knows how to make pizza. However, he's ready to prove them wrong. Roger makes them his favorite pizza, with four kinds of cheese, and extra pepperoni. Everyone says the pizza tastes just like Benny's. It might even be just a little bit better.


    Last year I was very lucky to have a week's holiday. So I wanted to spend 1 in the best hotel I could find. That was 2 I chose The Haven in a country park. I thought I would be able to escape problems and pressures of daily life. But, just 24 hours after arriving there, my wife and I 3 problems with the restaurant and security.

    We were ready to return to our room when we saw two policemen 4  closely at the building outside. One of them showed us how 5 in through the windows into our room. It seems that the hotel has no locks on the windows. 6 we were a little worried, our concerns were forgotten 7 when we saw a good-sized bed, a flat-screen TV, a spa bath which more suggested a comfortable stay.

    Things started to go from bad to worse the following morning when I found the restaurant only served low-fat meals: six days of rabbit food and only 8 meat and fruit. What had I let myself in for? Nobody had told us what the food 9 like before we booked. I ordered my breakfast 10 my will anyway, but I had waited forty-five minutes for it to arrive. This was not the service 11 I had expected.

    That afternoon, when we returned from a tour around 12 university nearby, we found that nearly £200 13 from our room. The Haven refused to pay back the money. They claimed that they 14 not be responsible for any loss if our window was not locked.

    My holiday was then a total failure. I thought a "haven" was sure to be a quiet and peaceful place. But in fact, I have experienced 15 stress and worry in that one day than I usually do working in the office for a week.

