阅读理解A farmer was working when he heard a loud sound. He left his work at once and ran towards it. When the farmer reached there, he found a little boy in a bog (沼泽) crying out of fear. The farmer tried hard and successfully got the child out.
The next day, a well-dressed man came to the farmer's house. He told the farmer that he was the father of the boy saved by him yesterday. He wanted to give him a large amount of money in return, but the farmer refused to accept money for saving the child. At that moment, a little boy came to the door. The rich man asked, "Is this child your son?" The farmer proudly replied, "Yes, he is my son." Then, the rich man offered to help his child in his studies, saying, "I will provide him with the same education as I give my own son. If he is anything like his father, he will grow to be a noble man." The farmer agreed, and his son was educated in the best schools until he finished his studies at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School.
Do you know who the son of the poor farmer is? He is the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin (青霉素).
Years passed, and the rich man fell seriously ill. A doctor saved his life. This doctor was Alexander Fleming. This rich man is Lord Randolph Churchill and his son saved by the farmer is Sir Winston Churchill (丘吉尔), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during World War II.