
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    It's generally believed that people act the way they do because of their personalities and attitudes. They recycle their garbage because they care about the environment. They pay $5 for a caramel brulee latte because they like expensive coffee drinks.

    It's undeniable that behavior comes from our inner dispositions(性情), but in many instances we also draw inferences about who we are, as suggested by the social psychologist Daryl Bern, by observing our own behavior. We can be strangers to ourselves. If we knew our own minds, why should we need to guess what our preferences are from our behavior? If our minds were an open book, we would know exactly how much we care about the environment or like lattes. Actually, we often need to look to our behavior to figure out who we are.

    Moreover, we don't just use our behavior to learn about our particular types of character — we infer characters that weren't there before. Our behavior is often shaped by little pressures around us, which we fail to recognize. Maybe we recycle because our wives and neighbors would disapprove if we didn't. Maybe we buy lattes in order to impress the people around us. We should not mistakenly believe that we always behave as a result of some inner disposition.

    Whatever pressures there can be or inferences one can make, people become what they do, though it may not be in compliance(符合) with their true desires. Therefore, we should all bear in mind Kurt Vonnegut's advice: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

(1)、According to the passage, personalities and attitudes are commonly believed to _________.
A、determine one's behavior B、reflect one's taste C、influence one's surroundings D、result from one's habits
(2)、Which of the following would Daryl Bern most probably agree with?
A、A kind person will offer his seat to the old. B、One buys latte out of true love of coffee. C、One recycles plastics to protect the environment. D、The return of a wallet can indicate one's honesty.
(3)、What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in the passage?
A、We fail to realize our inner dispositions. B、We can be influenced by outside pressures. C、Our behavior is the result of our true desires. D、Our characters can shape our social relationships.
(4)、What does the author mainly discuss in the passage?
A、Personalities and attitudes. B、Preferences and habits. C、Behavior and personalities. D、Attitudes and preferences.

    I know what you're thinking: pizza? For breakfast? But the truth is that you can have last night's leftovers in the a. m. if you want to.

    I know lots of women who skip breakfast, and they have a ton of different excuses for doing it. Some say they don't have time, others think they're “saving” calories, still others just don't like breakfast food.

    But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when you're trying to lose weight. “Eating just about anything from 300 to 400 calories would be better than nothing at all,” says Katherine Brooking, R., D., who developed the super-easy eating plan for this year's “SELF CHALLENGE”. And even pizza can be healthy if it's loaded with vegetables, and you stick to one small piece.

    Breakfast is one meal I never miss, and the same goes for most weight loss success stories. Research shows that eating breakfast keeps you from overeating later in the day. Researchers at the University of Southern California found that breakfast skippers have a bigger chance of gaining weight than those who regularly have a morning meal.

So eat something in the morning, anything. I know plenty of friends who end up having no breakfast at all, and have just coffee or orange juice. I say, try heating up last night's leftovers—it may sound crazy, but if it works for you, do it! I find if I tell myself, “You can always eat it tomorrow,” I put away the leftovers instead of eating more that night. Try it…you may save yourself some pre-bedtime calories. And watch your body gain the fat-burning effects.


"You can you up, no can no bb." The latest Chinglish buzz phrase, having swept through Chinese cyberspace (网络空间) and society, has now made a landing overseas, entering the US web-based Urban Dictionary.

According to the entry put forward by "gingerdesu", "You can you up" which means "If you can do it, go ahead and do it", is a Chinglish catch phrases referring to people who criticize others' work, especially when the critic is not so much better.

As well as "You can you up", other Chinglish catch phrases, such as "tuhao" and "no zuo no die", have also been recorded on the site.

    Coined with roots in Chinese grammar, and even containing Pinyin, Chinglish words and phrases are even spreading beyond grass roots (草根) websites.

In 2013, "dama" and "tuhao" found their way into The Wall Street Journal and the BBC, and words such as "feng shui", "Chengguan" and "people mountain people sea" have been admitted to the Oxford English Dictionary.

"The frequent use of Chinglish by foreign institutions suggests that people are looking more to the lifestyle and popular culture of China," says Zhang Yiwu, professor of Peking University's Department of Chinese Language and Literature.

"Words like 'dama' and 'tuhao' are so vivid. My friends and I use them a lot —it's so much fun," said Satoshi Nishida, a Japanese student studying at Beijing Language and Culture University.

"Behind these Chinglish words and phrases is the Chinese culture. They are reflections of the changes and trends in the Chinese society and they help people from other countries to understand what's happening in China," according to Xing Hongbing, a professor of Beijing Language and Culture University.

"When the price of gold went down last year, while the super purchasing power of the Chinese bargain-hunting middle-aged women drew worldwide attention, there was no effective way available in other languages to describe them, and 'dama' filled the gap very neatly," says Xing.


    Your DNS cache (域名存储器) stores the locations (IP addresses) of web servers that contain web pages which you have recently viewed. If the location of the web server changes before the entry in your DNS cache updates, you can no longer access the site.

    If you encounter a large number of HTML 404 error codes, you may need to clear your DNS cache. After you clear your DNS cache, your computer will query(询问) nameservers (域名服务器) for the new DNS information. The following methods allow you to remove old and inaccurate DNSinformation that may result in 404 errors.

    Windows 7

    To clear your DNS cache if you use Windows 7, perform the following steps:

    Click Start.

    Enter cmd in the Start menu search text box.

    Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.

    Run the following command:


    If the command succeeds, the system returns the following message: Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

    Windows® 8

    To clear your DNS cache if you use Windows 8, perform the following steps:

    On your keyboard press Win+X to open the WinX Menu.

    Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.

    Run the following command:


    If the command succeeds, the system returns the following message: Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

    Windows XP, 2000, or Vista®

    To clear your DNS cache if you use Windows XP, 2000, or Vista®, perform the following steps:

    Click Start.

    On the Start menu, click Run.

    If you do not see the Run command in Vista, enter run in the Search bar.

    Run the following command: ipconfig/flushdns

    If the command succeeds, the system returns the following message: Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

    MacOS® 10.10.4 and above

    To clear your DNS cache if you use MacOS X version 10.10.4 or above, perform the following steps:

    Click Applications.

    Click Utilities.

    Click Terminal.

    Run the following command:

    sudo killall-HUP mDNSResponde

    If the command succeeds, the system does not return any output(输出信息).


    To run this command, you must know the computer's administrator account password.


    As long as people have been telling stories, crones(丑陋的老太婆)have been scaring the wits out of children. "Nags(怨妇),witches, evil stepmothers, cannibals(食人妇). It's quite dreadful," says Maria Tatar, who teaches a course on folklore and mythology at Harvard. "But old women are also powerful—they're often the ones who can work magic." In the Disney film Snow White, there's a scene in which the beautiful, charming, wicked queen turns into an old hag and poisons Snow White so she'll sleep forever. The old lady in Hansel and Gretel wants to roast children in her oven and the witch in The Little Mermaid cuts out Ariel's tongue.

    Tatar says old women villains (恶人)are especially scary because,historically, the most powerful person in a child's life was the mother. "Children do have a way of splitting the mother figure into...the evil mother—who's always making rules and regulations, policing your behavior, getting angry at you—and then the kind mother—the one who is giving and protects you, makes sure that you survive."

    Veronique Tadjo, a writer who grew up in the Ivory Coast, thinks there's a fear of female power in general. She says a common figure in African folk tales is the old witch who destroys people's souls. Still, they're not all bitter and evil hags. Elderly women in folk tales often use their knowledge and experience of the world to guide the troubled protagonist(主人公). Tadjo points to the Kenyan story Marwe In The Underworld about a girl who commits suicide by drowning herself and enters the Land of the Dead where she meets an old woman. "That old woman teaches her quite a lot of things," Tadjo says. "And also, when Marwe starts longing for the world of the living, she helps her go back to the surface with a lot of riches. And we understand that Marwe has been rewarded for her goodness." In other words: Do your chores and you'll be rewarded. The point of these ancient tales, no matter what continent they come from, may have been to scare children into behaving.

    Perhaps the scariest old woman character—the ugly Baba Yaga—comes from Russia. She's bony with a hooked nose and long, iron teeth. Her hut(小屋)stands on chicken legs and she kidnaps children and eats them. Safe to say Baba Yaga has been making Eastern European children sleepless for centuries. In one interpretation, a mean stepmother sends the young girl Vasilisa to Baba Yaga's hut in the woods to get a candle. The girl is sure she's being sent to her death. Baba Yaga forces her to cook and clean, and Vasilisa does everything she's told. In the end, the old crone gives her what she needs and sends her home. "You see this kind of double face of the hag,"Maria Tatar says. "On the one hand: aggressive, threatening. And on the other hand: sometimes to make sure that there is a happily ever after."

    There's that power again. In Japanese folklore, the Yama Uba(山姥)is an equally ambiguous old woman. She's a mountain witch who, like Baba Yaga, lures people into her hut and eats them. But she'll also help a lost traveler. Noriko Reider is a professor at Miami University of Ohio who's done extensive research on Yama Uba stories. "She brings fortune and happiness," Reider says. "She can also bring death and destruction for those who are not very good."

    According to Cuban-American writer Alma Flor Ada, in Hispanic(拉美地区的)culture old women are multi-talented. Ada is co-author of Tales Our Grandmas Told, which includes a story about Caliph's son who becomes seriously ill. After "all of the best physicians in the land" fail to cure him, Caliph sends his messengers searching for help. Then one morning, an old woman arrives with this advice: To get well, the prince must wear the overcoat of a man who is truly happy. And of course it works.


    Why do we dream? It's a question researchers have been studying for years. Now new research suggests that some dreams may result from the brain's effort to keep learning, even as we sleep.

In a study in Boston,100 volunteers were trained for an hour on a maze(迷宫). They tried to find their way through the difficult puzzle as quickly as possible. Then half of the volunteers were allowed to sleep for 90 minutes. The other half stayed awake, reading or relaxing. The ones who slept were asked to describe their dreams when they woke up.

    After the rest, the volunteers were asked again to solve the maze. Those who hadn't slept showed no improvement or did even worse after the break. Sleepers who didn't report any maze­related dreams did better but showed only a little improvement. However, four nap­takers who reported dreaming about the maze showed a surprising improvement. They scored 10 times higher after sleeping and dreaming about the maze.

    Even though the number of dreamers was small, the researchers noted that the gap in learning between the dreamers and non­dreamers was so wide that the finding was significant(有意义的).

The dreamers had all performed poorly on the test before dreaming about it. That suggests that struggling with a task might be the trigger that leads the sleeping brain to focus on it and work on how to deal with it.

    "It's almost as if your brain is going through everything that happened today," Dr Stickgold, a scientist at Harvard Medical School, said. "The things you're obsessed(迷住) with are the ones that your brain forces you to continue to do with."

