
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:普通



UrbanizationUntil relatively recently, the vast majority of human being lived and died without ever seeing a city. The first city was probably founded no more than 5,500 years ago.In fact, nearly everyone lived on farms or in tiny rural (乡村的) villages. It was not until the 20th century that Great Britain became the first urban society in history—a society in which the majority of people live in cities and do not farm for a living.Britain was only the beginning..The process of urbanization—the migration (迁徙) of people from the countryside to the city—was the result of modernization, which has rapidly transformed how people live and where they live.In 1900, fewer than 40% of Americans lived in urban areas. Today, over 82% of Americans live in cities. Only about 2% live on farms.Large cities were impossible until agriculture became industrialized. Even in advanced agricultural societies, it took about ninety­five people on farms to feed five people in cities.Until modern times, those living in cities were mainly the ruling elite (精英) and the servants, laborers and professionals who served them. Cities survived by taxing farmers and were limited in size by the amount of surplus(过剩)food that the rural population produced and by the ability to move this surplus from farm to city.Over the past two centuries, the Industrial Revolution has broken this balance between the city and the country.Today, instead of needing ninety­five farmers to feed five city people, one American farmer is able to feed more than a hundred non­farmers.

A. That kept cities very small.

B. The rest live in small towns.

C. The effects of urban living on people should be considered

D. Soon many other industrial nations became urban societies.

E. But even 200 years ago, only a few people could live in cities.

F. Modernization drew people to the cities and made farmers more productive.

G. Modern cities have destroyed social relations and the health of human beings.


Ways to say “Happy birthday to me”

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and I'm at an age when not everyone looks forward to cakes and presents.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}It always makes me feel excited to be alive and grateful for my life and my family. So I think even if your birthday is a regular old day at work or home, there are some easy ways to raise it to the special occasion.

    Give a gift to someone else.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}While everyone loves to open a birthday present, there is a lot of joy and goodness to be gained from being generous with others. Making a birthday donation(捐赠)to a charity that means something to you.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

    Try something new. Today is new to us. Why not enjoy the newness of the moment? Dip your tones into some new waters, sign up for an adult education class, go for a new-to-you park or plan a new trip.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Whether or not you have the opportunity to share a meal, outing or party with friends and family, please take time on your birthday to connect with people who are important to your life. if you use social media like phones, you are likely filled with well-wishes from loved ones. Use these as a jumping-off point to start new conversations and reconnect with people who lift your spirits and support in your journey towards being your best self.

A. Connect with people who matter to you.

B. Freshen up yourself with countless opportunities.

C. It's better to give than to receive

D. This year my birthday is on a Saturday.

E. I love my birthday, though.

F. Download an app to learn a new language is also a good choice.

G. One choice is to donate a dollar amount to match your age.


    How similar are language and music?

    Language is part of our daily lives, no matter where we live in the world.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Both language and music play a huge role in our culture and here are some of their similarities.

    Both language and music have a writing system.

    In English we record language using the alphabet, which is a collection of letters. Similarly, we use notes to keep a record of music. Musicians read notes and create meaning in the form of music.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} By writing pieces of text or music, we are able to share experiences through time. We can read the ideas or hear the composition of someone who lived hundreds of years ago.


    You can make a good guess at where someone is from by listening to the language they use. In the same way, we know that styles of music are different around the world, giving us the opportunity to explore many different cultures through their music and providing us with music for every situation.

    Both share emotion.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Of course you may be able to see it in my face, but you will know for sure through my words. Similarly, music can sound angry, sad or happy. Music can show you exactly how the composer was or is feeling, and allows us to share in that emotion. When you feel happy, you might want to sing and dance to a happy song to celebrate your happiness.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} I think we have all used music to express or process our emotions, often combining it with language in the form of song lyrics.

A. Both are expressive.

B Both vary with culture.

C How do you know that I am angry?

D. We use language to express our thoughts.

E. So just as you read English, you can read music.

F. Similarly, music is part of many people's lives.

G. In contrast, you probably also listen to sad music when you are feeling down.


Why should you read every day?

    When was the last time you read a book? If you're one of countless people who don't make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out. Reading has many benefits, and just a few benefits of reading are listed below.

    Mental Stimulation

    Studies have shown that staying mentally stimulated can slow the progress of Alzheimer's and Dementia. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Just like any other muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy.

    Wider Knowledge

    Everything you read fills your head with new bits of information, and you never know when it might come in handy. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Stress Reduction

    No matter how much stress you have at work, in your personal relationships, or countless other problems, it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great story. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. And an interesting article will distract you and keep you in the present moment, allowing you to relax.


    When you read a book, all of your attention is focused on the story— the rest of the world just falls away. Try reading for 15 to 20 minutes before work, and you'll be surprised at how much more focused you are once you get to the office.


    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Reading spiritual texts can lower blood pressure and bring about a sense of calm, while reading self-help books has been shown to help people suffering from certain mood disorders or mental illnesses.

A. Stronger thinking skills.

B. Improved focus and concentration.

C. A well-written novel can transport you to other worlds.

D. Reading a good book can also bring about great inner peace.

E. That's because keeping your brain active prevents it from losing power.

F. Reading books is also important for learning new languages and cultures.

G. The more knowledge you have, the better-equipped you are to deal with your future challenges.


    In our daily life, some people prefer to hold on to the past and play it again and again like a broken record. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. However, those with no regrets let go of the past and live joyfully at present. They also live by the following principles.

    ⒈Following your unique path leads to greater achievements.

    We all have passions and inner guidance. If you follow your passions and inner guidance, your life will take on deeper meaning and fulfillment. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    ⒉Let your interest guide you, not societal pressures.

    We all know the feeling of being interested about something. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. But too often we allow societal pressures to control our feeling. To check whether your interest is guiding your life, start doing what you want to.

    ⒊Understanding happiness is a choice.

    We often think we will be happy once we get that job, or finish that course. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Everything outside of you is temporary(暂时的). Once it goes, so will your happiness.


    We support others by our words and actions, while receiving others' support and love back. Expressing heartfelt feelings allows us to have no regrets for whatever tomorrow may bring. It may also be exactly what others need to face their current challenges.

A. Don't think twice about expressing love and appreciation

B. Try living according to what your inner knowing guides you to do

C. What is right for one person may not be right for another

D. They, in turn, live with regret, anger, and fear

E. Don't settle for less than what you want

F. The truth is that happiness comes from within

G. It guides what we are doing


    Have you ever been in a situation where first aid was required? Did you know what to do? Did you feel adequately equipped and confident enough to perform first aid procedures? At the SOS Center, trained professions provide some one-on one and group courses in first aid. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    First Aid For Infants (婴儿)

    This course is designed for first- time parents who do not have a basic knowledge of first aid for infants and babies, {#blank#}2{#/blank#}, or if you want to avoid more life threatening problems and illnesses, you will get them from these topics.

    First Aid for Children

    Every parent knows the fear of releasing their small child out into the world, away from their watchful eye. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. This course teaches parents how to determine when an injury requires stitches (缝针), how to treat basic cuts, as well as how to treat sunburns and other wounds.


    Our most popular course offers all kinds of approaches to applying first aid. In this two-day course, you'll learn some basic skills such as how to respond when a child or adult chokes, what to do if someone has a heart attack or stroke, how to react to snake bites and spider bites, and more. This course is highly recommended for learners of all ages.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. In addition, we are planning to open special courses in community centers around Beijing. For more information on SOS and our course selection or to register for a course, please visit www.firstthigsfirst.com.

A. Basic Training Course in First Aid

B. Various First-Aid Courses for Babies

C. When you want to ease your baby's discomforts

D. If you want to avoid the risk of your parents' injuries

E. Classes are offered on a regular basis at our main office

F. We offer a variety of courses designed to meet particular needs

G. As children grow more adventurous, the risk of injury increases as well



    Volunteering to help people in need combined with travelling to faraway places is a new trend in the travel industry. It is called voluntourism. People travel to other countries, learn languages and gain new experiences. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Recent statistics show that in the past few years voluntourism has been one of the fastest-growing areas of tourism. More than 1.6 million people around the world are volunteers in other countries. They help build schools, assist in hospitals and do farming work in developing countries. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They keep in touch with their host families after they return home, and many return to visit.

    There are many reasons why people want to engage in voluntourism. When people choose to join a voluntourism program, they are joining a global network of volunteers who are living and working with diverse cultures on projects that have a positive effect. The volunteers come from all over the world, and they will share the passion for giving back and the desire to broaden horizons. Some students also see it as a gap year after school, while others simply want to take time out from a job and do something else. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} However, many voluntourists do not see volunteering as what it is. They think it is a cheap way of travelling and don't really want to get involved in hard work.

    While voluntourism has been around for over a century, modern volunteering started with the Peace Corps, a program that the US government started in the 1960s. From then on, voluntourism has become more and more popular. Many organizations start similar projects. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} And they have hundreds of different types of programs for people to choose from in more than 30 developing countries. The programs run year round and each volunteer chooses when they want to start and the duration they would like to stay for.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} They say that if people really want to help those in need, there are many opportunities in their own community to do this. On the other side, volunteers are often not skilled enough for the tasks that they do. Travel experts point out that in some cases voluntourists are often taken advantage of by the organization that sets up the trips.

A. Not everyone sees voluntourism in a positive way.

B. Some of them establish lasting bonds with people there.

C. And there are those who are bored and merely seek adventure.

D. Most voluntourism organizations employ people from similar fields.

E. They find it is the best way to get the best of the world.

F. By participating in voluntourism, they are contributing to local economy.

G. They offer voluntourism trips to suit people's interest, experience level or age.

