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题型:单词拼写(语篇) 题类: 难易度:普通



This spring, the most eye-catching movie might be YOLO(《热辣滚烫》). By Feb 26, it had made over 3.3 billion yuan at the box office, reported The Paper.

Directed by Jia Ling, the movie t  the story of a woman tired of the world, finding herself and learning to love life through boxing. The name YOLO is short for the movie's main idea--you only live once.

Before making YOLO, Jia was often seen as an overweight comedian. She often made j  about herself to make people laugh. For this movie, Jia l  50kg and looked very d  from what she was before. Some people online said even her voice became softer, and they call this a "rebirth" for Jia.

In Jia's eyes, her change in identity and look is her way of staying true to herself. "I'm just following my heart I  of looking for changes on purpose. Movies arenow the best way to show myself, so I put all my energy into them," Jia told Xinhua.


    It is increasingly popular for Chinese young people to share their experiences on social media (媒体), such as the "moments"(朋友圈)on popular instant messaging service WeChat. "I have been reading 'Jane Eyre' for 40 days with 48,000 words finished Li Anqi said. Li has been sharing her reading experience on WeChat moments every day since January. Working in Yinchuan, capital of Northwest China? s Ningxia, Li wants to learn English very much, but cannot get rid of (摆脱)the everyday work of school lessons.

    "I found many of my WeChat friends had been reading books or learning English on mobile reading apps, and I did not want to fall behind," Li said.

In January, she spent more than 100 yuan buying an online reading class at the Bohe Reading app, which tells customers they can: "Finish reading your first English book here."

    At her reading class, teachers assign reading homework and give instructions to 430 class members every day.

    A survey report released on Thursday said 70.9 percent of primary and middle students in China use the Wechat instant messaging App.

    At the same time, 75. 9 percent of Chinese children have their own mobile phones, according to China National Children's Center.

    The figures were based on a survey of nearly 9000 children across China.

    However, 28. 8 percent of them never read news online and 43. 2 percent have never touched newspapers.

    The center called for efforts to address the digital divide between urban and rural education and protect children's privacy (隐私)as Internet users.

