
试题 试卷


题型:填空题 题类: 难易度:困难


 —Loot at the pattern of tiles (瓷砖). Which of the following tiles replaces the question mark?


    When I came to Cincinnati as an au pair (家庭打工留学生), a lot of things there were different from what I knew. My host family lived in a huge house I could only describe as a "castle".In Germany I had lived in a small apartment together with my mom. Soon I found out that the "castle" was actually rather small in our neighborhood.

    Everybody there was very friendly and polite. They greeted you when they were walking by at least 3 feet away from you. They must not have seen a German au pair before, for most people I met asked me all kinds of questions about Germany. I enjoyed answering their various strange questions. I made a lot of friends and I started to hang out with them.

    Of course, there were a number of new things, and it took me the whole year to find them all out. I never got homesick. Perhaps it was because I did not have too many negative experiences and felt loved and welcomed there.

    However, I had undergone some painful experience back in Germany. I was frustrated by the way people would run me over and not even say "Sorry." Taking up my studies at the TU-Dresden, I felt lonely. Everybody here seemed to be withdrawn(离群的) and I missed everything I had in Cincinnati. Germany was so "cold". I found it so much harder to make new friends. After six months I got a roommate and only two good friends. I also flew back to Cincinnati several times for long periods. I felt that without those visits I was not able to make it.

    Now I am over this German culture shock. It almost took me an entire year. I am still going back and forward between Dresden and Cincinnati four times a year.


    Mayor Day called me that morning, his voice full of an urgency I'd never heard before. "These Chinese big people are coming to our town and I need you to prepare something really special for them. I'm relying on you, Adrian. The whole town is. This could be just the thing to put us over the top."

    "Okay, I'm on it," I said. I'm a caterer (酒席承办人), and for years I've done all the mayor's events for Thomasville, Alabama, our little town of 4,099. He likes everything I make, but I knew exactly what he wanted this time, banana pudding, his favorite.

    It's my mama's recipe. It was her desserts that she was known for. Mama cooked her banana pudding on the stove. Hers was thick and cream-colored, not dark yellow like the other ladies made. I remember practicing in the kitchen when I was a young girl. Mama showed me how to make banana pudding properly. "Good job, Adrian," Mama would say. I was so proud when I finally got mine just right, the way she did.

    For months Mayor Day had tried his best to persuade some Chinese businessmen who ran a copper company to build their new plant in Thomasville, but our little town didn't have the land they needed. "We are leaning toward Houston or Lamar," the company representative told Mayor Day. "There is nothing personal, just business."

    "Wait! What about Wilcox County?" the mayor asked. Wilcox, just east of us, was one of the poorest counties in the entire United States and had got plenty of land. There hadn't been any kind of plant built there since the 1970s.

    "But that's not your county," the company representative said. "Why are you lobbying (游说) for them?"

    "Because if you build in Wilcox County their economy will grow and so will Thomasville's. Besides, there's something to be said for loving your neighbor, isn't there?"

    The representative agreed to visit Wilcox County before the final decision was made. All the top leaders would come and have lunch in Thomasville, lunch that I cooked. And for dessert, the dish the mayor hoped would sweeten the deal. Banana pudding with 300 jobs riding on it, I knew it had to be perfect, like Mama's.

    The luncheon was held at the Thomasville Civic Center. Next to each plate I'd placed a little cup of pudding. I looked on anxiously as the Chinese businessmen eyed the dessert. Were they curious or sickening? One of the men pointed at his cup and said something to the translator. I couldn't hear his answer but the businessman still looked puzzled. He took a spoon, inserted it into the pudding, then put barely a taste to his lips. For a moment there was no reaction. Then he smiled, a grin that went from ear to ear. The rest of the businessmen started eating their pudding, one bite after another. In seconds all the cups were empty.

    One of the businessmen looked toward me and said something to the translator, who waved me over to the table. "Excuse me," he said. "Is there more? More …" he searched for the word, "… pie?" I brought out all the banana pudding. Even last cup was finished. By the time the men put down their dessert spoons they'd reached an agreement. They needed to know more about Wilcox County. There would be another meeting, another lunch.

    "And we will have again the banana pie?" one of the leaders asked.

    Mayor Day didn't miss a beat. "Absolutely," he said. "Adrian's lunches always come with banana pie."

    And a few months later, when it was announced that the plant would be built in Wilcox County instead of Houston, everyone joked that the decision had come down to one thing. Mama's been away for a few years now, but I like to think she's up in heaven, looking down on that new copper plant going up in Wilcox County, and saying, "Good job, Adrian."


    Schoolgirl Lorna O'Brien was in her kitchen when she looked out of the window and was terrified (惊恐的) at what she saw. "Help!" she shouted. "There's smoke and fire coming out of the kitchen window opposite."

    Her father, John, ran across to the house while her 15­year­old brother Paul called the fire service. Lorna, 16, rushed across and caught up with her dad, who had just kicked open the front door. They looked upstairs where they saw smoke coming out of the top flat. Lorna followed her father into the flat, where they found a pan (平底锅) on fire in the kitchen and the young mother, Mane Linn, who had been asleep, passed out (失去意识) in the smoke­blackened sitting room. Lorna's dad threw a wet cloth over the pan and then turned off the stove (炉子) before starting to help Mane through the smoke down the stairs to safety.

    Suddenly Mane started crying, "My baby, my baby!" "Where's the baby?" asked Lorna. "In the bedroom," Mane shouted back. While John pulled the crying mother from the house, Lorna, without a thought for her own safety, turned back to search for the baby. She found the little girl, 14­month­old Ann, lying with her eyes closed.

    Lorna quickly took the baby, rushed downstairs through the fire and smoke. "It didn't cross my mind at the time that I was near to dying when I rushed through the smoke," said Lorna. "I was just thinking of the baby. Even after I came out of the house, I wasn't frightened."

    When help arrived, baby Ann and her mum were taken to hospital for treatment. It was only when Lorna got back into the safety of her own house that she realised the danger she had faced. "I started shaking all over and thought of what could have happened to me," she said.


Half a Day

    I walked alongside my father, holding his right hand. All my clothes were new: the black shoes, the green school uniform, and the red cap. They did not make me happy, however, as this was the day I was to be thrown into school for the first time.

    "Why school?" I asked my father. "What have I done?"

    "I'm not punishing you," he said, laughing. "School's not a punishment. It's a place that makes useful men out of boys. Don't you want to be useful like your brothers?"

    I was not convinced. I did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home and throwing me into the huge, high-walled building.

    When we arrived at the gate we could see the courtyard, vast and full of boys and girls. "Go in by you," said my father, "and join them. Put a smile on your face and be a good example to others."

    I hesitated and squeezed his hand firmly, but he gently pushed me from him. "Be a man", he said. "Today you truly begin life. You will find me waiting for you when it's time to leave."

    I took a few steps. Then the faces of the boys and girls came into view. I did not know a single one of them, and none of them knew me. I felt I was a stranger who had lost his way. But then some boys began to glance at me in curiosity, and one of them came over and asked, "Who brought you?"

    "My father," I whispered.

    "My father's dead," he said simply.

    I did not know what to say. The gate was now closed. Some of the children burst into tears. The bell rang. A lady came along and said, "This is your new home. There are mothers and fathers here, too. Everything that is enjoyable and beneficial is here. So dry your tears and face life joyfully."

    Well, it seemed that my misgivings had had no basis. From the first moments I made many friends. I had never imagined school would have this rich variety of experiences.


Where to eat in Malaysia

    Malaysia offers a wide range of food choices, ranging from fine dining to street food. Elsewhere, restaurants and food stalls are readily available. 

Old China Café

    Eating here is a little like dining in a museum as the walls are lined with photos and memorabilia of the local Chinese laundryman's association. Chinese and Asian dishes keep regulars and travellers coming back for more. The menu changes monthly. 

San Pedro

    This restaurant serves Portuguese cuisine. Try the baked fish (seabass or red snapper) , curry chicken (can be quite spicy) , fried brinjauls and the black pepper crabs. Call ahead to reserve a table (and your fish) , because once their fish runs out, they will close for the day. 

The Bungalow

    Facing the hotel pool and the beach, this restaurant has indoor and outdoor seating. At night, the atmosphere is very romantic. The Chinese menu concentrates on traditional Hainanese dishes, but includes dishes such as fish curry, chicken rice and file t mignon. 

No. 7 Sup Corner

    Even if you miss this buffet-style restaurant at the road bend, you will not miss the number of cars parked at the road shoulder or the locals heading to it during lunchtime. It serves Malay dishes. First get your plate of rice, and then take whatever you would like to eat. Present your food plate to the lady at the counter and pay for it. Closed on Fridays and during Ramadan. Come early as there's always a crowd outside. 

