
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



When I was about ten, I was woken up by the shouts(喊声)of my sister one morning. She was hungry, but my mother wasn't at home, so I made a banana cake for her. Let me share the recipe with you.

What you need:

2 eggs  3 bananas  2 cups of flour(面粉)

2 spoons of baking powder(发酵粉)

1/4 spoon of baking soda (小苏打)

1/2 spoon of salt

2/3 cup of sugar

1/3 cup of vegetable oil(油)

What to do:

l  Mix(混合) together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl.

l  Add the vegetable oil. Then add a little sugar, and stir (搅拌) it.

l  Pour the eggs into the bowl and stir them well.

l  Add the bananas and stir them.

l  Turn the oven to 180℃.

l  Pour them into the oven(烤箱). Bake(烘焙) the cake for 20 minutes.

l  Get the cake out of the oven, and cut it into pieces to eat.

(1)、The writer made the banana cake for her ___________.  
A、mother B、sister C、friend D、classmate
(2)、We need________ of salt to make the banana cake.
A、1/4 spoon B、1/3 cup C、1/2 spoon D、2/3 cup
(3)、We don't need________ to make the banana cake.
A、milk B、flour C、sugar D、eggs
(4)、Which is the right order to make the banana cake?

⒈ Pour them into the oven. 
⒉ Add the eggs and the bananas.

⒊ Put the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt into the bowl.

⒋ Add the vegetable oil.

A、3214 B、2341 C、4231 D、3421
(5)、Which of the following is TRUE?
A、The writer made the banana cake when she was seventeen. B、To make the banana cake, we need six kinds of things. C、We need to bake the cake for more than one hour. D、There are seven steps (步骤) to make a banana cake.
