
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Last Sunday, I sat with Tony, my college classmate, in a well-known coffee shop in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As we1our coffee, two men entered and sat on an empty table beside us.

    They2the waiter and ordered three cups of 3, two on the table and one on the wall. We heard this order with great4and observed that they were served with two cups of coffee5they paid for three. As soon as they6, the waiter pasted (粘贴) a piece of paper on the wall saying A Cup of Coffee.

    It 7that the matter was normal at this place. However, it was something8for Tony and me. Since we had nothing to do with the matter, we 9our coffee, paid the bill and left.

    After a few days, we again had a10to go to this coffee shop. While we were enjoying our coffee, a man entered. The way this man was dressed did not 11the standard nor the atmosphere of this coffee shop. Poverty was12from the looks on his face. As he13himself, he looked at the14and said, “One cup of coffee from the wall.” The waiter served coffee to this man with15, politeness and warmth.

    After a few minutes, the man finished his coffee and left16paying. We were amazed to watch all this when the waiter 17a piece of paper from the wall and18it in the dustbin.

    Now it was no 19for us because the matter was very clear. Although the man didn't know about the one who was giving this cup of coffee to him, he would have a better understanding of the wall which had a great role between the 20and receiver.

A、enjoyed B、shared C、cooked D、booked
A、thanked B、met C、called D、found
A、water B、coffee C、tea D、milk
A、pride B、courage C、hope D、interest
A、as B、but C、so D、for
A、moved B、drank C、left D、entered
A、happened B、proved C、seemed D、sounded
A、special B、funny C、kind D、helpful
A、prepared B、ordered C、changed D、finished
A、chance B、time C、right D、choice
A、win B、match C、equal D、peace
A、obvious B、natural C、exact D、strange
A、dressed B、relaxed C、introduced D、seated
A、menu B、wall C、table D、door
A、pity B、calm C、fear D、respect
A、over B、after C、without D、against
A、took off B、took up C、took over D、took in
A、hid B、lost C、threw D、picked
A、doubt B、surprise C、delight D、anger
A、boss B、guest C、waiter D、giver

    My father and I are moving gracefully(优雅地) across the floor. Around and around we go, 1 and nodding to the other dancers. We are the best dancers on the floor, they tell us. My father holds my hand and smiles at me. All the years that I 2 to dance with him disappear now. And those 3 times come back.

    I remember when I was almost three and my father came home from work, he pulled me into his 4 and began to dance me around the table. We danced through the years. One night when I was fifteen, I was 5 in some painful feelings. My father asked me to dance with him. “Come on,” he said, “let's get the 6 on the run.” When I turned away from him, my father put his hand on my shoulder, and I 7 out of the chair shouting, “Don't touch me! I am sick and 8 of dancing with you!” I saw the 9 on his face, but words were out and I could not call them back. I ran to my room crying 10.

    We did not dance together after that night. My father waited up for me through my high school and college years when I danced my way out of his 11. Many years later, soon after his 12 picked up from a heart problem, my mother wrote that they had 13 a dance club. “You remember how your father loves to dance.” Yes, I remembered. My eyes filled up with 14. I knew he was waiting for a(an) 15 from me, but I could never find the right words.

As my parent's 50th wedding anniversary 16, I knew 17 I wanted to do was dance once more with my father. On the big day, in the party after the dinner, my parents danced around the room with the other dancers. I walked 18 the dancing people, looking directly into my father's eyes, “Excuse me, but I believe this is my dance.” My father stood 19. Our eyes met and traveled back to that night when I was fifteen. In a(an) 20 voice, I said, “Let's get the unhappiness on the run.” My father bowed(鞠躬) and said, “Oh, yes. I've been waiting for you.”


    Hello, everyone. It's my honor to recommend (推荐) Educator of the year. I'm sure everyone has a(an) 1 teacher that they will be able to 2 for years to come. There is one famous teacher that everyone wants to have in our middle school—Ms. Sullivan, whose 3you must often hear at school. Ms. Sullivan does a lot of things to make herself 4.

    First of all, she has great enthusiasm for her 5. She teaches many different classes—Language Arts Enrichment, Writing for Publication and Reader's Theater, though most teachers in middle school only teach one 6, such as Math, Social Studies, Science, etc. Ms. Sullivan is also responsible for 7 the school play. Every year she devotes her time into 8 an amazing school play. Luckily I have been a part of it and 9 it so much!

    In addition, Ms. Sullivan always shows her students that she 10 us, whether in our study or in life. Some teachers teach us the lessons in a strict way, 11 Ms. Sullivan shows us that she is always 12 like a friend. In writing classes, she makes us have a group discussion first, which I think is a good way to 13 our creative ideas. Then she lets us 14 write our stories at our own speed. She 15 everything we write and gives us a(an) 16 opinion about it. We are getting more 17 writing a composition, and no longer consider it hard work. Most importantly, she also makes each of her classes 18.

    19, I think Ms. Sullivan should be Educator of the Year. Even if she doesn't get the 20, she still deserves our respect and love!


    Takamizawa, aged 91, was one of the more than 200,000 people who requested to volunteer for Tokyo's 2020 Games. English is not required for service, but it is a helpful1 for volunteers to have. But Takamizawa had not been able to learn the language when she was young. She was in high school when World War Two 2. She said, "In my second year there, English was banned(禁止) because it was the 3 language."

    Takamizawa said that her grandchildren helped 4 her she was not too old to learn.

    "When I talked to my grandchildren about my5, they said, 'it's not too late. We will teach you one word a day. It's going to be a good 6 for you."

    Natsuko is Takamizawa's 7 and main English teacher. Natsuko 8 a new English word to her grandmother's phone every day. They also often work together 9 on phrases that Takamizawa will need for the Olympics.

    "Welcome to Tokyo, this is the Olympic stadium, how can I help you?" Takamizawa answers when 10 to say an English phrase she has learned.

Natsuko 11 that she wanted to give her grandmother something to 12. "I can clearly see her English is getting better. It's my joy now."

    For the level of English spoken in a country, Japan ranks (排列)49th among countries where English is not the 13 language. This situation is slowly changing as younger generations 14English. Japanese students often learn English at a much 15 age than they did in the past.

    However, Takamizawa believes real change will not happen 16 Japanese people become more open to the rest of the world. She says that people in Japan should act not only as Japanese citizens, but also as "17 members" of the Earth.

    With around 500 days to go until the Games begin, the whole Takamizawa family is ready to welcome the world to Tokyo. When Japan last held the Summer Olympics in 1964, Takamizawa was too busy 18 a family to go to any events.

    Takamizawa said she never thought the Olympics would happen in Tokyo 19 in her lifetime. "It's good," she said, "to 20 long."


    The daughter of two "extremely intelligent and very, very hardworking" doctors, Katherine originally had plans to follow in her parents' footsteps. She told a careers adviser that her first 1 was medicine, followed by politics. The third on her list of career choices was musical theatre. "Even though those first two 2 were very different, I always want to do something that was going to make a difference," she said.

    By the time she 3 from high school, Katherine knew she wanted to be an actress. But she was 4 by every acting school, in that she was too young and didn't have enough life 5. So she 6 teaching herself everything she could about the craft. At the end of that year, some managers from the US visited Australia. She was asked to 7 an audition tape. The next day the managers called her to say they wanted her to audition. Needless to say she 8 it. Katherine 9 a school student Hannah who committed suicide in 13 Reasons Why. And she 10 a Golden Globe nomination for the role. Hannah's life, Katherine admitted, was 11 easy. "Luckily for me, my high school experience was very 12 to Hannah's. I went to a gifted and talented school, and I got 13 from a group of friends," she said.

    This year Katherine 14 in her film Love, Simon, which is another coming-of-age drama, this time 15 bullying. "What 16 me about Love, Simon was it's not a high school movie; it's a love story. There were so many narratives that felt 17 yet unique, just because of the way they were written and the way I felt they were portrayed," she said.

    Being thrust into the public eye so suddenly and so early in her career has meant a 18 learning line for Katherine, who now finds herself walking the red carpet at Hollywood events and being approached by strangers in the street. Despite being involved in such a massive hit, she's not particularly 19 in the size of her following on social media. She said, "For me, it doesn't matter how many followers I have, but if my followers love the show and I'm able to interact with them, that is the biggest 20."


    Chris is a columnist (专栏作家) at citypages.com whose life turned upside down in 2017. Chris was willing to share his story but his own print deadlines made it a(n) 1  task for this time. In 2017 Chris found out his 2  condition left much to be desired and that he needed a kidney transplant (移植). Any person would have been lost in such a situation but Chris tuned to the place where he felt most comfortable——Twitter.

    The whole operation thing takes lots of efforts on a donor's (捐赠者) side and Chris continued 3  all the details on his blog and Facebook account. In the meantime, he was 4  a tiresome process of hemodialysis (血液透析) 5 waste and water removal from his blood and it generally takes 4 hours.

    6 , 19 people replied to Chris's tweet (推特信息)! They were his lawyers or just people he met at some party months ago and even complete 7 . None of them was his family, relative or Just a 8  friend. Just imagine all these people accepting medical checks, 9  their blood types and stuff of the kind to make a great 10 to a person they hardly knew! One person 11  ideally­­­Scott. Strangely enough Scott and Chris never met in person before the 12 and really saw each other for the first time on a thanksgiving evening. Both men felt that it was somewhat easier for them to let their communication flow on Social Media 13 a certain point of time. Scott sent Chris a 14 tweet even after the successful operation. When seeing Scott for the first time on a family dinner Chris couldn't say all he wanted at first and his writing talent 15 at one time.

    Social Media 16 worked! Chris has a healthy kidney now thanks to Scott, Twitter, Facebook, and the inventor of the web. For some people, 17 networks are pure evil or just time consuming black holes, but Social Media was once a 18  for Chris. It isn't just a place where people 19 their time on lonely evenings. For some of us it is also one of few paths that can lead to a certain kind of 20 .

