
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Do you hate to get your hands dirty? When I see my 10-year-old son1the dirty plates  in the sink or my 8 year-old daughter cringing(畏缩) at the wet sand clinging(黏住) to her hands, I am reminded of a time when I was 2to get my hands a little dirty.

    My parents owned a 500-acre 3 n Montana when I was young. I'd often come home from school to find a/an 4lamb or a calf being bottle-fed in the basement.One exceptionally cold day, I was the5sheep with my mother in the ranch when she spied a ewe(母羊)6.The poor thing was trying to7 her baby lamb and needed our help.My mother calmly held the ewe's head and8 me to grab hold of the two protruding(突出的) legs.

I hesitated, and must have had quite a look of 9 on my young face.The slimy little things were 10not something I wanted to touch.But I worked up my 11and wrapped my fingers around them.I can still recall the feel of 12the delicate legs and their sharp little hooves(蹄子) as of it happened yesterday.

    My heart beat in fear and excitement as I 13with all my strength.The lamb was delivered with an outpouring, and I'd never seen14so beautiful.I was no 15to see ranch animals being born, but to have a hand16it was something I cherished then and will cherish forever.

    Looking back, I'm so glad that I didn't 17to get my hands dirty.18I had, the miraculous moment and the precious memory would have been lost.These days I try to instill(灌输) that life lesson into my own 19 .Sometimes you need to get your hands a little dirty to experience something 20 and pure.

A、throwing B、wasting C、washing D、avoiding
A、unwilling B、willing C、thrilled D、content
A、garden B、ranch C、yard D、field
A、newborn B、energetic C、strong D、fierce
A、watching over B、spying on C、checking on D、picking out
A、in peace B、in silence C、in operation D、in trouble
A、raise B、bear C、feed D、hug
A、requested B、commanded C、instructed D、guided
A、panic B、anxiety C、delight D、excitement
A、almost B、possibly C、definitely D、approximately
A、affection B、patience C、confidence D、courage
A、unbearable B、unexpected C、unfortunate D、uncomfortable
A、dragged B、rolled C、pushed D、pulled
A、nothing B、anything C、something D、everything
A、stranger B、specialist C、reporter D、acquaintance
A、in B、on C、over D、at
A、hesitate B、tend C、refuse D、bother
A、Even if B、When C、Unless D、If
A、relatives B、children C、friends D、colleagues
A、embarrassing B、confusing C、entertaining D、amazing

    I often show my students inspiring videos to start their day. I never know which ones will make a huge impact, 1 I know they always reach the kids on some level. I recently showed my kids a video, where the 2 was “I am enough.”

    When the 3 was over, I had each child say out loud, “I am enough.” It was 4 to see their backs straighten and their faces 5 as they declared this for themselves.

    I posted about this on my Facebook page and how 6 I felt to get to work with such openhearted, amazing kids. A friend of mine 7 the post, watched the video, and felt moved. So moved, 8, that a few days later I went to my mailbox and9 a beautiful ring stamped with “I am enough.” It was such an unbelievable gift of kindness and I 10 how this simple video was going.

    The following day I was leaving my classroom, and I 11 my warm-up white board had been changed. Instead of the instructions I had for the following morning, one of my students had written, “I am enough. You are enough. ”I 12 the addition of “You are enough” 13 it shows they are not only thinking about their value but the value of others. How 14 is that?

    I also received an email from one of the 15 of my students. She told me she found a picture of hearts and the 16, “I am enough, you are enough'' on her daughter's desk. I couldn't 17 this simple saying was reaching so 18 and so far. It made my heart filled with 19 thinking how blessed I am to get to 20 with these kind little souls every day.


    In storm-ravaged (风暴肆虐的) Santa Clarita, California, last March, Martinez approached Runner Road carefully. A 1 creek(小溪) had flooded it. Martinez, driving a Toyota SUV, 2 he'd be OK. Big 3. Halfway across, the rushing waters grabbed hold of his vehicle, sweeping it off the road. It finally 4 a good 80 feet away, when the 5 somehow lifted the SUV and put it into the ground at a 45-degree angle. Shaken, and trapped inside with the water rising quickly, Martinez was certain he was going to 6.

    On the road right behind Martinez were a delivery 7 and his niece. They 8 the horror unfold, and when Martinez's SUV came to 9 in the middle of the pouring creek, the man leaped to 10. First, he grabbed heavy-duty (结实的) 11 from the back of his van and tied the unsteady SUV to 12 posts. Then he climbed on the top of Martinez's 13 and hit a rear window with his fists. Frustrated, he 14 to his niece and yelled, “Give me a 15!”

    Over and over he hit the rock into the 16 very hard, but in vain. “We were scared that something else was going to come down and take the SUV, take him, take my uncle,” Krystina Reyes, 27, said. But her uncle's name was not publicly known.

    Reyes's uncle shouted to Martinez to 17 away from the window. He 18 and threw the rock. 19, the glass broke. Soon, a soaked Martinez went out of the window, and the men escaped to dry land.

    Martinez was saved by a(n) 20 delivery driver.


    It was 12:45 p.m. on January 2, 2007. Fifty-year-old Wesley Autrey was 1 the train at a subway station in New York. His two daughters, aged four and six, were with him.

    2, a sick man fell on the platform (站台). The man, 20-year-old Cameron Hollopeter, got up, but then 3 again — this time, onto the track between the two rails. A 4 was coming into the station. It was a(n) 5 moment. But Mr. Autrey wasn't afraid. He 6the man, and he looked at the 7 that the man was in. It was about half a meter deep. And he8, “The train is going to travel over this man. 9 he tries to get up, the train will 10him. But if he lies on the ground and doesn't 11, he'll be OK.” So he knew he had to 12. And there was no time to think carefully.

    He 13. Mr. Autrey lay on top of Mr. Hollopeter and kept him down on the ground. The train driver 14 them. He was afraid, but he couldn't 15 in time. Five subway cars traveled over the two men before the train stopped.

    The people on the platform were 16. When Mr. Autrey heard them screaming (尖叫), he shouted, “We're OK down here, but I have two daughters up there. Let them 17 their father's OK.” People on the platform clapped and 18. They were amazed at Mr. Autrey's 19. Subway workers helped the two men out. They had no serious injuries.

    Mr. Autrey said, “I didn't do anything special. I just saw someone who needed 20. I did what I thought was right.”

阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。

    The shower, I find, is the best place to cry. The water1the sound of my sadness, while washing away any2of my pain. I shower after the kids have gone to bed; it's the only time I can be3.

    I always did my best to 4 my two children from my tears. If I needed to cry, I cried by myself.

    Yet, I encourage my two boys to cry. My 7-year-old 5 himself on never crying at school. “Oh,but you must cry,” I 6 . “Crying is good. It gets the sadness out. Never7 your tears.”

    But then I did just that. What might it do to them to see their mother upset?

    Then my father died, and there was no way I could 8 my grief(悲痛)and keep my feelings inside. I tried to get on with things, but the sadness 9came. The realization my dad was actually gone 10 me with an intensity (强度)that was impossible to cover up.

    To my surprise,my boys didn't seem too 11 , They found me hiding in the bedroom one afternoon, 12. “It's OK,mommies get sad too,” I told them, smiling through my tears. “Don't be sad, Mommy. Granddad's coming back as a baby,” my 7-year-old said,his tiny arm stretched (伸出)13 my shoulders. “Think about 14 ,” he went on. “Think about all the people who love you.”

I realized that in hiding my 15. I was only denying what it means to be human. I felt16 I had led my sons to believe that “negative” emotions are only a concept,and not something they should have.

    It's one thing to tell my children that it's 17 to cry. It's another to show them how it's done.

    We owe (欠) that to our children, according to social researcher and author Brene Brown. During her TED talk The Power of vulnerability(弱点),Brown said it's 18 that we “let ourselves be seen — deeply seen”.

    "Our job is not to protect our children,to keep them perfect," said Brown. “Our job is to look and say, 'You're not 19, and you're made for struggles, but you are 20 of love and belonging'.”


    When he was 5, Nicholas Lowinger visited a homeless shelter with his mother. He was1to show off his new light­up sneakers. But his mom warned him against doing so,2that these children might not have such things.

    3enough, when Nicholas met kids at the shelter, he4realized that they were living in circumstances that were different from his own.

    "I saw other kids who looked just like me. The only5was that they were wearing6shoes that were falling apart. Some didn't have a pair of shoes to call their own," said Nicholas, now 15. "I've been7to grow up in a family that is able to provide me with whatever I need. A lot of kids here in the U. S. don't have the same8."

    That first shelter9left a strong impression on Nicholas, who started10all the shoes he'd outgrown to local shelters. But he soon11that his donations weren't that helpful.

    "It12me that I only had used shoes to give to them13new shoes that fit right," he said. "No two people's feet are exactly the same, and14you are wearing someone else's worn shoes, your feet aren't going to be comfortable."

    So at the age of 12, Nicholas started a program that donates15shoes to homeless children.16, his efforts were part of a community service project. With the help of his parents, he then started the Gotta Have Sole Foundation, which has donated new footwear to more than 10,00017children in 21 states.

    "Something that seems so18, a pair of shoes, can make children feel19about themselves and gain confidence." Nicholas20other young people to do the same.

