
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通


阅读下列材料, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

What Are People Doing to Stay Healthy?

The COVID-19 pandemic(新冠肺炎大流行)has led many people to pay more atention to their health. Exercising is an excellent way to keep fit. So what are the most popular activities? And what holds people back from physical fitness? Let's look at the results of a recent survey on Chinese people's health and exercise released by iResearch.

(1)、Which of the following activities is the most popular?
A、Running. B、Walking. C、Cycling. D、Swimming
(2)、People who were born ___________probably likes playing ball games most.
A、in the 1970s B、in the 1980s C、in the 1990s D、after 2000
(3)、The text is probably taken from the __________part of a newspaper.
A、Health B、Science C、Culture D、Education

    Attention: University Students Studying Education. History and Art!

    The museum of Culpeper History is offering a 6-week summer internship(实习).

    We are looking for 10 to 12 interns(实习生) to help us with our summer program, Camp Cully, which will be held at the museum in Culpeper, Virginia.

Two one-week periods for kids are as follows:

July 21st--July 25th & July 28th--August 2nd

8:30 am--4:00 pm, Monday through Friday

(Working Dates for Interns: July 1st--August 15th)

    Interns will help plan, develop and organize activities and projects that are connected with exhibits (展品) of the museum. Interns will also take part in the program as guides, such as leading a small group of 4 to 5 children throughout the day's activities. Two interns are needed for each group. The week following Camp Culley, interns will take part in group discussions.

    Camp Culley offers children aged 6--12 an interesting program of history and art. Children are offered a different program with activities and projects for 5 days.

Two field trips are included:

    A trip to Luck Stone Quarry to see Dinosaur Prints

    A visit to Old Culpper Town to know about the life of American Indians

    For more information about the Internship Program, please get in touch with Linda Montgomery, the director of the museum.

Museum of Culpeper History

Address: 803 S. Main St--Culpeper, Virginia

Tel: 540-829-1749

Email: education @ culpepermuseum. Com

Visit us at www. culpepermuseum.com


Kids have lots of fun indoor activities nowadays. Three parents and educators are here to share how they encourage children to spend more time outside and connect with nature.




To get kids off screen, I advise parents disconnect too. My students have come to enjoy looking out for birds. They also find joy in using binoculars (双筒望远镜) for birdwatching. One of my students is now known as the local 12-year-old birdwatcher in the community. He's now a better birdwatcher than I am!


outdoor club


During a fishing trip with 30 kids aged 10 to 16, I had to get creative to keep them active. So, I came up with an idea: whoever catches a fish gets a gift. Although no one caught a fish, the kids loved it. Next month, we're going to have a boat racing on a nearby river. The key is to create an interesting space and give kids a reason to join in.


English teacher

When teaching English as a second language, I planned an outdoor math lesson: how to find the size of a garden bed (园圃). But my students didn't want to do it because of the insects (昆虫) and the hot weather, I then suggested growing something they could eat to make them more interested in the garden. This experience changed my mindset (观念) from "I'm taking them outside" to "We're going outside together".

完成表格 阅读下面短文, 根据其内容, 完成表格中所缺的信息。并将答案填写在答题卡相应的题号后。 

weiqi means "surrounding game, " because one goal of the game is to surround the other player's pieces. It is played with white and black pieces called"stones" on a wooden board which has a grid of 19 lines on it, forming 361 crossing points. Each player has a bowl full of stones. One player has 181 black stones, while the other has 180 white ones. To win the game, the players try to gain more space by taking turns placing stones on the board, with black beginning first. 

Though Go looks quite simple, it is actually one of the most complicated (复杂的) games. The game provides an unending number of possibilities as players move forward step by step, winning small successes here and losing there. When a player makes a move, the other player has to guess the strategy and make a move accordingly, which requires the players to think and decide wisely. The Go players usually need to pay attention to the game for a long time until the true winner is finally decided. 

Most of the time, the game takes place in complete silence as the players peacefully think about their next move. Even though no words are spoken, the two players are always communicating. For this reason, the game is often called "shoutan" or "hand conversation. " And, just as good conversation builds friendship, many Go players build deep friendships with each other through hours of hand conversation. 

The game Go is strongly connected with Chinese culture. It is not just a game. It teaches us a lesson about life. We need to wait for the right moment to act or face the unexpected challenges calmly(冷静地). More than that, while Go is a war strategy game, it is different from most because the first and most important goal is not to win, but to play a good game, which gives us the saying: "It is a pleasure to win, and a pleasure to lose as well" (from the poem "Watching a Game of Go" by Su Shi). The game provides training for the mind, it also provides training for the soul (心灵) and it is thought that players become better people from playing the game. 

A Game of Strategy—Go

The rules of playing Go

• It's played on a board with 361 crossing points. One player has 181 black stones while the other has 180 white stones. 

• The player who{#blank#}1{#/blank#} is the winner. 

The advantages of playing Go

• The game is helpful to the development of wisdom and {#blank#}2{#/blank#}to achieve goals. 

• Go players build deep friendships with each other by communicating {#blank#}3{#/blank#} while playing for hours. 

The lessons from the game Go

• Wait until the right time to act. 

• Face challenges calmly. 

• Find pleasure not only from the result but the {#blank#}4{#/blank#} you expensive. 

The game of strategy—Go has very few rules and is easy to learn. Yet through the game, players develop thinking abilities and positive attitudes which help them to win the game as well as{#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

