
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:普通



Cars will run on solar power or electricity and will be much cleaner.  For example, if you are too close to another car or if you are driving dangerously, your car will slow down by itself.

Since there won't be any spare place, new cities will have to be built in the sea.

People will live on the upper floor, the lower floor will be used for traffic, shops and factories.

Plants that are not influenced by insects (昆虫) or illnesses will be developed. The taste of fruit and vegetables will be better and food will be kept longer.

New technology will be used to make TVs that are only 5cm thick. Electrical appliances (电器) will be quieter and will be controlled by computer. They will also use 50% less power.

Many new ways to treat illnesses will be successful using products of genetic engineering (基因工程). Treatments will be found for the flu (流感)and the common cold.

A. However, some new illnesses will appear.

B. Biotechnology (生物技术) will make food better and healthier.

C. Some cities on water will have two floors.

D. They will be much safer.

E. They will have pictures that are as clear as photos.


    Don't be surprised if you see a car going down the road without a driver in Beijing these days. In March, 2018, Baidu was given a license to test its self-driving cars in Beijing, China Daily reported.

    Self-driving cars have been in development since 2010, when Google announced that it was making such cars. Since then, companies like Tesla, Uber and Baidu have been working to produce and test their own self-driving cars.

    Self-driving cars are expected to change the way we get around. They are safer and more environmentally friendly than regular cars. They can remove the stress(压力) of driving and allow disabled or blind people to get around more easily.

    But self-driving cars have their own disadvantages as well. In one test, researchers pointed a laser pointer (激光棒) at the car's sensors (感应器) while it was moving. The car mistakenly thought that the laser beam (波束) was in its way and slowed down or changed directions.

    The software (软件) that is used to direct the cars may not be safe enough. Reported Live science. Sometimes, without any reasons, it may break down when we use out computers or smart phones. If the software in a self-driving car happened to crash, the results could be deadly. Maybe improvements to the software could solve this problem.

Information Card

The time when Baidu got a testing license of its self-driving cars in Beijing


The company which has firstly developed self-driving cars since 2010


The thing that will happen to the moving car if a laser beam is in its way


The number of companies that have been working to produce and test their own self-driving cars


The way to solve the problem of self-driving cars



Car pool(拼车)

    "Beep, beep," goes the car horn(喇叭).You've got dressed,but you've not had time to eat breakfast. You run out of the front door with your schoolbag, and jump into the waiting car. Inside, your Friends say "hey" as one of their parents drives you to school. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} 

    Car pools are a common way of transportation for many students in the US. You, along with many of your friends, can sit in one car.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} And your parents may take turns to drive you all to school {#blank#}3{#/blank#}  If you're late, you can eat that breakfast you don't have time for at home. If you're behind on your homework. this is your last chance to finish it before class. Some simply add to their sleep time before classes begin.

    Besides walking or cycling to class, car pools are green if you can't take the school bus. Instead of four cars taking four students to school each day, they can all squeeze (挤) into one. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} 

More importantly, car pooling teaches students valuable life lessons not taught in class. It can teach students about being on time. It can also teach them the bad influence of being late. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} 

A. What do friends do in the car?

B. This is the daily car pool to school.

C. Of course, it's better to take the school bus.

D. Why is car pool so popular in the USA?

E. Think of how much oil that can save!

F. You share the journey to school each day.

G If you're late, then all of your friends will be late too.

