
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



With the electronics industry developing, electronic products have become ubiquitous (无处不在的) in today's life. Meanwhile, there are more and more abandoned electronic products, commonly called e-waste. It's estimated that the number will grow to more than 60 million tons by 2021.

What contributes to the sharp rise in e-waste? Technology is developing rapidly, covering almost every aspect of our lives. Meanwhile, the lifespan of devices is getting shorter—many products will be thrown away once their batteries die. Companies intentionally plan the obsolescence (淘汰) of their goods by updating the design or software and discontinuing support for older models, so that it is usually cheaper and easier to buy a new product than to repair an old one.

What can we do about the growing e-waste problem? Recycling is very important and essential. As more people buy electronic equipment, producers are facing shortages of the raw materials, needed to make their products, so recycling and reusing e-waste makes economic and environmental sense.

Recycling e-waste is practiced both formally and informally. Formal e-waste recycling usually involves taking apart the electronics, sorting the materials and cleaning them. Companies must obey health and safety rules to reduce the health and environmental harm of handling e-waste by using: pollution-control technologies. All this makes formal recycling expensive. Informal recycling is typically, unlicensed and uncontrolled. At informal recycling workshops, people recover valuable materials burning devices to melt away non-valuable materials. Usually they do not wear protective equipment and lack any awareness that they are handling dangerous materials.

With the flood of e-waste growing around the world, recycling alone will not be enough to solve the problem. In order to reduce e-waste, producers need to design electronics that are safer, and more long-lasting, repairable and recyclable. The best thing we can do is to resist buying a new device until we really need it. Try to get our old product repaired if possible and, if it can't be fixed, resell or recycle it responsibly and correctly.

(1)、What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A、The causes of devices' price dropping. B、The results of updating devices. C、The methods of recycling e-waste. D、The reasons for more and more e-waste.
(2)、Why is recycling e-waste necessary according to the text?
A、To improve the poor quality of e-devices. B、To lower the costs of technology innovation. C、To relieve producers' lack of materials. D、To increase the variety of electronic products.
(3)、What can we know about formal recycling workshops?
A、There are many rules and steps to follow. B、They aim to get valuable materials by burning devices. C、It is convenient for them to recycle e-waste. D、They are unaware of the danger while handling e-waste.
(4)、What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A、E-waste is easy to deal with by ourselves. B、Producers should be mainly responsible for reducing e-waste. C、Everyone should shoulder responsibility to help reduce e-waste. D、Fixing a device could cause more pollution than buying a new one.

    There are some injuries that are common to all types of extreme sports. The following are some of the important things to do to prevent extreme sports injuries. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} But they can definitely minimize the risk of injuries.

    Warm up.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They include a combination of cardiovascular(心脏血管的)exercises, strength drills and stretching. Cardiovascular exercises increase body temperature, heart rate and blood circulation, which is required for further movement of the body. Strength drills increase the stamina of the body, while stretching warms up the muscles preparing them for sudden forceful movements. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} It also plays an important role in boosting the team spirit for a team sport. A warm-up session should last for at least 20 minutes and it can extend up to half an hour.

    Avoid overworking.

    There are some people who do not exercise their body for the sport on a regular basis and perform a week's task in a day or two. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} They do not realize the effect of overworking during the performance and keep doing it until they feel extremely tired. Apart from the actual sport, one should also avoid overdoing the warm-up exercises before the activity.


    Just as warming up is essential before any rigorous(充满活力的) physical activity, cooling down the body after playing a rigorous sport is also a significant part of physical conditioning. When you are done with your sports session, you can conclude with some walking, jogging or light running. Slight stretching exercises, focusing on specific muscles, will also be useful for cooling down the body.

A. Cool yourself down.

B. Look for a coach to train you.

C. These people are likely to suffer from extreme sport injuries.

D. However, there are no perfect methods which can assure you 100% safety.

E. Along with physical preparation, warming up prepares you mentally to begin a sport.

F. You should also be careful about your clothing selection for warmth and protection.

G. Warm-up exercises are very important before you begin any sports practice.


    I have a friend who lives by a three-word philosophy: Seize the moment. Just possibly, she may be the wisest woman on this planet. Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven't thought about it. Don't have it on their schedule, and didn't know it was coming or they are too strict to depart from their routine.

    I can't count the times I called my sister and said, “How about going to lunch in half an hour?” She would gasp and stammer(结结巴巴地说), “I can't. I have clothes on the line. My hair is dirty. I wish I had known it yesterday, I had a late breakfast, and it looks like rain.” And my personal favorite response: “It's just Monday.” She died a few years ago. We never did have lunch together. From then on, I've tried to be a little more flexible.

    Life has a way of going faster as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises made to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we are awaken, and all have to show for our lives is repetition of “I'm going to”, “I plan on” and “Someday, when things are settled down a bit.”

    When anyone calls my “seize the moment” friend, she is open to adventure and available for trips. She keeps an open mind on new mind on new ideas. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious. You talk with her for a while, and you're ready to change your attitude to life.

    My lips have not touched ice cream in 10 years. I love ice cream. The other day, I stopped the car and bought a triple-decker. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy. Now go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to, not something on your SHOULD DO list.


    Twenty-five years ago, as a parent educator, I began reading about the dangers of praise. I was completely shocked by what I was learning: praise is not good for our kids. How could that be? So I spent years talking with experts, reading about the effects of praise, and finally decided to close the door on praise and focus on building an encouraging family.

    Even today, with many studies available to parents, I still hear people say, "How can that be? How can saying 'Good job' or 'You're smart' be bad?" I understand. It can be a difficult habit to break.

    If we tell a boy "You are so smart!" when he brings home an A in his math test, how does he feel when he comes home with a D? If we've told him that he is smart, then he will more likely feel a failure when he struggles with homework — "I'm supposed to be smart. Why can't I do this?"

    Praise trains children to depend on constant feedback on what a "great job" they are doing. This dependency shatters rather than builds children's confidence. Praise trains children to ask, "Do you like it?" "Did I do a good job?" "Are you proud of me?" They begin to believe that what others think is more important than what they think about their achievements and mistakes.

    Praise breaks the relationship between parents and children. Without even realizing it, parents may be using praise as a tool to direct the child's behavior. The message is clear — I approve of you when you … and I do not approve of you when you … Living with this kind of constant judgment can damage not only the child's confidence but also the relationship.

    The solution to the problem of praise is encouragement. Encouragement can be given at any time, to anyone, in any situation. It is a comment, an acknowledgment, a statement that focuses on effort, improvement or choice. Hearing "You are so smart!" can leave a child at a loss when they don't do well in a test. Using "That took a lot of work to come home with an A in your test …" gives a child the chance to be something else.


    David Rees runs a truly distinctive business. He charges customers $15 to shar pen their pencils to perfections, using a variety of tools.

    I know what you're thinking — is this a joke? The 39-year-old gets asked that question a lot. To clarify everything, he even created a special section on his website telling everyone he's actually providing a real service.

    You can supply your own pencil or you can have Rees sharpen one of his own favorite 2B pencils. After that, he mails it to you in a display tube with the shavings in a separate bag, and an authentic certificate which just happens to mention the pencil is so sharp as to be a dangerous object.

    To achieve the desired result, the master sharpener uses all kinds of tools, including general sandpapers, pocket knives and even a special $450 sharpening machine. "It depends on what the customer wants to use his/her pencil for," he says. "That determines the most appropriate pencil-sharpening technique.

    Some customers buy pencils as inspirational symbols while others buy them because of their special memories of classic 2B pencils.

    $15 to have a pencil sharpened is a bit expensive though, right? You're not the only one who feels that way, and David's unique business has really angered lots of people, who talk of inequality in America, saying it is so insane for the wealthy to pay $15 to sharpen a pencil. But others will say, "This is just our urge to put an end to the welfare state because new ideas arise along with the business."

    David admits his trade is sort of unusual. But there are those who actually value his service, as proven by the over 500 orders he has gotten.


    Janus, the Roman god, has two faces looking in opposite directions. So does artificial intelligence (AI). On one side are the positive changes, enabling people to achieve more, far more quickly, by using technology to improve their existing skills. Look the other way, though, and there are plenty of potential pitfalls.

    Like Janus, technological change may also cause disruption(混乱), but AI is likely to have a bigger impact than anything since the appearance of computers, and its consequences could be far more disruptive.

    In the years ahead, AI will raise three big questions for bosses and governments. One is the effect on jobs. Although CEOs publicly praise the broad benefits AI will bring, their main interest lies in cutting costs. One European bank asked Infosys to find a way of reducing the staff in its operations department from 50,000 to 500. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates that by 2030 up to 375m people, or 14% of the global workforce, could have their jobs replaced by AI.

    A second important question is how to protect privacy as AI spreads. The internet has already made it possible to track people's digital behavior in minute detail. AI will offer even better tools for businesses to monitor consumers and employees, both online and in the physical world. Consumers are sometimes happy to go along with this if it results in personalised service or promotions. But AI is bound to bring invasion of privacy that is seen as unacceptable. For example, law-enforcement officials around the world will use AI to spot criminals, but may also monitor ordinary citizens.

    The third question is about the effect of AI on competition in business. A technology company that achieves a major breakthrough in artificial intelligence could race ahead of rivals, put others out of business and lessen competition. This is unlikely to happen in the near future, but if it did it would be of great concern.

    It is too early to tell whether the positive changes brought by AI will outweigh the risk. But it will put an end to traditional ways of doing things and start a new era for business and for the world at large.


    I didn't know how to say no, and was afraid to tell people what I wanted. Instead, I got myself tangled (纠结的) in a web of obligations, anxiety, and white lies.

    The worst thing was that I didn't even realize what I was doing. I thought I knew how to say "no"—but couldn't remember the last time I had. Like a lot of people, I just wanted to be accepted, appreciated, loved—and that the only way to get those things was to put everyone else's needs before my own.

    I never seemed to have time for things I really wanted to do. I'd like to learn Spanish, write more fiction, and travel. These aren't huge, unrealistic goals. And yet, my people-pleasing ways dramatically cut into my free time to pursue these desires.

    But recently, I decided I'd had enough. As an experiment, I began standing up for myself, even at the risk of alienating (使疏远) myself from everyone and having my entire life come crashing down around me. Several days ago, a good friend asked me to go for coffee at 5 p.m. I was planning to hit the gym and then binge—watch Mad Men for the millionth time. I said, "Sorry, I've got things I want to do tonight." She said, "That's fine. Maybe another time." It was all so painfully simple that I wanted to cry.

    Saying "no" is so much easier. If someone asks me to do something I have zero interest in, I'm polite but honest. "I'm sorry, I don't think that's really for me." The words slip out my mouth faster than some other lame excuses.

    Learning how to say "no" has added several extra hours to my days, days to my weeks, and what feels like months to my years. I no longer have to back-burner my plans to help friends with their job search, or set aside a weekend to read a book draft by someone I barely know. Saying "no" has set me free.

