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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Inspiring young minds!

TOKNOW Magazine is a big hit in the world of children's publishing, bringing a unique combination of challenging ideas and good fun to young fans every month.

What is so special about TOKNOW magazine?

Well, it has no ads or promotions inside instead it is jam-packed with serious ideas. TOKNOW makes complex ideas attractive and accessible to children, who can become involved in advanced concepts and even philosophy-and they will soon discover that TOKNOW feels more like a club than just a magazine.

What's inside?

Every month the magazine introduces a fresh new topic with articles, experiments and creative things to make the magazine also explores philosophy and well-being to make sure young readers have a balanced take on life.

Sounds too good to be true?

Take a look online—evidence shows that thousands of teachers and parents know a good thing when they see it and recommend TOKNOW to their friends.

Happy Birthday All Year!

What could be more fun than a gift that keeps coming through the letterbox every month? The first magazine with your gift message will arrive in time for the special day.


Annual Subscription(订阅)

Europe £55   Rest of world £65

Annual Subscription with Gift Pack

Includes a Mammoth Map, a passport Puzzle Booklet, and Subscription

Europe £60 Rest of World £70

Refund Policy-the subscription can be canceled within 28 days and you can get your money back.

(1)、Why is TOKNOW a special magazine?
A、It entertains young parents. B、It combines fun with complex concepts C、It publishes popular science fictions D、It provides serious advertisements
(2)、What does TOKNOW offer its readers?
A、Articles on new topics B、Online courses C、Lectures on a balanced life D、Reports on scientific discoveries
(3)、How much should you pay if you make a 12-mounth subscription to TOKNOW with gift pack from China?
A、£55 B、£60 C、£65 D、£70


    The Price of Success

    One problem for schools is that many students do not want to study hard. As a result, they perform (表现) poorly in their classes. This is especially true in the United States, where average scores for math and science are lower than in many other countries. In recent years, schools and charities have been looking for ways to help students get better grades in these subjects. An organization called the LMD Foundation introduced a program called Learn and Earn recently.

    In the program, money was used to get a group of students to study harder in math and science. In addition to the normal school day, they went to after-school classes for four hours each week. The students were paid eight dollars for each hour of after-school class. By the end of the year, the students in the program had higher grades than a similar group of students who had not taken part.

    Not everyone thinks that this is a good idea, though. TV reporter John Tulenko studied data (数据) from a similar program. He found that students' grades went back down when they stopped getting paid. Many people are worried about this. They think that the students study because they want money, not because they enjoy learning. Also, some people believe that these types of programs are a bad idea because it is a large part of a teacher's job to get students to study. If students are given money, some teachers might stop trying to do this.

    However, others believe that these learning programs can be helpful for students from poor families. Many of these students do part-time jobs after school, and some even quit school at a young age to work. Some do this to help get money for their families. Others feel that they can learn more by working than by going to school. Programs like Learn and Earn let these students stay in school and still make money.


    Most heroes are not super. They don't appear in comic books, on television, or in movies. They just do what they believe needs to be done to make their world a better place. Bike Batman is one of them.

    Bike Batman is a 30-year-old married engineer who lives in Seattle, Washington. He's a cyclist who also buys and sells bikes as a hobby.

    About three years ago, he was looking for a bike for his wife. He found one on Craigslist, a website where people list things they want to sell. As he often does, he also looked at Bike Index, a popular website that allows users to register their bikes and post reports when they're taken. The bike, which he was considering purchasing, clearly matched one reported stolen on Bike Index. Then he called the person who claimed to be the bike's owner and arranged to meet him— supposedly to complete the sale. When the two men met, Bike Batman told the thief, "You've got two options. You can wait until a police officer gets here, or you can just get out of here." You can imagine what the thief did.

    After that first success, Bike Batman developed a safer routine. When he sees questionable bike ads on Craigslist, he cross-references the image with bikes reported on Bike Index. Once he has confirmed it with the owner, he arranges a meet-up with the thief and will call the Seattle police department so that officers can participate in the action. In more than half of the 22 cases in which he has got back and returned bikes, the thieves have been arrested. In one case, Bike Batman even helped a family recover a wide range of prized possessions that suspects had stolen during a home burglary.

    His nickname came from a discussion with a police officer who suggested he be called "Robin Hood". Since he wasn't exactly stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, "Batman" seemed a better fit. The idea of a superhero punishing criminals feels pretty silly to him, but the main reason he continues his work is to keep up Seattle's reputation as a friendly city.


    Life in the summertime is often full of pests. Like most Long Island homeowners, I want to ensure my suburban life with pest-free living. So it was with wide-eyed wonder that I greeted the smiling exterminator (灭虫者) who rang my bell.

    “We'll be serving your neighbors, Mike and Sarah (I'm not familiar with either one by name),” he waved in the other direction. “Since we'll have a team here tomorrow, we're offering a discount.” He came out with numbers beginning from $299 then in seconds to $89.

    “You've probably been seeing the ant hills around.” he moved toward my front walkway and lawn. “And have you seen the bees that dig nests in the ground?” he continued with his head shaking up and down pushing me to do the same.

    “What we do is spray three feet out from your foundation and three feet up.” As he was talking, and without breaking eye contact, he opened his iPad cover and began operating at the screen to show me frightening images. “It also kills other pests, like spiders. It is the best pesticide (杀虫剂),” he said, pausing for effect.

    He then went into soft talk to close the deal, correctly foreseeing that I would be concerned about safety and the environmental impact on my vegetable garden, plants and our little patch of planet here on Long Island. “The products are environmentally responsible, safe with children and pets,” he said.

    I'm unkind when it comes to unwanted visitors entering on my out-of-doors moments. Any insect found in my house or on my deck is bound to be poisoned or pancaked.

    Unfortunately for the exterminator, just as I was considering making an appointment, Billy, my fearless husband, pulled into our driveway, which made me ask for a business card out of politeness instead.


    The Environmental Film Festival has become one of the world's grandest supporters of the environmental film. To offer fresh views on global environmental issues, this year's festival will include a record of 190 films from 50 countries. including 110 premieres(首映). Here are just a few of the highlights.

⒈Hot Water

    Featured among the festival's opening night films is the highly expected "Hot Water, " a look 2 the depressing destructive effects of uranium铀) mining in the American West. Former US. Rep Denis Kucinich. who ran for president in 2004 and 2008, is featured in the film, along with filmmakers Elizabeth Kucinich and Lizabeth Rogers Directed by Kevin Flint and

⒉To the Wonder

    To the Wonder is the latest film by will-known American Director Trrence Malick. The film, "an exploration of love set against the power of nature," stars Ben Aleck, Olga Kurylenko. Rachel McAdams and Javier Bardem The film premiered in competition at the 2012 Venice Film Festival and is making is Washington D.C premiere during the festival.


    This Washington D.C. premiere presents the Canadian filmmaker and environmental activist, Rob Stewart's new work, "Revolution" an urging cry to today's youth to change the planet before it's too late. The award-winning documentary takes Stewart through 15 countries over four years, in an effort to find the secret to save the ecosystems we rely on for survival.

⒋The Fifth Season

    Beautiful and mystery, Jessica Woodworth's latest feature, "The Fifth Season", is a poetic meditation (EA) on nature in battle against humans." The dramatic narrative takes place in Belgium's secret Ardennes, where the locals rely on the land, but nature takes a turn and seems to go on mysterious strike, In French and Flemish with English subtitles. Directed and produced by Woodworth and Peter Brosens.


    In 1800, only three percent of the world's population lived in cities. Only one city — Beijing — had a population of over a million. Most people lived in rural areas, and never saw a city in their lives. In 1900, just a hundred years later, roughly 150 million people lived in cities, and the world's ten largest cities all had populations exceeding one million. By 2000, the number of city dwellers exceeded three billion; and in 2008, the world's population crossed a tipping point — more than half of the people on Earth lived in cities. By 2050, that could increase to over two-thirds. Clearly, humans have become an urban species.

    In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many people viewed cities negatively — crowded, dirty environments full of disease and crime. They feared that as cities got bigger, living conditions would worsen. In recent decades, however, attitudes have changed. Many experts now think urbanization (城市化) is good news, offering solutions to the problems of Earth's growing population.

    Harvard economist Edward Glaeser, author of The Victory of the Cir, is one such person. Glaeser argues that cities are very productive because "the absence of space between people" reduces the cost of transporting goods, people, and ideas. While the flow of goods has always been important to cities, what is most important today is the flow of ideas. Successful cities enable people to learn from each other easily, and attract and reward smart people with higher wages.

    Another urbanization supporter is environmentalist Stewart Brand. Brand believes cities help the environment because they allow haft of the world's population to live on about four percent of the land. This leaves more space for open country, such as farmland. City dwellers also have less impact per person on the environment than people in the countryside. Their roads, sewers, and power lines need fewer resources to build and operate. City apartments require less energy to heat, cool, and light. Most importantly, people in cities drive less so they produce fewer greenhouse gases per person.

    So it's a mistake to see urbanization as evil; it's a natural part of development  The challenge is how to manage the growth.

