
试题 试卷


题型:短文续写 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



That night, I quarreled with my mother, and then stormed out of the house. While on the road, I remembered that I did not have any money in my pocket, I did not even take my cell phone with me to make a call home.

At the same time, I went through a noodle shop, and I suddenly felt very hungry. I wished for a bowl of noodles, but I had no money!

The seller saw me standing before the counter and asked, "Hey little girl, you want to eat a bowl?" "But …but I do not carry money …" I shyly replied.

"Okay, I'll treat you." the seller said, "come in, I will cook you a bowl."

A few minutes later the owner brought me a steaming bowl of noodles. After eating some pieces, I cried.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Nothing. I am just touched by your kindness!" I said as I wiped my tears. "Even a stranger on the street gives me a bowl of noodles, and my mother, after a quarrel, chased me out of the house. She is cruel (残忍的)!"

The seller sighed, "Girl, why did you think so? Think again. I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you felt that way. Your mother has been taking care of you since you were little, why were you not grateful and why did you hurt your mom? You should say sorry to your mom."

I was really surprised after hearing that.

Why did I not think of that? A bowl of noodles from a stranger made me feel grateful, and my mother has raised me since I was little and I have never felt so, not even a little.


1)所续写短文的词数应为 100 左右;




Paragraph 1:

Just at that moment, many memories came back into my mind.


    Dad pushed his finger into my basket. “What's that?”he asked. “Mew, ”said the basket.

    Dad suddenly pulled his hand away. “Oh no,” he said. “Not a cat. No way. ”

    I pulled Checkers from the basket. “It's not a cat. It's a kitten. Can I keep him? Please?”

    Dad frowned for a minute, thinking. Then he rubbed Checkers under the chin(下巴). “You'll have to take good care of him. ”

    I hugged Checkers. “I will, “I promised, he won't be any trouble at all.” And Checkers wasn't—until he grew into a cat. He wanted to be the first one in the house- and the first one out of the house. Sometimes he blocked dad in the way. “That cat!”Dad complained. Checkers climbed onto our roof. He had no trouble getting down. Usually he aimed for Dad. “That cat!” Dad yelled. Checkers flushed the toilet and watched the water circle away. “That cat!”Dad was almost mad. Checkers hid in strange places. He liked to surprise people.

    One day he hid under the couch(睡椅). Dad walked by with a glass of orange juice. Checkers jumped out. He curled around Dad's ankle and attacked Dad's toes. Orange juice spilt all over the floor. Dad yelled and put Checkers outside. “Get out of my way, cat!” he said angrily. And he slammed the door.

    Dad washed the injured toes and peeled open a bandage. He wrapped it around his big toe, and then he opened four more for his ankle.

    I watched from the window. Checkers looked frustrated as he walked down the road.

    “I'm sorry Checkers scratched you, ”I said. “He was just playing. He didn't mean to hurt you.”

    “Don't worry, ”said Dad. “That cat will be back. ”

    After supper I called for Checkers. But Checkers didn't come. Nighttime came. I called and called. I knocked his food dish with a spoon loudly. But still no Checkers. I left the porch light on. But the next morning Checkers still wasn't there.

    I carried a picture of Checkers to all the neighbors. I drew posters and hung them all over. But nobody found Checkers.

    Days went by. Life wasn't the same without that cat. I was angry with Dad. I didn't think he missed Checkers at all.

    Then one night the phone rang.

    Dad nodded, his face turning red.



    Christmas Day was coming. I was just a kid then, and my big sister told me there was no Santa Claus. I fled to my Grandma because she would be straight with me. I knew Grandma always told me the truth. Grandma was home, and I told her everything. She was ready for me. "No Santa Claus !" She shouted. "Ridiculous! Don't believe it." That rumor has been going around for years, and it makes me mad, plain mad.

    "Now, put on your coat, and let's go."

    "Go where, Grandma?" I asked. "Where" turned out to be Kerby's General Store, the one store in town that had a little bit of just about everything. As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars. "Take this money, " she said, "and buy something for someone who needs it. I'll wait for you in the car." Then she turned and walked out of Kerby's.

    I was only eight years old. I'd often gone shopping with my mother, but never had I shopped for anything all by myself. The store seemed big and crowded, full of people competing to finish their Christmas shopping. For a few moments I just stood there, confused, holding that ten-dollar bill, wondering what to buy and who to buy it for. I suddenly thought of Bobby Decker, who was a kid with bad breath and messy hair. He sat right behind me in Mrs Pollock's grade-two class. Bobby Decker didn't have a coat. I knew that because he never went out for recess(放假) during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, but we kids knew that Bobby Decker didn't have a cough, and he didn't have a coat. I would buy Bobby Decker a coat! I settled on a red one, which looked really warm, and he would like that.

    "Is this a Christmas present for someone?" the lady behind the counter asked kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down. "Yes."

    The nice lady smiled at me, put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry Christmas.


1)所续写短文的词数应为150词左右;2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词;


Paragraph 1:

    That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper.……


    Grandma and I waited breathlessly for Bobby Decker's front door to open and finally it……


    When I arrived at 6 a.m. in the large hospital kitchen, Rose was already checking name tags on the trays (托盘).

    Hi, I'm Janet." I tried to sound cheerful, although I already knew Rose's reputation for being impossible to work with. "I'm scheduled to work with you this week."

    Rose stopped what she was doing and peered over her reading glasses. I could tell from her expression she wasn't pleased to sec a student worker.

    “What do you want me to do? Start the coffee?” I asked.

Rose coldly nodded and went back to checking name tags.

    I filled the 40-cup pot with water and began making the coffee when Rose yelled, “That's not the way to make coffee.” She stepped in and took over.

    Nothing I did pleased her. All morning, her eagle eyes missed nothing and her sharp words hurt.

    Totally exhausted, I trudged the six blocks home late that June afternoon. As a third year university student working my way through school, I had never before met anyone like Rose.

    Fighting back tears, I wrestled with my dilemma alone in my room. "What shall I do?" The answer caught me completely by surprise. I needed to love Rose.

    Working with Rose the next morning, I ignored the hurtful remarks thrown in my direction and did things Rose's way as much as possible. As I worked, I silently began to surround Rose with a warm blanket of love. Over the next few days, an amazing thing began to happen. My focus shifted from what she was doing to me and I started seeing Rose as the hurting person she was. Then her icy tension began to melt away.

    Throughout the rest of the summer, we had numerous opportunities to work together. Each time, she seemed truly happy to see me. Her bitterness gave way as she started opening up. As I worked with this lonely woman, I listened to her, something no one else had done. I learned that she was burdened by elderly parents who needed her care and her own health problems.

    The days slipped by quickly as I finished the last several weeks of my summer job. I soon would be returning as a full-time university student and say goodbye to Rose.






Paragraph 1 :

    One day, while I was working alone in one of the hospital kitchens, Rose entered the room.

Paragraph 2 :

    Although I never saw Rose again, I still remember her vividly.


Alexis and Zoe were sitting at the kitchen table doing their homework. They had a hard time focusing on their homework because the radio station was playing music from their favourite band, the Shape Shifters.

"I can't believe the Shifters are going to be playing here and we can't go!" Alexis said.

"I know," Zoe replied. "Tickets are sold out in five minutes and even if we can get some, they are so expensive!"

"It's totally unfair," said Alexis. "They should give the tickets to their biggest fans first!"

"You mean us, right?" Zoe said.

"Obviously," said Alexis. "Everyone knows we're their number one fans."

Zoe turned the radio up a bit louder. Their fevourite song was on, and the girls had an impromptu (即兴的) dance party right there in the kitchen. As it ended, they sat on their chairs again. The radio host started talking about the concert.

"I have exciting news to share with all of you. We will give away two tickets to Saturday's sold-out show and will look for the third caller who can correctly answer this question: who is the oldest member of the Shape Shifters?" the host said.

Alexis and Zoe looked at each other. They couldn't believe how easy the question was.

"It's Georgie!" said Alexis.

"No, it's Natasha," answered Zoe.

"Everyone knows Georgie is 29. He's much older than the rest of the band," said Alexis.

"I know he's the oldest person, but the question is who's the oldest member of the band. Natasha started the band when she was just 15. The others joined the group after her," Zoe explained.

Alexis thought for a while and later agreed with Zoe. And they decided to call the radio station to answer that question. They stood together and held their breath.

"Hello, girls, you are lucky caller Number 3!" The girls screamed excitedly. "Nobody seems to know the answer to our question. Do you?" the host continued. Zoe said, "We know the answer!" "I hope so. If you get it right, you'll have a chance to Saturday's sold-out show!"

Paragraph 1

"Okay, I am ready to answer that question," Zoe said breathlessly.

Paragraph 2

"Congratulations, girls! You've won two tickets to this concert!" the host shouted.


The eight­year­old Carol lived with her father David, mother May and elder brother Rob. The little family happily lived in a beautiful village surrounded with beautiful_nature. The village was at the foot of a mountain, with beautiful views of the snowy mountain. The family survived on growing seasonal plants and trees. Their life is totally surrounded by nature and beauty.

While they lived a very happy life, Carol did not love the beautiful atmosphere of the village.

She really wanted to move into the city and enjoy the city life. She wanted to shop, move around the city, watch movies, _and eat in fantastic restaurants and cafes, etc.

However, there was hardly any chance that Carol's family moved to the city as they had everything in the village.

One day, Carol fell asleep during the early noon and she had a sound sleep. Of course, she had a strange dream. She saw her grandmother in her dream as a fairy and her deceased grandmother granted her a wish. Carol requested her that she should love to enjoy the city life as she always desired.

Grandmother understood the desire of Carol, but still wanted to convince her that the peaceful village life is better than the city life.

She told Carol, "Baby, you cannot have access to fresh fruits and vegetables from plants as you have at your home. You cannot breathe fresh air. You cannot play with animals. You can hardly find any trees. You will not find peace as you see here! Do you still want to go to the city?"

Without hearing the concerns, Carol asked her grandmother to grant the wish. Grandmother granted her wish, but with a condition. Carol was told that she would only have 6 hours to spend in the city. Later, she would return to the village. Carol agreed.






Paragraph 1:

Carol then found herself in the city with her friends.

Paragraph 2:

Carol's brother Rob was calling her for lunch and Carol woke up.

