
试题 试卷


题型:配对阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



A. The story tells us that we should never be afraid of failing. Even if we fail once, don't give up and keep on working hard. One day in the future, we will be strong enough to be the winner.

B. It tells us that a man is never too old to learn. If he keeps studying hard all the time and never loses heart, he can learn more than others and at last he will beat others.

C. It tells us we should always be confident of ourselves. Offer to help when people are in need and show everyone that you can do it to help them out.

D. It tells us that a man who rules a country must first get the trust of its people. If a man wants to win the trust of other people, he should always keep his words. Then people will believe his words.

E. It tells us that a man spent all his time working for his people and country. A great man like him will always be remembered in people's heart.

F. The story describes the deep friendship between friends. They understood each other well and shared the interest. It expressed how good it is to have a friend like this.

Zhuge Liang's Love for the Country: Zhuge Liang tried his best to help his emperor to make his country much stronger. He said, " I'll work hard for my country until the last day of my life."

Shang Yang Builds Trust: Shang Yang made some new laws to build Qin into a powerful country. He gave 50 pieces of gold to a man who moved a bamboo as he said before. So people thought that they could believe him and they obey his new laws.

Mao Sui Recommends himself: Mao Sui was a confident man. During the Warring States period, the Prince of Zhao needed 20 clever people to help. But he could only find 19. While he was worrying, a man called Mao Sui came and recommended himself.

Goujian's Hard work: Goujian is the king of Yue. During one war, Wu beat Yue and Goujian failed the war. He was caught. But he didn't give up. Instead, he worked hard all the time. A few years later, he led his army to beat Wu.

A Lasting Friendship: Yu Boya was good at playing the qin (琴). One day, while he was playing music on his qin, a man named Zhong Ziqi shared his opinion with Boya. To Boya's surprise, Ziqi understood him very well. Their friendship lasted for life long and Boya even broke his qin when Ziqi died.


    TFK Kid Reporter Dahlia Suiter spoke with the writer of Writer to Writer: From Think to Ink.

    You just said that you didn't think you'd become a writer. Why?

    I didn't know what I would be. There were times when I wanted to be a scientist. I loved reading about biology.


    I never thought about writing stories for adults (成年人). It was always for children because when I was a child, books were so important to me.


    Revision(修改) is my favorite part. If I can add (增加) something surprising at the same time, I'm happy about that, too.


    Writing is hard, and if you're not having fun with it, why do it? "Save ( 保存) what you write" is very important because you may need it. You may need that part you cut.


    I hope the book will open up new places to go with writing.


    Yes. Writing can be a good way to discover (发现) yourself. You learn about yourself when you write. Writing also slows your thinking down, and you can make discoveries and go places that you don't expect.

A. Do you think it's very important for kids to practice writing?

B. What do you hope kids will learn from Writer to Writer?

C. Why did you write "Have fun, and save what you write!" at the end of each part in Writer to Writer?

D. What do you enjoy most about writing?

E. Why do you write children's books?



    After you get back home from a trip, one of the most pleasant things is sharing your stories with people. And that's what we'd like you to do. Our magazine's “True Stories” section is for your strange experiences, heart-warming tales and funny stories on your trip. So if you have good stories, please write to us!

    If your story is chosen as the best one, you will win the nine-day trip across North America, including a seven-night trip along the California coast. For more information, please call 800-227-2826, or e-mail us at TrueStories@hotmail.com.

    Besides, you need to remember a few things if you want to write a story:

    Keep the story brief (简短的) and lively (within 250 words).

    Please send your story as the body of your e-mail, not as an attachment (附件).

    Most of the stories we print have photos, so send pictures, but try not to go crazy. Send only the best one(s).

    Please send your photos as an attachment, not embedded in (把……嵌入) the body of your e-mail.

    We don't mind if you or your friends are in the pictures, as long as you tell us who or what is in the photos.

    We need to be able to get in touch with you, so tell us your phone number and home address.

Information about the magazine

“True Stories”


About {#blank#}1{#/blank#}, heart-warming tales and funny stories on the trip.

Writing a great travel story


A nine-day trip across North America, including a(n) {#blank#}2{#/blank#} trip along the California coast.


●The story should {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

●Send it as the body of the e-mail.

●Send the best{#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

●Send your photos as an attachment.

●Tell us who or what is in your pictures.

●Tell us your phone number and home address.


    Sport is very popular in England. In other words lots of English people like the idea of sport A lot watch sport on TV. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} On the whole English people prefer to be fat rather than thin.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Football is played on Saturday afternoon in most towns and the supporters (支持者) of a certain team will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their teams play. There are four divisions(级别)of the football league. Not surprisingly the best teams are in the first division. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} You have to be a good supporter to watch the fourth division football!

    Many other sports are also played in England, such as golf, in which you try to knock a ball into a hole; basketball, in which you try to get a ball through a net; tennis, in which you try to hit a ball so that your opponent(对手) can not hit it. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} 

    Actually(其实), that is not quite true. Athletics(田径) isn't played with a ball; nor horseracing ( 赛马 ). {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. As you see, if the ball had not been invented, there would have been no sport.  

B. But the number who take part in sport is quite small.    

C. Football is also popular in China.    

D. But the best supporters are often in the fourth division. 

E. That means everyone takes part in the sport.   

F. Perhaps that is why they are not so popular as football!

G. The most popular sport in England is football.  


    Today taxis are very common in cities all around the world. While London is world- famous for its special back taxis, New York's yellow taxis are also well- known all over the world. How about the taxis in Mumbai, India? Before a project (项目)named Taxi Fabric, taxis got little public attention. But now things are different because some of them have changed their common looks. Artist Sanket Avlani started the project last year with some other artists. He said," Taxi drivers here try hard to decorate(装饰)their taxis and make them stand out from others, but they usually pay little attention to the insides of their taxis. "He hopes to use his art project to connect young designers(设计师)with taxi drivers." The designs that cover the taxi seats are often boring and forgettable ,but they can be improved with the help of designers in Mumbai.

    Last summer the project raised over £l1, 000, and they invited local designers to create different designs inside the taxis. All the designs are about Mumbai. The designers are local but they got their ideas from all around the world. So far they've created 26 different designs, which make the insides of Mumbai's taxis as colorful as the views from their windows. Taxi Fabric is now hoping to spread to other cities in India. They are also inviting designers from all over India to take part in the project and planning to redesign buses, trains and subways besides taxis.

Taxi Fabric Project in Mumbai, India


Artist Sanket Avlani and some other {#blank#}1{#/blank#}


Taxi drivers in Mumbai don't pay enough attention to the insides of their taxis.

Young designers can turn the common insides of the taxis into something {#blank#}2{#/blank#}and unforgettable


It{#blank#}3{#/blank#}over £11,00 last year. It has created 26 different designs so far.

*All the designs are about Mumbai 

*The design ideas are from all around the world.

Some of the taxis have taken on a new look not only outside but also {#blank#}4{#/blank#}


It can be spread to other cities in India, Designers from all over{#blank#}5{#/blank#}can take part. Other kinds of public transportation can be redesigned.


    It's normal for you to feel shy and nervous when you are in the new environment. It's natural to feel nervous, or shy in front of others at times. If you think you are too shy and want to be a little more active, try the following advice.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} There is no need to hide it. When people get to know you are a shy person, they may understand you better. It will also help you feel easier in talks.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} When you smile, people will think you're friendly and want to talk with you. Remember that all people have feelings and most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.

You shouldn't keep quiet at a party all the time. If you find it hard to start a talk, you can say something nice about people around you. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} It must be very helpful for you to start a talk! And after you begin to talk to someone or smile at someone for the first time, remember to say "I did it!" to yourself.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Think about more ways to enjoy the party and have fun. Don't waste time worrying about your look or whether all people like you or not.

    If you keep trying the advice, you may not be shy in the new environment one day. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Imagine how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.

B. I believe you can do it!

C. Try to smile often.

D. Tell people you're shy.

E. Pay your attention to important things.


The story of the magazine


    When you look at the different kinds of colorful magazines in the shops (and online) today, it's easy to think that they are a modern idea. However, magazines have been around since the 18th century and they have been an important part of people's daily lives for hundreds of years.


    One of the earliest magazines was The Gentleman's Magazine which was started in London in 1731 by a man called Edward Cave. He was the first person to use the word "magazine" about a regular publication. The word comes from the Arabic makhzan or storehouse. His idea was that his magazine was a storehouse, or place that you could keep information about many different things.


    Magazines became more popular in the 19th century. They gave people tips to help them with their daily lives, and they often had serialized(系列的) stories which gave the readers a new episode every week. Each part finished at a very exciting point in the story. Famous writers such as Charles Dickens and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created serialized novels for magazines.


    One very important serialized novel was Hard Times by Dickens. It came out in 20 weekly parts between 1 April and 12 August 1854 in the magazine Household Words. This magazine was very good value and it was a cheap way for readers to buy a version of a novel.


    Soap operas on TV today are often similar to the serialized novels. These old stories have often been made into modern films or TV series and they are still popular with modern audiences because they are so exciting.

A. Weekly stories by important writers.

B. Magazines are not a new thing.

C. The earliest magazine for women.

D. Why these magazines are still popular today?

E. How people could read expensive novels?

F. An early example of a magazine.

