
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Do you love traveling? If the answer is yes, then have you ever thought about why? You may argue that traveling can help you enrich your knowledge, especially geographical and historical learning. It will provide more chances for you to enjoy food and try on clothes that you otherwise cannot possible have. A famous English author Francis Bacon (1561-1626) makes a point when he says that, “Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.”

    Evidence of leisure travel can be traced as far back as ancient Babylon. This year, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council, the 1 billionth tourist will cross an international boundary before the end of this month. That means that one in seven people on the planet traveled this year, something that would not have been possible a few decades ago. Around 20 years ago only the rich could travel.

    While the US and France remain the two largest destinations for world travel, experts say much of the explosive growth in tourism has been to countries like Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and the Ivory Coast, which weren't even on the world tourism map a decade ago. The top five destinations in the world, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, are Paris, London, New York, the Mediterranean, Turkey.

    Several factors have led to the boom in world travel. The prosperity (富裕) of people in Asia is one factor. People in Asian developing countries have lifted their incomes above middle-class levels in the past few years. And a lot of them have used their new wealth to travel. In addition, travel costs have been reduced thanks to the rapid development of transportation, and competition between airlines to give customers the best prices.



● Enrich knowledge, especially in geography and .

● Taste different and buy different clothes.

● Travel is a part of education and a part of experience.


back to ancient Babylon, travel only really took off after World War II.

● Only the wealthy people could go on a trip about two decades ago.

● The number of people travelling abroad will 1 billion before the end of this month.


● The US and France remain the two most popular countries for world travel.

● Tourism has developed  in countries like Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and the Ivory Coast.

● The top five destinations in the world are Paris, London, New York, the Mediterranean and Turkey.

Factors in the popularity of global tourism

● Asian people are than before.

● People are less money on travel because of convenient transportation and price competition between airlines.


Shower Radio — Warranty (保单) and Directions


Before using the radio, please read all directions, and put warranty information in a safe place. You may need to refer to the warranty information later.


The radio is warranted for one year. If it fails to work because of problems of materials, please return it to the address on the warranty card.

We will not pay shipping costs for returning the radio. We will either repair or replace the radio. At least four weeks is needed to examine the problem and repair the radio. If you have not heard from us within six weeks, call our customer service department at 1-800-123-4567.

Radios that are returned not for problems of materials will pay service fee and the cost of the repairs. Customers will be informed of the charge by postcard. Radios will not be returned until these fees are paid.


The radio is designed and built to operate well in a damp environment.

To Operate the Radio

1). Put two AA batteries following the introduction.

2). Turn the POWER dial in a clockwise direction until it clicks.

3). Press the station selector button for your desired station. The station's call number will be visible on the digital screen.

4). To switch between AM or FM stations, move the AM/FM switch.

To Operate the Timer

1). Each time the Timer Set button is pressed, five minutes will be put on the timer. The amount of time on the timer will be visible for five seconds on the digital screen.

2). When the timer doesn't work, a sound will be given off. The timer may be reset again after one minute.


Before returning the radio for service, please check the following items:

Problem: Radio cannot be heard.

1). Check batteries.          

2). Check Power/Volume Control.

Problem: Timer does not work.

1). Check batteries               

2). Follow directions for setting timer.

3). Turn the power control on.      

4). Adjust the volume control.


    Do you have a spare room in your house? What about your driveway for your car?

    Both of these can help you make money. Many people who have financial difficulties are taking advantage of what's been called the 'sharing economy'.

    Perhaps the best-known example of a company in this field is Airbnb.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}It says it operates in 34,000 cities and it has 800,000 listings of rooms and apartments. They seem to have cornered the market!

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Just Park's founder, Anthony Eskinazi, says: "When I had the original idea, I spotted a driveway close to a sports stadium. It would have been so convenient if I could have just parked in that driveway rather than in a commercial car park." And he has a big clientele(客户): Around 200,000 people have advertised their spaces on the site, and he says around half a million drivers use it.  {#blank#}3{#/blank#}They let drivers share their cars with other passengers.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}A church near Kings Cross in central London has apparently made over 200,000 pounds by renting out space in its yard to travelers! But the sharing economy has its competitors. People who run things like traditional hotels, commercial car parks and taxi services are afraid of ending up losing money.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Because this is a new business world, those rules are not there yet. How will renting out your driveway affect your neighbor?

A. Any driver knows how valuable a place to park is.

B. A British company is doing something with parking spaces.

C. There are other sites doing very similar things, like Uber and Lyft.

D. It offers travelers a global network of accommodations offered by locals

E. Another problem is that regulations for these new businesses are unclear.

F. The American web business allows you to rent out your spare room to holidaymakers.

G. Now that the sharing economy is gaining the support of the financial community, corporations start paying attention.


    Taobao is a major online shopping website in China. For those who just love to shop online, now is the best time of the year, because Nov 11, China's Singles' Day, will see some seemingly irrational discounts, in line with the tradition that was started in 2010.

    Last year, Taobao, a major online shopping website, set a record of 1 billion yuan in sales on that day alone, with a whopping 19.1 billion yuan exchanging hands on the website. The number of items sold paralyzed the delivery services due to overloading. On the verge of yet another annual spending spree, it's worth reading up on tricks and tips to make the most of the shopping carnival.

    Be prepared

    Select goods early and rationally

    Put everything you want in the “shopping cart” to make a list of potential purchases. Then go through it carefully, removing anything you selected on impulse.

    Seal a deal in advance

    Talk to service staff as early as possible. They may have already decided on a discount policy for Nov 11 and may even ship the product to you in advance, which is a good way to avoid the heavy online traffic on the special day.

    Manage your budget

    Popular items will be in strong demand, so make sure you're ready to pay with the least number of procedures. It's best to deposit a reasonable amount of money in your Alipay account so that you can pay without going through any lengthy verifications. If you're planning on using a credit card, you can call the bank to apply for more credit, but only spend as much as you can afford to repay.

    Look at the real items

    With many products, such as shoes and clothes, it's better to look at them first to check their quality, size and appearance and ensure you're buying the right one.

    Be smart

    It's all about timing

    According to Alipay, there are several peak hours when online traffic is heavy and there is a higher risk of failed transactions. Try to avoid the following time spans: 12 pm-1:30 am, 10-11 am, 3-5 pm, and 8-10 pm.

    Apps as a helping hand

    Smartphone apps like Huihui Shopping list the best offers on a particular website, while Yitao, a software developed by Alibaba, compares prices of selected items across different websites to bring you the best deal.

    Track and open your package

    Because of the huge demand, delivery mistakes are inevitable, so try to track the package. If the product is perishable, keep the tracking record in case of a dispute. When the package arrives, check the item carefully before signing for it. Now you can go ahead and enjoy all your new stuff!


    Lawns(草坪)are some of the most common things in the world until you really start thinking about them. That's when you realize that they make no sense. Why do people keep these uninteresting, pointless little plants outside their homes? They're not beautiful like flowers, they don't provide food and you have to take care of them constantly.

    Israeli bestselling author Yuval Noah Harari thought these deeds were weird too. He looked into their history and ended up with an interesting story.

    No one considered putting patches of grass outside their homes in ancient times. That changed in the Middle Ages, when French and English kings and nobles started putting patches of grass at their castle entrances.

    “Well-kept lawns demand land and a lot of work,” wrote Harari in his book. “In exchange, they produce nothing of value.” Peasants could never afford to waste their time or land on lawns, so these lawns were a perfect status symbol(身份的象征)for nobility(高贵).

    When the Industrial Revolution began in the 18th and 19th centuries, the middle classes started being able to afford their own suburban(郊区的)houses. And guess what became the suburban status symbol? A perfectly kept lawn.

    The popularity of lawns continued to grow, taking over public event spaces and sports. In the past, people played sports on all kinds of surfaces—dirt, ice, sand. But in the last couple centuries, they made the switch to green grass.

    “Grass is nowadays the most widespread crop in the USA after corn and wheat,” Harari continued. Lawns spread beyond Europe and the U.S, and they're now status symbols around the world.

    Suburban people may not realize it, but they care for lawns just because centuries ago, French and English kings wanted to show off by intentionally planting something useless. It's strange that people should continue to spend so much time and money on what's really a leftover(遗留物)from the Middle Ages. When you plan your house, you can shake off(摆脱)the cultural leftover and imagine for yourself a rock garden or some other new creation.


    Tiny microbes(微生物)are at the heart of a new agricultural technique to manage harmful greenhouse gas. Scientists have discovered how microbes can be used to turn carbon dioxide into soil­enriching limestone(石灰石), with the help of a type of tree that grows in tropical areas, such as West Africa.

    Researchers have found that when the Iroko tree is grown in dry, acidic soil and treated with a combination of natural fungi(霉菌)and other bacteria, not only does the tree grow well, it also produces the mineral limestone in the soil around its root.

    The Iroko tree makes a mineral by combining Ca from the earth with CO2 from the atmosphere The bacteria then create the conditions under which this mineral turns into limestone. The discovery offers a new way to lock carbon into the soil, keeping it out of the atmosphere. In addition to storing carbon in the trees leaves and in the form of limestone, the mineral in the soil makes it more suitable for agriculture.

    The discovery could lead to reforestation(重新造林) projects in tropical countries, and help reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the developing world. It has already been used in West Africa and is being tested in Bolivia, Haiti and India.

    The findings were made in a three­year project involving researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh, Granada, Lausanne and Delft University of Technology. The project examined several microbiological methods of locking CO2 as limestone, and the Iroko­bacteria way showed best results. Work was funded by the European Commission under the Future&Emerging Technologies(FET)scheme.

    Dr. Bryne Ngwenya of the University of Edinburgh's School of GeoSciences, who led the research, said: "By taking advantage of this natural limestone­producing process, we have a low­tech, safe, readily employed and easily operating way to lock carbon out of the atmosphere, while improving farming conditions in tropical countries."

