
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Feet are an important part of you. Without them, you couldn't stand up, walk or run around. Your feet work so hard that sometimes they get sweaty (出汗).

Think of a hot summer day when you have been walking around all afternoon. Your feet have been in those trainers for a long time! The moment you take off your shoes, you feel good and relaxed, but your feet smell bad. You may think it is because of the sweat. But in fact, sweat itself has no smell. It's the bacteria (细菌) on your skin (皮肤) that mix with it and gives off a bad smell.

Bacteria love dark and wet places like the inside of sweaty shoes. The sweatier you get, the more bacteria there will be. When you wear your shoes, bacteria will have a good meal on your feet. They eat dead skin cells from your skin and then leave a kind of waste called organic acids (有机酸). These organic acids smell bad. Things will become better if you wear cotton socks.

(1)、What makes your feet smell bad?
A、The trainers B、Bacteria C、The sweat D、Dead skin cells
(2)、The underlined "it" in Paragraph 2 refers to       .
A、sweat B、skin C、your foot D、bacteria
(3)、What can you do if you don't want to make your feet smell bad according to the article?
A、Keep the shoes dry B、Not wear trainers C、Not wear socks D、Make the shoes wet

    It may be difficult to start high school. Thinking about making new friends might make you feel nervous.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}You are going to school with a group of students of your age. Here are several suggestions for you to follow.

    Forget your fear and just talk to someone. It's easier said than done. But try to take a deep breath and find your voice. Don't be afraid to approach (接近) people.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Sit in the middle of the classroom with as many new friends around you as possible.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Take part in after-class activities that interest you. Try to make friends in the clubs. If you don't join anything, you will be just going to class and then going home. Being in a club makes you more social.

    Stay clean. No one likes a bad smell that could knock someone over. Shower every day, brush your teeth and wash your hair.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Be respectful (尊重的) of people's differences.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}And everyone believes in different things. It is a good thing to have different friends with different opinions because you can each share your own.

A. Join clubs.

B. Starting a new life might make you excited.

C. But don't worry, because you are not alone.

D. Everyone has his or her own opinion of the world.

E. If you respect others, others will do the same to you.

F. You are supposed to make yourself look clean and tidy, whatever you wear.

G. Introduce yourself and start a conversation about something you have in common.


    Beauty sleep is a real thing, researches have shown that people who have enough sleep look more attractive (有魅力的) to others.

    A few bad nights are enough to make a person look especially "more ugly", their sleep experiments show.

    The researchers asked 25 university students to join in their sleep experiment. They were asked to get a good night's sleep for two nights.

    A week later, they were asked to sleep for only four hour every night for two nights in a row. The researchers took make—up free (素颜) photos of the volunteers after both the good and the bad sleep.

    Next, they asked 122 strangers to have a look at the photos and judge (评价) them on attractiveness, health, and sleepiness, as well as asking them: "How much would you like to make friends with this person in the picture?"

    The strangers were good at judging whether the person they were looking at was tired, and if he was sleepy, his attractiveness score would be low.

    The strangers also said they wouldn't want to socialize with the tired students. The researchers say this is natural for people. An unhealthy-looking face makes people run away. In other words, people don't want to hang around with people who might be ill.

    Dr Brewer, an expert at the University of Liverpool said: "Judgment of attractiveness is often unconscious (无意识的), but we all do it, and we are able to judge on even something small like whether someone looks tired or unhealthy. This study is a good reminder of how important sleep is to us."


    Grandparents are respected in many human societies. But telling stories about old times and overfeeding grandchildren seem like human qualities. Are these classic grandparent behaviors really limited to humans?

Do any animals know their grandparents the way people do?

For most species on Earth, the answer is certainly " No" . " Usually, there aren't grandparents around anymore when an animal is born,"  said Mirkka Lahdenpera, a biologist at the University of Turku in Finland. " Even if an animal's life span does overlap (重叠) with its grandparents', most species spread out to avoid competing for resources, so the chance of running into a grandparent is slim." 

But there are a few clear exceptions, primarily among mammals (哺乳动物) that live in close social groups. In troops of langur monkeys in India, older females lived together with their daughters and grandchildren. The grandmother langurs defend the group's babies against attacks and even give their own grandchildren special treatment.

Many whale species, too, travel in family groups that include both grandmothers and grandchildren.

Elephant herds are also famously matriarchal. They are led by a grandmother, who can live to around 80 years old, and are generally made up of her daughters and their young. The females in a herd form close bonds and work together to raise their young.

Lahdenper found that the babies of young mothers were eight times more likely to survive if their grandmothers lived near them than if they didn't. When the young mothers were older and more experienced at raising babies, this beneficial grandmother effect disappeared even if the actual grandmothers were still around.

Indeed, most evidence for the benefits of grand parenting comes from mammals. But in 2010, researchers found that in troops of insects called gall-forming aphids, older females defend their relatives after they've stopped reproducing (繁殖).

And what about grandfathers? Studies of humans in recent decades have shown that a living grandfather can improve a person's mental health and other indicators of well-being. But there's no evidence of that in the animal kingdom. Male animals rarely socialize with their own children, let alone any grandchildren.

