
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难


请阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

    I will always remember my first day at the University of Lagos. On arrival at the campus, I was expecting to be met by some tired students(as was practiced in my secondary school), 1 every student around was new like myself. I asked the way to the multi-purpose hall but no one could tell me. I asked a number of questions about issues(担心的事)that 2 me, such as where and how to pay my fees, the way to the dining hall and so on, but no 3 was offered. “So in the midst of so many people I am all 4 ” I thought to myself. The prospect(前景) was not 5 at all and all the pleasure I had felt at 6 into a famous university at seventeen began to disappear.

    Then as if 7 by an unknown force, I walked a little bit down the corridor in the direction of a notice board which some boys and girls were 8at. Because of 9of something to do, I decided to stop and look at the notice board. Yes! I happened on the 10to all riddles that had 11 me since I set foot on the campus that morning. On the board there was a big campus 12, on which I was able to 13 the multi-purpose hall and all the other places. There were 14 details of various activities for freshmen and a comprehensive list of those offered admission into various courses.

    How enjoyable it was to see the light of knowledge, having been wandering(徘徊) in the darkness of 15. Even then I was not able to 16 the thought that though I could not be sure how much of the responsibility(责任)was mine, the fact that I didn't pay attention to the notice board had 17 caused my initial problems. I learnt from that incident(发生的事) 18 unforgettable that was very useful to me throughout my stay in the university, namely(即, 也就是)the 19 of reading notice board and handbooks if one is to be well 20 about places and events in the university.

A、but B、and C、so D、for
A、interested B、troubled C、excited D、surprised
A、view B、advice C、method D、help
A、available B、accessible C、alone D、afraid
A、helpful B、cheerful C、respectful D、thoughtful
A、getting B、entering C、returning D、welcoming
A、persuaded B、reviewed C、offered D、driven
A、knocking B、throwing C、looking D、shouting
A、lack B、dream C、rest D、wish
A、way B、key C、place D、door
A、inspired B、encouraged C、puzzled D、frightened
A、notice B、message C、signal D、map
A、list B、find C、land D、load
A、also B、always C、only D、just
A、disbelief B、ignorance C、joy D、difference
A、tell about B、speak of C、get away from D、under control of
A、clearly B、nearly C、naturally D、relevantly
A、everything B、nothing C、anything D、something
A、cause B、importance C、advantage D、example
A、educated B、warned C、worried D、informed

    A boy was sitting on the steps of a door one day. He had a stick in one hand,1in the other hand a large piece of bread and butter, which somebody had kindly given him. While he was eating it and singing a song happily, he saw a poor little dog quietly2not far from him. He called out to it, “Come here, poor dog!”

    Hearing this, the dog woke up, rose with its ears3and wagged its tail. Seeing the boy eating, it came near him. The boy held out to it a piece of his bread and butter. As the dog stretched out its head to take the4, the boy quickly drew back his hand and hit it5on the nose. The poor dog ran away,6loudly, while the cruel boy sat, laughing at the trick he had done.

    A gentleman, who was looking from a window on the other side of street, saw what the7boy had done. Opening the street door, he called him to8over, at the same time9up one dollar between the finger and thumb.

    “Would you like this?” said the gentleman.

    “Yes, if you10, sir,” said the boy, smiling, and he quickly ran over to seize the11.

    Just as the boy stretched out his hand, the gentleman hit12on the knee with an umbrella. “Why did you do that?” shouted the boy angrily. He made a very13face and cried, “I didn't hurt you, nor ask you for money.”

    “14did you hurt that poor dog just now?” said the gentleman. “It didn't hurt you, nor ask you for bread and butter. As you served it I have served you. Now, remember it can feel as well as you, and learn to behave15towards animals in future.”

