
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    I was the typical“ I can't” child-whatever my mother told or asked me to do was immediately followed by my cry,“I can't.”As a result,very few tasks or goals that I set out to achieve were ever completed.

    One evening,my mother called me into the family room.“I want you to read this article,”Mother began.“It's about Marlo Thomas.She tells how a simple poem that she was forced to learn by her father changed her life • She went from saying 'I can't' to 'I can' •According to this article,she was able to reorganize her life and her career by learning the principles(原则)in the poem.”

    I took the small magazine from Mother and looked down at the pages.There was Marlo-my idol.Beside her photo was the poem my mother had spoken of,a simple poem entitled,“I Can”.

    “I want you to memorize that poem,”Mother said firmly.“Mama,”I belly-acheD. “I can't learn that poem.It's too long.”

“It's not too tong and you can learn it.1 want you to know it perfectly by this time tomorrow,”said my mother.Unwillingly,I went back to my bedroom with the magazine.With a heavy heart,Ithrew myself into the bed and began my task.

    “Can't is a word that is the enemy to ambition,”I began.I repeated the line.I repeated it again and again.“An enemy ambush to shatter your will…”I continued the process until I proudly recited the poem the following evening.It has now become my principle.Marlo 1 homas did not know me,but her story forever changed my life.

    Saying “I can”helped me to get through the worst moments of my life: Saying “I can” encouraged me to complete things I would have otherwise seen as out of my reach.A simple poem learned at seven is a poem that will support me to seventy-seven,maybe even longer.

(1)、One evening my mother asked me to_________,

A、read an article B、meet Marlo C、write a poem D、take photos
(2)、The underlined part“I belly-ached”in Paragraph 3 probably means“_________”.

A、I was hungry B、I was relaxed C、I felt unhappy D、I ate too much
(3)、On the following evening,I_________.

A、repeated the lines on TV B、read more stories about Marlo C、proudly recited the poem D、had a long talk with my mother
(4)、What can we learn from the passage?

A、Marlo is very popular among teenagers B、I become interested in poems all my life C、Marlo always encourages me to work harD D、Saying “I can”has helped me get over difficulties

The village of Hengly was going to have the Bean Olympics.It was a competition to see which kind of bean would grow the fastest and tallest.Everybody was excited.They couldn't waited to show their best plants.

   Cassie knew clearly which bean she would choose for the competition,for her family had planted a special “family bean.”It was a flat bean that her greatgrandparents had brought from Sicily.Her grandmother planted the beans every year and served them at many meals.Cassie was sure they would be unbeatable beans.

However,the plan did not work out that way.Although Cassie's bean plants looked healthy with beautiful purple flowers,they did not grow as fast or climb as high as any of her neighbors'.These people chose beans from seed(种子)stores.Their beans had wonderful names like “Rocket” or “Top Crop.”One type was even named “King's Bean.”That was the bean Ivan planted,and his plants climbed almost to the top of the fence.Cassie's plants were just near the middle of the fence.

   On the day of the competition,Cassie was disappointed that her beans were in last place.Ivan laughed at hr beans and said she could win a prize for the slowest,shortest beans.

   The organizer,Mr.Williams,handed out medals for the fastest-growing and the tallest beans plants.“Now there remains only one final test,and it is just as important:the taste test.”

   Mr.Williams cooked the beans from each competitor and chose five experienced villagers as judges(裁判).

   Cassie was nervous.Would her family beans lose another time?

After the judges tasted the beans,Mr.Williams counted the results.“We have a winner,” Mr.Williams announced.“The judges all agree that Cassie's beans are the winner.”

Cassie grinned at this unexpected result.Many of her neighbors,even Ivan asked for her seeds.They were all in favor of the good-tasting beans even though they didn't grow fast or very tall.

People have used pigeons to carry messages to one another for hundreds of years. In the 12th century, the royal palaces of Iraq and Syria included pigeon houses so the kings could be kept informed of their generals' victories and defeats on the battlefield. In fact, pigeons were a common way to send messages right up through World War II.
Many countries, such as the United States, England, France, Germany, and Italy, in both World War I and World War II, used carrier pigeons. Not only were the birds often the fastest, most reliable way to send messages, they could also be used to reach soldiers far behind enemy lines, where radios and field telephone lines were useless. Since they could easily be released (释放) from airplanes or ships, every branch of the armed services used the birds. In World War II, more than 3,000 soldiers and 150 officers were needed to care for and train the tens of thousands of birds in the U.S. Pigeon Service.
Carrying messages could be a dangerous job. Some pigeons performed with such bravery that they became famous and were even awarded medals, such as England's Dicken Medal of Gallantry. In a few cases, pigeons even became prisoners of war. In 1918 American forces captured a pigeon named Kaiser, which had been trained to fly special missions for Germany during battle. He was taken to America, where he lived to the age of 32. The most famous pigeon of all may have been Cher Ami. Stationed in France during World War I, he carried twelve important messages for American forces. On his last mission, though wounded, he carried a message that saved the lives of 194 American soldiers. For his extraordinary service, he was awarded the French “Croix de Guerre.”
Carrier pigeons are a slightly different breed (品种) from the kind of pigeons you see on city streets. They are much thinner and taller, with longer legs. Many people find carrier pigeons ugly because of their big wattle, a bent buildup of skin on the beak(鸟嘴); however, people who raise pigeons often enjoy this strange appearance and consider carriers the best of their breed.
Today, modern communication methods can carry information from one place to another hundreds of times faster than a pigeon could do. However, few people would argue with the fact that carrier pigeons—especially those that served in the military—have earned their place in history. Stories about brave pigeons such as Cher Ami, President Wilson, and Colonel's Lady have the power to inspire us as no fax machine or high-speed Internet connection could ever do.
