
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Scientists in Argentina have created the world's first cow with two human genes that will enable it to produce human-like milk.

    Genetic engineering was used to introduce the "mothers'milk" genes into the animal before birth, according to the National Institute of Agribusiness Technology in Buenos Aires.

    As an adult, the cloned cow "will produce milk that is similar to that of humans", which will prove "a development of great importance for the nutrition of infants(婴儿)", said the institute. "The cloned cow, named Rosita ISA, is the first in the world with two human genes that contain the proteins present in human milk," said the statement.

    In April, scientists in China published details of research showing that they had created dairy cows which produced milk containing proteins found in human breast milk. But the Argentine team said the Chinese only introduced one human gene, while their research involved two,  meaning the milk will more closely resemble that of humans.

    “Our goal was to raise the nutrition value of cows'milk by adding two human genes, which do good to the immune system of infants,” said Adrian Mutto, from the National University of San Martin which worked with the institute.

    Cristina Kirchner, President of Argentina, said that the scientific institute made all Argentines proud. She also said that she had rejected the "honor" of having the cow named after her. "They came to tell me that the name is Cristina, but what woman would like to have a cow named after her? It appeared to me to be more proper to call it Rosita.”

(1)、What is the passage mainly about?

A、The importance of genetic engineering. B、Ways to improve mothers' milk. C、A cloned cow to produce human-like milk. D、Advanced agricultural technology in Argentina.
(2)、Which of the following can best replace “more closely resemble” in Paragraph 4?

A、have more varieties than B、be more similar to C、have more nutrition than D、be more different from
(3)、What can be inferred from Cristina Kirchner's statements?

A、She was quite satisfied with the research done by the institute. B、She considered it an honor to name the special cow. C、She felt it improper to be named after the cow. D、She refused to give a name to the cow out of self-respect.

    If you're a high school student,you may tend to measure your self-worth based on your popularity and status.You may feel dejected or disappointed if you have a difficult time fitting in or if you lack the confidence to talk to others.If you want others to like you,you'll need to have a healthy understanding of how people think,what appeals to them and how you can gain their approval.There are four tips on how to be popular in high school.And if you are popular with your classmates,you can get many benefits from it.

    You must be yourself in order to gain any real popularity in high school.While imitation is the sincerest form of flattery(奉承),copying another's style and personality will have a negative effect on your popularity.If you're not comfortable enough to be yourself 100 percent of the time,others won't feel comfortable around you.If you establish your own style and finesse and stay true to yourself,popularity will soon follow.

    Make yourself approachable to appeal to others and be popular in high school.People love to be around others who are confident and ready to have a good time.Hold your head up high,keep your shoulders back,and smile as you walk with an air of confidence to instantly attract others and boost your popularity.

    Be friendly and kind to everyone you meet.It's not enough to gain the approval of the other popular students in your school.In order to gain real popularity,you'll need to be kind and polite to everyone you meet.Make an effort to talk to your classmates regardless of their popularity or economic status and try to develop friendships with them.The more people you appeal to,the more popular you'll become.

    Involve yourself in school activities that interest you.You can be popular in high school if you play an active role in your school's extracurricular activities(课外活动).The more you participate in group activities,the more popular you'll become.


    I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as Mother sat doing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the most wonderful thing in the world.

    Years later, during her final illness, Mother kept different things for my sister and brother. “But the desk,” she said again, “is for Elizabeth.”

    I never saw her angry, never saw her cry, I knew she loved me; she showed it in action. But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. It never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was “too emotional”. But she lived “on the surface”. As years passed and I had my own family, I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way if she chose that she did forgive me. I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came. My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peace—it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn't be sure the letter had even got to Mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.

    Now the present of her desk told me, as she'd never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside—a photo of my father and a one-page letter folded and refolded many times. She had given me an answer in a way she chose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.


    There are many programs for high school students today that help lonely teenagers deal with loneliness. However, loneliness is not only a problem for teens but also an important and rarely acknowledged one in the elderly.

    In Britain, Tracey Crouch was appointed to be the first Minister of Loneliness in order to address the problems caused by loneliness. This is the first time such a position has been created.

    In Britain, there are around 9 million people who say they are lonely frequently. In Germany, a study conducted by Ruhr University Bochum found that 20 percent of people over the age of 85 felt lonely, and 14 percent of those between age 45 and 65 felt socially lonely. In the United States, more than 25 percent of the population live alone, more than 50 percent are unmarried.

    Loneliness is generally associated with heart disease  overweight, and anxiety. Additionally, the stress from loneliness can cause your cells to change on a molecular (分子) level that reduces its abilities to defend your body against diseases. In fact, doctors believe having feelings of loneliness is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes per day in regard to its effect on health!

    In Britain, the new Minister of Loneliness will help introduce government policies on the problem and fund a charity—an organization for helping people in need, to devote their efforts towards aiding loneliness. There are charities that link lonely seniors to high school students in order to give them a line of communication whenever they feel lonely!

    The possibilities for the new Minister of Loneliness are endless. For example, she can provide education services to household businesses so that they can identify lonely customers if they see one. Loneliness fits into the category of being a social problem that must be monitored by the entire community in order to help those in need. Therefore, government involvement in medical services and care for seniors and others is vital for happy seniors.


    If a family member blames you for something you have done, it is important to be careful about how you defend yourself. It is not a good idea to use ways that cause hurt, even if they would help you make a valid point. If you can think of an instance where the other person has done exactly what they accuse you of, for example, it would not be good manners to throw it in their face. You should only bring it up if you don't have a choice. Then, you should make sure that you do it respectfully.

    Even if a family member intentionally goes against reasonable wishes you may have, you should understand that people see even the most fundamental things in very different ways. Remember that people are different. If you consider any noise after midnight to be intolerable, for example, others may see it is completely acceptable. It can take them a great deal of time to change their behavior for a demand that they do not understand.

    Think about the family conflicts that you are worried about now. Check to see if your parents had similar problems. People who grow up with parents who fight unfairly often repeat the same behavior. Consider changing the unfair habits that you grew up with.

    Understand that memories tend to change. In long-standing family disputes, all parties involved tend to have completely different recollections of the original problem.

    Families are a curious concept—while family members often feel nothing but annoyed for one another, they will also often be there for them if they should ever be in serious trouble. When you feel resentment for someone, think about how far you would go for them if they happened to be in trouble. It could help soften you. Think about how you care for the other person.

