
试题 试卷


题型:短文续写 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



Balthazar is my pride. It is a French brasserie in New York City. I have run it for twenty years. Though it is intended to attract people from all walks of life, most of its regular customers are those who work in the companies alongside Wall Street.

One night at Balthazar, four Wall Street businessmen ordered the restaurant's most expensive red wine: a $2,000 bottle of Chateau Mouton Rothschild, the most famous brand of Bordeaux. One of the two waiters transferred the Bordeaux into a fancy glass container at the waiter's counter.

Meanwhile, a young couple ordered the restaurants cheapest red wine, an $1 8 pinot noir. Usually, people who ordered pinot noir poured the wine directly into their glasses, but this couple insisted the wine be poured into a fancy glass container before they drank.

These two very different wines were now in the same containers.

Mistaking the $ 18, wine for the $2,000 Rothschild, the first waiter poured the cheap wine for the businessmen. The businessman hosting the other three considered himself a wine expert. He took a taste of the cheap wine in the first place, and showing off, he burst into delight about its purity. "Fantastic!" he claimed.

The young couple, who ordered the $18 pinot noir, were then unintentionally served the $2,000 Rothschild by the second waiter. On taking their first drink of what they believed was cheap wine, they jokingly pretended to be drinking an expensive wine and copied all the behaviors of a wine expert, shaking the wine glasses, observing the liquid inside and tasting it slowly, totally fascinated.

Five minutes later, the two waiters discovered their error, and horrified, phoned me at home.




I rushed into my restaurant.


After comforting the waiters, I walked directly towards the businessmen with a $2,000 Rothschild.


    Jack, a clerk at the local bank, was wandering alone on the street. It was a cold, silent winter night. His mind was on his wife Linda, who had been in a car accident two months ago and was now lying in a hospital bed, waiting for more money for her operation. Jack had sold everything he had, and he had tried his best to borrow money from all the people and banks he could. But the real world is cruel.

    A large amount of money was still needed. To Jack, it would mean a great deal of suffering to see his wife die without any help. "I have only one option left, "Jack said to himself. Then he went to the bank, his workplace, again. For several days, he observed the bank and planned a theft.

    The next day, he went to work as usual. Everything seemed normal: he joked with his workmates and helped his clients as he always did. But no one noticed that he had brought a bigger suitcase to work, instead of the small one he always carried. At 5:00 pm, the bank closed, and the clerks and the guards had all gone home. However, at that moment, Jack was in the bathroom, and the guards didn't notice him, of course. When the noises coming from the street were replaced by silence and everything turned dark, Jack came out from the bathroom. He first cut the lines of the alarms and monitors with tools from his new suitcase.

    He was all too familiar with the equipment since he had been working there for 8 years and had been studying the security system for the past 30 days. Using a special key and some other tools, he then easily opened the doors of the safes. The bank's security system wasn't very good, which allowed Jack to take a lot of money. Several minutes later, Jack left the bank with a heavy bag filled with money.






Paragraph 1:

After Jack had been gone from the bank for a while,the alarms began to ring.

Paragraph 2:

    But the most unlucky man was the manager of the bank,an old man.


    One evening, a workman was exhaustedly making his way home after work, when he stopped to rest by the side of the road. A woman came by, pushing a cart full of flowers. The smell of her blossoms so filled the air with sweetness that it seemed to take away the tiredness in his bones and lift his spirits. He had never experienced such wonder from the many blooms of his own garden. "How much must I pay, or what must I do, to have some of your wonderful flowers?" he asked the woman.

    "Oh, sir," she said, "take what your wish for."

    "What return must I make for them?" he asked again.

    "Your gratitude is enough," she said, "and it's a pleasure to share the beauty of flowers with you."

    So the man filled his arms with blossoms and hurried joyfully home. His wife and his children were also glad over the remarkable flowers, for they, too, discovered that the sight of them was a delight and the smell of them refreshed the soul.

    In order not to lose his valuable possession, the man planted the blossoms in a small plot of land behind his house. Sunlight and water kept them amazingly beautiful­they still performed their fantastic magic.

    Every day, his children took delight in playing in the yard and always sang and danced around the flowers. They all liked the lovely gift their father had received and even invited many of their friends to share this fantastic magic together. When children came to play near the flowers, the man over and over warned them against carelessness and wild play for fear that they walk on the flowers and damage them. But the flowers remained strong as long as there was enough sun and water to nourish(滋养) them. Nowhere else could the man or his wife or children find such remarkable relaxation from tiredness, such comfort in sadness, such spiritual nourishment as those remarkable flowers provided.

    With the news spreading and more people coming to appreciate his treasure, the man became even more concerned about his remarkable flowers.






Paragraph 1:

    He was determined to protect the flowers.

Paragraph 2:

    However, the flowers seemed to fade day by day, so the man went everywhere for help.


    It was Hopper's day to visit his Grandma, and he had some big plans. "Let's hop (单脚跳) right down to the pond, Grandma," he said as he burst through the front door. When Hopper got excited, he just couldn't slow down. "We can go swimming, and we can have a picnic, and we can play chase!" Hopper loved going to Grandma's house, and he always looked forward to their special adventures together. Grandam was nappy to see her grandson, and she especially liked the fun they had together.

    Just as they sat down to make their plans for the day, there was a loud boom! It was raining! Hopper ran to the window to look outside. "It's raining," he cried. "Now the day is ruined!" Grandma told him not to worry. "I'm really sorry, little boy," Grandma said. "We may not be able to get to the pond but I think I have something you might enjoy."

    Walking to the bookshelf, Grandma pulled down a big photo album. They opened it and Hopper pointed at the pictures. "Grandma, that little girl looks just like you!" he said. Hoppers eyes jumped from photo to photo. "That's me when I learned to drive a car," Grandma said. Hopper liked the pictures of Grandma playing basketball and winning a race. "Oh, I was a fast little kid—just like you!" said Grandma with a proud smile. Finally, Grandma showed Hopper her favorite picture. It was a photograph of Grandma holding a little baby. "That baby is you," said Grandma.

    When it was time to go, Grandma told Hopper that next visit they would hop down to the pond. But Hopper shook his head. "If it's all right with you, I'd rather look through the photo album again."


Rain is pouring down today, which brings back sweet memories of our dog, Bambi. She-joined our family at the age of four months. Like all puppies, she was full of energy and wonder. Our boys described excitedly that she looked just like the young deer, Bambi, in the movie they had watched recently. The name fitted her personality perfectly.

Bambi also had all the fine physical characteristics of the German Shepherd. She was strong, yet gentle and shy. We were a young family with two growing, energetic boys, so she fitted right in with our lifestyle. Bambi loved the boys. She would play with them until they were completely tired.

When Bambi was almost two years old, a full-grown dog, she became quite protective of us. She never failed to watch the boys. If any stranger entered our yard, she'd watch him or her with sharp eyes and let out a low bark. Even though Bambi had this protective instinct (本能), she never hurt anyone. Nevertheless, she did manage to frighten (惊吓) away many welcome and unwelcome guests.

On one occasion, I had called a repairman to come to our home to fix the refrigerator. I was at work, and the boys were home with the babysitter. I told the repairman by phone that we had a dog, but it would be safe to enter the house because the babysitter would be there to meet him. However, when the repairman arrived, the babysitter and boys went outside. As he went close to our front door, Bambi was outside and she barked at him while she guarded the door. As long as the man attempted to move, Bambi would jump up and bark more fiercely (凶猛地). This man had never seen such a fierce dog before and was frightened too much. He had no idea whether to go away or scream for help.

Paragraph 1:

Luckily, the babysitter and boys returned from their walk at that time.

Paragraph 2

Though Bambi was so brave, there, was a side to her personality that didn't match her.

