
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



Research is done all the time and most of it goes straight by us, but sometimes we come across some results that are too interesting not to share. It can be fun to find out about new facts, but sometimes you come across things you'd rather not have known. Luckily, we've got some fun facts for you today! It turns out that your hand can tell you a lot about your personality. It's really quite strange. This research mostly focuses on your fingers.

The secret lies in your ring finger and index finger (食指). It can say a lot about what kind of man you are. Yes, this test only applies to men because the length of these fingers indicates the level of testosterone (睾酮)in men. There are three types: A, B and C.

A. The ring finger is longer than the index finger

We're talking about handsome men here. They're charming and can get along with everyone. Yet they are a little more aggressive and are quick to take risks. This also means that these people often make more money than their colleagues with a shorter ring finger.

B. The ring finger is shorter than the index finger

Men with these hands are very confident and can even be a little self-loving. These people have no trouble being alone often and don't like being disturbed. When it comes to love, they do not take a risk out there a lot. They're not the ones to make the first move.

C. The ring finger and index finger are the same lengths

Maybe this says enough already. Men with these hands are good mediators (调停者), devoted and loving. Everything is balanced with these people. They're calm and everything seems to run smoothly, as if it's all organised.

(1)、Why does the author think the hands are strange?
A、We know nothing about them. B、Both the hands are different. C、They can let out the personality. D、Some facts about them are fun.
(2)、What makes the research just apply to men?
A、The length of the fingers. B、The existence of testosterone. C、The ability to handle things. D、The requirement of patience.
(3)、What is special about the men belonging to Type B?
A、They are attractive. B、They are confident. C、They are devoted. D、They are aggressive.
(4)、What can be the best title for the text?
A、The new use of the fingers B、The latest research into the hands C、The three categories of the fingers D、The secret of ring and index fingers

    China is a country on the move—especially around its Lunar New Year holiday. This year, the holiday crush(客流量) promises to be even heavier than before.

    Government officials estimate that Chinese people will take to the air, roads and railways 3.62 billion times over a 40-day period around the nation's most important holiday this year as people push their way home for family gatherings or to satisfy their new-found passion for travel.

    Getting tickets to all those would-be travelers is a discounting challenge that annually tries patience. And it is the railway system that routinely is most unable to cope. Railways are the transport of choice for low-cost long-distance travel, and that's where the ticketing system routinely falls down.

    Much of the criticism has, focused on the railway's online purchasing system, which has been unable to keep pace with the huge demand and also failed to stop scalpers(票贩子) from ending up with many of the hard-to-find tickets.

    While insisting that online sales were the fairest way to get tickets for travelers, railway officials told reporters that the public need to be patient. Efforts were being made to provide online identity checks that would reduce the ticket scalping problems. While officials had little good news for rail passengers, they did manage to bring a few smiles to those traveling by car as the country's extremely expensive highway tolls (通行费) will be free of charge for the period of the official holiday.


    We produce 500 billion of plastic bags in a year worldwide and they are thrown away polluting oceans, killing wildlife and getting dumped in landfills where they take up to 1,000 years to decompose. Researchers have been unsuccessfully looking for a solution.

    The 16-year-old Canadian high school student, Daniel Burd, from Waterloo Collegiate Institute, has discovered a way to make plastic bags degrade(降解) in as few as 3 months, a finding that won him first prize at the Canada Wide Science Fair, a $10,000 prize, a $20,000 scholarship, and a chance to revolutionize a major environmental issue.

    Burd's strategy was simple: Since plastic does eventually degrade, it must be eaten by microorganisms(微生物).If those microorganisms could be identified, we could put them to work eating the plastic much faster than under normal conditions.

    With this goal in mind, he grounded plastic bags into a powder and concocted(调制) a solution of household chemicals, yeast(酵母) and tap water to encourage microbes growth.Then he added the plastic powder and let the microbes work their magic for 3 months.Finally, he tested the resulting bacterial culture on plastic bags, exposing one plastic sample to dead bacteria as a control.Sure enough, the plastic exposed(暴露) to the live bacteria was 17% lighter than the control after six weeks.

    The inputs are cheap, maintaining the required temperature takes little energy because microbes produce heat as they work, and the only outputs are water and tiny levels of carbon dioxide.

    "Almost every week I have to do chores and when I open the closet door, I have piles of plastic bags falling on top of me.One day, I got tired of it and I wanted to know what other people are doing with these plastic bags.The answer: not much.So I decided to do something myself." Said Daniel Burd.


    “Patience” is a word that you have probably heard a lot! But you may wonder, “What on earth is patience, and why does everyone keep telling me to have it?”

    Patience is waiting for something or someone. It is accepting delay without getting angry or upset.

    ※It is waiting for someone else to speak when you have something to say !

    ※It is waiting to eat before everyone is at table !

    ※It is waiting for your birthday even though you may want a present now !

    ※Patience is trying something again when you want to give up.

    Patience doesn't sound like much fun. And to be truthful, sometimes, it's not. And with so much technology in the world, we don't always have to be patient. For example, we are able to stream our favorite TV shows on our cell phones, go to restaurants where food is served hot and fast, among many other things.

    So, why wait when we can have everything right now? Because just about any successful person has patience. Many good and important things take patience. For example, most great inventors and explorers have a lot of patience!

    ※When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, it took him over 1,000 tries!

※It took the Wright Brothers years to invent the airplane!

    ※It takes between 150 and 300 days to travel from Earth to Mars!

    ※If great inventors did not have patience and self-control, you would not be reading this right now. In fact, you might be living in a cave or tent somewhere. You would have no electricity, no car, no school and almost certainly no Internet!


    When Warren Buffett was asked about the secret to his wealth and success, he said that he read every day—500 pages. Unfortunately, if you're already working 9-5, you might not have the time to read at all, let alone an entire book a day. But what if you could get the benefits of reading without sacrificing all of your free time? You can! With the Blinkist app, you get the key learning from the best notification books in minutes, not hours or days. Our experts transform these books into quick, memorable, easy-to-understand insights. Start with the 3 most-read titles on self-improvement and see if you don't feel a little more satisfied already.

    ⒈Thirteen Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do by Amy Morin


    Read it on Blinklst

    You can't escape misfortune in life. But you can change how you respond it. Do you struggle to get over your failures? Or talk a lot about things out of your control? Getting over these obstacles can have a very great influence on your everyday life. Morin shares how her most successful therapy patients overcame these difficulties.

    ⒉How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie


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    How would you feel it someone told you on Sunday evening that, come Monday morning, you would be thrown into a torture chamber(刑讯室)? Would you worry? Probably. But there would be a way to deal with those worries. Ever wondered why you can't stop worrying about something? No matter how hard you try, are you always thinking and talking on the same issue? By defining the source of your stress, you can get over it once and for all. Carnegie came up with a timeless formula that helps you handle any overthinking situation.

    ⒊How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth and Karen Dillon


    Read it on Blinklst

    What do you think would make you happier at work? Perhaps a little more pay might be nice, or maybe some more admiration from fellow colleagues. Are you making the right trade-offs in life? While career achievements can be satisfying, neglecting your family and friends can be harmful in the long-run – in ways you can't even imagine.


    Why we cry with happiness show: Responding with a negative reaction helps us deal with extreme joy. If you cry with happiness at weddings, you are responding to a happy experience with a negative reaction. The researchers believe the unusual reaction may help renew emotional balance in us and keep extreme emotions under control. The findings make it clear how people express and control their emotions, which could help improve their understanding of people's mental(精神的) health.

    Dr Oriana Aragon set out to explore the phrase “tears of joy”, which she said never made sense to her. But after studying a series of incongruous(不和谐的) expressions, she now understands better why people cry when they are happy. “People may be renewing emotional balance with these expressions,” she explained. “They seem to take place when people are struck by strong positive emotions. People, who do this, seem to recover better from those strong emotions.”

    The report show various examples of responding to a positive experience with a negative emotion, such as, a crying wife seeing the husband returning from war again, and teenage girls screaming at a Justin Bieber concert. Examples also include a baseball player who hits a home run, only to be slapped(拍) on the back by teammates, as well as when people cannot help kissing babies' faces who they consider lovely.

    Dr Aragon and her team discovered that people, who expressed negative reactions to positive news, were able to moderate(缓和) strong emotions more quickly. There is also some evidence that strong negative feelings may provoke positive expressions. For example, nervous laughter often happens when people are faced with a hard situation. We've seen people smiling during times of extreme sadness.

    “The findings affect our knowledge of how people express and control their emotions, which is importantly related to mental and physical health, the quality of relationships with others, and even how well people work together,” Dr Aragon said.

